"Hey, is that Saeki? I have a very important thing that I need you to do now. Don't ask me why, just do it. It will benefit you after it is done. Now, listen to me, I want you to do it The thing is..."

After sending the text message, Tongzi wrapped the middle-aged man's body in a sheet, threw it into the treasure house, and washed all the blood on the ground.

After that, she went downstairs and bought a bento for the day at the convenience store. After eating the bento, she took out the game console to play at the middle-aged man's house.

Apart from going downstairs to buy bento every day, I basically stayed at home and played games until the morning five days later...

The doorbell rang at this time, and Tongzi walked over to open the door, and there was a young man standing at the door.

The young man was about twenty-five years old. Although he was young, his face was very gloomy, and there was a scar on his cheek.

Through the information stored in the middle-aged man's computer, Tongzi learned that this young man was the middle-aged man's deputy Saeki.

Many things in the company are carried out by his deputy.

As mentioned before, the middle-aged man's company is not a legal business, but actually a OO.

Their target is the ordinary people, because of this kind of thing, the real rich people look down on them.

And because it's more addictive than the drugs in Fallout 4, that's why they're going after ordinary people who are forced by life to be on the go.

Force ordinary people to buy, squeeze out the money of ordinary people, if they have no money, they can mortgage their houses. There is nothing left, except ordinary people themselves...

Don't ordinary people still have a body?

Even if it is a sub-healthy body because of working overtime and staying up late, it is still a healthy body after all, isn't it?

"who are you?"

When this question flashed in Zuobo's mind, his forehead had already been pierced by a pitch-black long sword.

Kiriko threw Saeki's body in and closed the door.

The content of the text message she sent to Zuobo a few days ago was to ask him to turn the assets of the middle-aged man's company into cash as much as possible.

It is precisely because Saeki has no doubts about what the middle-aged man has done, so the middle-aged man promoted him to his current position, so when he received the text message from Tongzi, although he was very confused, he was still determined Unwaveringly executed.

Tongzi found a car key on Saeki's body. She also threw out the middle-aged man's body and put it on the ground. It was still an eyesore with a dead body lying there, but it didn't matter that she was leaving now.

After she locked the door of the apartment, she went downstairs and went straight to the parking lot. Since it was daytime, there were not many cars in the parking lot, and everyone went to work. Tongzi took the car keys and tried each car. , and finally an SUV rang.

She walked over, opened the back door of the SUV first, and saw many suitcases inside. She opened the top one first, and bundles were full of banknotes.

She closed the suitcase and the back door of the SUV at the same time, went to the front and opened the door to sit in the driver's cab, took out the briefcase she found from Saeki's body, and took it out for a closer look.

The documents and photos in this briefcase are all the middle-aged man's own, as well as evidence of his contacts with Tiantong and Guang, as well as other contacts.

Middle-aged people keep these evidences, of course, not stupid, but for defense.

Only by holding this thing in your hand can you guarantee that it will not be sold casually.

It's just that these are Tongzi's now.

She drove the SUV, left the parking lot, and drove towards the Holy House.

When she arrived at the holy residence, she found that there were guards standing outside the holy residence, but there were not many of them.

They are Minggang, and the role of Minggang is not so much to detect the enemy, but to prevent uninvited guys from entering the holy residence.

Kiriko drove around the Holy House to confirm the location of the monitor.

Because she knew where Shengtianzi's bedroom was before, she sneaked into the place where she could reach Shengtianzi's bedroom in a straight line, and there was no need to make a detour. So after parking the car, she turned in from the dead corner of the guards and monitors, no Directly into the Holy House, but directly from the outside, climbed into the bedroom of the Holy Son of Heaven.

A girl in a pure white dress just opened the door and came in from the outside, and she saw Tongzi coming in through the window at a glance.

At first she instinctively wanted to yell, but after seeing that it was Tongzi, she calmed down a little.

"You... why are you back?"

Sheng Tianzi stared at Tongzi with those big beautiful eyes.

Kiriko took out the briefcase from the treasure house and put it on the table.

"Well, actually, I came here just to give you this."

Sheng Tianzi was surprised immediately: "What is this? Also, where did you take it out?"

Tongzi didn't mean to explain, but just motioned her to open the briefcase.

Sheng Tianzi, who didn't get an explanation, went to open the briefcase and took out the documents and photos from it, with a confused look on his face.


"There is no doubt about the authenticity. These are all top-secret information I got from someone."

"But... where did you get it?"

"You don't have to care about that. In short, even if this is your return gift for helping me before, you probably don't like moths in your place, right?"

In fact, Tongzi admired the Holy Son of Heaven very much.

It is not easy to be a ruler, and it is even more difficult to be a ruler at a young age.

It is even more difficult to become a ruler at a young age, and have not followed the trend, nor become a puppet for powerful officials to control the government. He still worries about the country and the people in his heart.

So after obtaining these materials, Tongzi came to the door directly and handed them to her in person.

She believed that the other party would be able to handle these things well.

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