"Then that's it, I'll go first."

Tongzi waved her hand towards the Son of Heaven, then walked towards the window.

Sheng Tianzi was slightly taken aback by Tongzi's unrestrained actions, she was obviously just a girl about his own age, but why is this girl so handsome inexplicably?

When she realized it, Tongzi had already walked to the window and was about to jump down, she quickly shouted: "Wait...wait..."

"What's the matter, is there anything else?"

Tongzi put one leg on the window... It should be said that the whole person was sitting on the window, and was about to jump off. At this moment, she heard the Holy Son of Heaven calling her, and she turned her head in doubt.

When Tongzi looked over, Sheng Tianzi lowered his head in some confusion and twisted his hands together.

"You... are you willing to do something for me?"

Tongzi gestured with her chin for the materials that the Son of Heaven was still holding.

"Didn't I already help you?"

Sheng Tianzi explained: "No, what I mean is, are you willing to work in Shengju? I can arrange an identity for you so that you can live a good life."

"This," Tongzi thought for a while, "No need, thank you, if you want, just help me eliminate the bounty."

"Well, since you insist," Sheng Tianzi looked a little disappointed, but she quickly cheered up, took a piece of paper, and wrote a line of numbers on it, "This is my personal phone number, if If you have anything to do, you can call this number, this number can be reached at any time."


Tongzi put the paper into the treasure house, and then left the holy residence.


Tiantongmu yawned even more, dragging his tired body, walking on the street.

Although it was still early, the streets were already overcrowded and the roads were full of traffic.

Last night, because he was thinking about the future of himself and Satomi Rentaro, he stayed up all night. Although he was only a teenager, it was still too depressing not to sleep.

You can't sleep on your stomach when you get to school later, because you have the surname Tiantong, so you can't be laughed at by others.

I can only hold on as hard (sensitive word) as possible.

Walking sleepily in the direction of Meihe Women's College, she rubbed her eyes, wondering if she had made a mistake, when she suddenly saw a very cute girl approaching from the opposite side.


Tiantongmu let out a scream, and immediately realized that she had lost her composure, she quickly covered her mouth, looked around embarrassingly, and found that there was no one around, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

But when she turned her head to look forward again, she didn't find the cute girl again. Even if she looked at the surrounding roads, she completely lost the girl's trace.

Hey, where is she?

Thinking of this, Tiantongmu suddenly felt his clothes being pulled lightly, "What do you want from me?"

Chapter 190 Tiantong Private Security Company


Tiantongmu was even more taken aback: "You...you were clearly still there just now, how could you..."

Tongzi looked at Tiantong Kigeng: "What's the matter with you?"

"Wow, people are cute, and even their voices are so cute."

Tendoki seemed to have not heard what Tongzi said, with stars in his eyes.

"Hey, what's your name?"



"No, it's Tong Zi."

"Tongzi sauce? What about the foreigner's name, isn't Tongzi sauce Japanese?"

"Of course, I never fuck myself."


"No, don't care about these details. What's your name, sister?"

"My name is Tendo Kisara. By the way, Kiriko-chan, do you want to visit my sister's company? Don't look at me like this. I'm the president of a private security company."

"But sister, are you wearing a school uniform? Aren't you going to school?"

"That's true," Tiantongmu squeezed his chin and thought for a while, "I didn't sleep well yesterday. If I go to school, I might not be able to resist sleeping on my stomach..."

Speaking of this, Tendoki played with his long black and beautiful long hair: "In order not to damage my image, I'd better skip class."

Tongzi took a closer look at the young lady standing in front of her. She had long straight black hair, which was in perfect contrast with her snow-like white and smooth skin.The only white skin exposed was the face, neck, hands, and the thighs between the hem of the skirt and the stockings.The other parts are uniformly black because of the exquisite sailor uniform of an unknown school.

Except for the red ribbon tied on the chest, the body can be said to be only black and white.The slender eyes with the corners turned up look sharp, her face is already very delicate, her breasts are full, and her complexion is very fair, she is simply the favorite of men.

Whether it's a young boy or a greasy middle-aged man, just looking at Mu Geng's photo, he probably can't help it...

Tongzi is not a person who judges people by their appearance, and will not think that the other party is a good person just because they are beautiful. The ancients once said that femme fatales are not unreasonable.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided to go to Kangkang in her company with this young lady named Tiantong Mugeng, because she had only done harm to the people yesterday, and if the other party thought the same as herself, she would not Mind to remove more easily.

So Tongzi was also taken by Tiantong Mugeng to her company.

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