
Tiantongmu opened the door: "Welcome to Tiantong Civil Security Company."

Tongzi went in behind Tendo Kisara, and after entering the room, she looked around.

The room that you can see should be regarded as the reception room. It is about [-] to [-] square meters in size. Opposite the line of sight should be the president's seat. There is an ebony desk the size of a piano, and A well-kept leather armchair.

Corresponding to the president's seat, there is only a shabby and simple desk, the paint on the desk is very serious, and the magic is that besides the desk, there are only two dilapidated chairs.

Tongzi looked around the entire reception room, but there were no other decorations, and there was no air conditioner in the room, so it must be a cool place in winter and warm in summer.

Noticing that Tongzi was looking around, Tiantong Mugeng blushed slightly: "Ah... ah haha... what, because the company is still in its infancy, it is a little difficult... You see, Sima Heavy Industry didn't do it at first. Was it also from a small workshop that it became a first-class weapon company?"

Sima Heavy Industry...

When she was surfing the Internet at a middle-aged man's home, Tongzi learned some information about this world by the way. She knew that Sima Heavy Industry is the leading weapons company in Japan, and even in the world, and its headquarters is in the Tokyo area.

Just as fruit fans are crazy about apples, so is Sima Heavy Industry's status in the eyes of the police.

Speaking of which, Tendo Kigeng seems to have mentioned before that she runs a private security company.

Civilian police and private weapons companies are all products of the war against Gastrea. Nine years ago, creatures called Gastrea appeared all over the world. No one knows how this creature was born, anyway. That, all of a sudden, it's popping up all over the world.

Faced with this brand new and unknown creature, human beings immediately fell into a passive situation.

In 2021, the gastrulation war ended, and human beings shrank into the land blocked by the giant stone monument. Because of this, Japan was divided into five countries, and Kiriko is now located in one of the countries on the Japanese archipelago—— Tokyo area.

For various reasons, some powers had to be delegated to the civilian population, so civilian police and private weapon companies emerged as the times require.

Private individuals can hold arms, and chaebols can also establish arms companies.

And this was unimaginable in pre-war Japan.

Although Tiantongmu founded a private security company, there seems to be a problem with the location of this company.

First of all, in terms of location, the Tokyo area divides its territory into more than forty areas. The smaller the number of areas, the closer to the center. For example, the Holy Residence where the Son of Heaven is located is the first area.

And the larger the area number, the closer it is to the periphery. For example, District [-], this is the periphery area.

In order to facilitate the distinction, the places within the peripheral area are also referred to as urban areas for short.

The living conditions in the outlying area are said to be very bad. Although the outlying area is also within the protection range of the megalithic monument, the government of the Tokyo area seems to have forgotten it. I heard that it is still maintained there. Due to the tragic situation during the war, the Tokyo regional government has no intention of rebuilding there.

The private security company chosen by Tiantong Mugeng is located in the urban area, but it is not a wise choice. Just take this building as an example. The first floor is a gay bar, and the second floor is a nightclub. The fourth floor is for loan sharks, and Tiantong Civil Security Company is sandwiched between the nightclub on the second floor and the loan sharks on the fourth floor.

Although Tongzi is not very clear about the location of the company, no matter what kind of serious company it is, it is impossible to choose such a place, right?Unless it is a company called a police company that actually provides that service.

That's what I thought in my heart, but Tongzi didn't say anything, she and Tiantong Mugeng stared at each other for a day, but as expected, there was not even a client who came to the door.

Tendoki Geng seemed a bit embarrassed, the two of them didn't eat anything at noon, Tongzi didn't care, anyway, she didn't need to eat, Tendoki Geng's stomach was growling, louder than the author of the hedgehog cat .

She smiled awkwardly: "Tong Jiang, let me take you to dinner."

Tongzi originally thought that Miss Tiantong would take her to a restaurant or restaurant, but what she didn't expect was...

Half an hour later, I and Tendoki appeared in a shabby apartment the size of only four tatami mats.

Compared with the company's reception room, this place looks even more shabby.

Through the information found on the Internet before, Tongzi knew that because human beings were shrunk inside the giant stone monument, the available land area was greatly reduced, and in order to accommodate a large population, high-rise buildings had to be built.

Therefore, after promulgating the law that vertical expansion of buildings can obtain preferential treatment in fixed asset tax, a large number of super high-rise buildings in the Tokyo area have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

But even so, the housing problem in the Tokyo area is more serious than before the war. In fact, many citizens can't afford houses and can only rent houses, and the small dwellings also consume a lot of salary.

Don't look at this four tatami-sized room is not big, but the rent is probably not cheap.

"Miss Mu Geng, is this your home?"

While taking off her shoes and entering the room, Kiriko asked Kisara who was walking behind her and closing the door.

"No, this is the home of my members."


Tongzi wondered if she heard it wrong just now, the president went to the member's house for dinner?

Oh my god, it's not that I don't understand, it's that the world is changing too fast.

This president has failed too much.

Just thinking about this, the door was opened again. This time, a boy wearing a black student uniform similar to a suit appeared at the door. This boy was thin and slender, with a schoolbag under his arm. He pushed the door open with one hand. , with the other hand loosening the tie tied on the collar of the suit.

When he opened the door and came in, the boy's eyes met Tong Zi's who had just sat down in the room.

The boy was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said "Sorry", before closing the door and exiting, then he saw Tiantong Kigeng sitting next to him, and was stunned again.

"President, why are you here?"

"Please don't call me the president during non-working hours," Tendoki waved his hand, "Satomi-san, you are so slow, have you bought the food yet?"

"I bought it..." Satomi Rentaro, who was called "Satomi classmate", nodded subconsciously, and then realized, "No, this is my home."

Tiantongmu took it for granted: "Of course this is your home, otherwise how could I get in."

Satomi Rentaro sighed, as if he didn't intend to get more entangled with Tendoki, then he looked at Kiriko and asked, "Miss Kigeng, who is she?"

"She, she is Tong Jiang, she came with me, and I met my classmate, don't you mind having an extra set of bowls and chopsticks?"

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