"So, who is she? No matter how you look at it, she's just an ordinary girl, right?"

"Yeah, I saw it on the road. Because it's so cute, I invited it to our company."

The corner of Satomi Rentaro's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Tendo Kisara who didn't care, he said, "Miss Kisara, did you just say something serious just unintentionally? Should I call the police? But I'm also worried that after calling the police , my job and the rest of my life are finished together."

Tian Tongmu said with a look of sudden realization: "What nonsense are you talking about, I just brought a cute girl to the company, oh, by the way, Tong sauce, do you want to call back and give Your parents report that they are safe?"

"Don't use my phone. I plan to take the police qualification certificate test. I don't want to leave a record. Although there are many criminals who become police officers, I don't want to be that kind of person." Tiantong Mugeng has not yet said Finished, Sato said in a hurry when he saw Rentaro.

So Tiantongmu gave him a blank look.

"No, I'm not from this country, and I have no relatives here."

"Is that right?"

I don't know what Kiriko's words reminded Tendoki of. In short, her face showed a woman's unique maternal love expression, and Satomi Rentaro also fell silent and stopped talking.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two, Tongzi felt a subtle feeling in her heart.

In fact, in terms of actual age, she looks bigger than Tendoki, but in appearance she is actually more similar to Tendoki... It would be better to say that in appearance, Tendoki looks more like a sister.

Satomi Rentaro entered the room silently, put down his schoolbag, and brought the vegetables he bought into the kitchen. After a while, there was the sound of cooking in the kitchen.

After a while, Satomi Rentaro came out with the prepared food.

There are three dishes in total, which are - fried bean sprouts, pickled bean sprouts, and bean sprouts miso soup.

WTF? ? ?

Tongzi looked at the three steaming bean sprouts set meals with a confused face.

"I want to eat meat."

Tiantongmu even uttered Tongzi's heartfelt voice.

"Miss Mu Geng, wake up, where do we get the money to buy meat, in a few days, we will almost not be able to eat bean sprouts, okay?"

Satomi Rentaro picked up some bean sprouts with chopsticks expressionlessly, put them in a bowl, put them into his mouth together with the rice, closed his eyes and chewed, "Actually, the taste is okay, as far as bean sprouts are concerned. words."

Tendoki slumped on the tatami, and then, as if accepting his fate, he sat up like a marionette and picked up the bowl and chopsticks.

Then she noticed that Tongzi didn't even move from the corner of her eyes, and she couldn't help but worry a little: "Then...that, Tongjiang?"

"Miss Mu Geng, lend me your mobile phone."

Tongzi stretched out his hand to Tian Tongmu.

"I don't have a mobile phone, see you, classmate, do you have one?"

Tendoki turned his gaze to Satomi Rentaro.

"Really, who is the president?"

Satomi Rentaro took out a mobile phone for the elderly that looked very cheap at first glance. There was no chain screen password, and there was probably nothing important in it. He asked curiously, "Who are you calling?" ?"


Tongzi vaguely agreed, and took the phone.

Although there are no Meituan and Are You Hungry, there are still some stores that support delivery. Tongzi randomly found a store that does not sell vegetarian food, clicked on it, and dialed the phone.

"Hey, hello, please bring me three pork chop rice, the address is..."

Tongzi turned to look at Tendo Kisara.

"Where are we here?"

Tiantongmu was even more stunned, and subconsciously reported an address.

Chapter 191 Cursed Son?


Satomi Rentaro came to his senses and shouted, "Hi!"

Tongzi reported the address Tiantong Mugeng just mentioned: "I'll give you the cash when I get here, please hurry up, I'm very hungry."

"Hello!" Satomi Rentaro got up and went to grab the phone, but Kiriko had already hung up the phone and returned the phone to him.

Kiriko glanced at Rentaro, and said, "It's just a phone call. As a man, can you stop being so stingy, and it won't cost you much."

"You... do you know our financial situation, how can we afford pork chop rice?" Satomi Rentaro turned his eyes to Tendo Kisara for help, "Miss Kisara, tell me about her too .”

"Pork chop rice? Okay, there will be pork chop rice later."

Tiantongmu cheered even more, not only did not have any fluctuations, but wanted to stand up and shout long live.

Satomi Rentaro slapped his face with a slap: "It will be a disaster if you can't pay the bill later."

He took out his mobile phone and planned to call to cancel the order, but the call didn't go through because his mobile phone balance was used up.

Even if you wait until you arrive at the door and say "please return" to the delivery man who finally arrived here...

That would definitely be scolded badly.

Satomi Rentaro's face turned pale: "Miss Kigeng, let's run away before the delivery man arrives."

"That's pork chop rice. Satomi, I haven't eaten meat since I left Tiantong's house. Do you know how I've spent the past two months? You want me to eat delicious pork chops?" Meal passing by?"

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