"But we don't have any money, so we can't pay back at that time, right?"

"This idea is also very good. Satomi, do you know that in some western countries, same-sex marriage is legal, so you can't discriminate against others because of this."

Before the quarrel between the two was over, there was already a knock on the door, and Tongzi glanced at the pair of live treasures, and went straight to open the door.

"don't want……"

Before Satomi Rentaro could rush over to stop him, Kiriko, who was sitting closest to the door, had already opened the door.

"Hello, your takeaway."

The little brother in the clerk's uniform was stunned for a moment when he saw that the only one who opened the door was a cute loli, and then he showed a professional smile.

"how much is it?"

Tongzi took out a few banknotes and handed them over, "I'll trouble you to bring them here at such a late hour. Thank you for your hard work. You don't need to look for the rest."

She got the money from the middle-aged man. Although she didn't convert all the property of the middle-aged man into cash because of the relatively short time, she got a lot of it.

"Thank you and have a nice meal."

The takeaway boy glanced at the Japanese yen in his hand. These were much more than the usual tips, so he bowed deeply and thanked him sincerely.

After closing the door, Kiriko put the takeaway box containing pork chop rice on the table, and pushed two of them to the confused-looking Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara: "Eat it while it's hot, and eat it when it's cold." Not tasty."

Satomi Rentaro and Tendoki couldn't help but look at each other.

"Miss Mu Geng, where did you invite the God of Wealth?"

"I...I don't know..."

I don't know if it was Tongzi's illusion, but the moment the pork chop rice was opened, the shabby smell of the room seemed to be washed away by the smell of golden pork chop rice.


While eating pork cutlet rice, Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara huddled furtively by the side, speaking in a voice they thought Kiriko couldn't hear.

"I said, President, where did you pick up this rich woman?"

"Please don't call me the president during non-working hours. Also, I met you outside."

"Don't you know that she has a car and a house, and her parents are dead, so you brought her back on purpose?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense, but... emmmmm, what you said makes sense. If we can win her over, then our company can hope to survive, and it is far away from the No. [-] police company in the Tokyo area." , one step closer.”

These two guys were sneaky, talking and peeking at Tongzi, while Tongzi was happily eating pork chop rice, as if she didn't know what the two of them were planning, but in fact, the outstanding Listening, I have heard all the words of these two guys.

But Tongzi didn't care too much, the money she got from the middle-aged man was more than enough to buy this ruined company, but she didn't have the idea yet...

Anyway, let's take a look first.

She has no ambitions, she is the type who doesn't want to play after playing Total War Three Kingdoms.

After eating pork chops, Satomi Rentaro was washing the dishes, and Kiriko turned on the TV. Unfortunately, because she didn't pay the fee, she couldn't watch a single channel on the TV.

Originally, I planned to go back to her home with Tendo Mugen, but after asking, I found out that Tendo Mugeng didn't even have a home. He usually lived in the Tendo Civil Security Company. When Tongzi went, he was next to the reception room. There is a small room, which is Mugeng's dwelling.

Surprised, the president is really unique for the sake of Tiantong Mugeng.

So the two slept at Satomi Rentaro's house, because no matter how narrow it was, it was more or less a home, which was much better than living in a company.

Kiriko and Tendoki slept in the only bedroom, while Satomi Rentaro slept outside.

There was nothing to say all night, and when Kiriko woke up, she found that it was already dawn, and Tendoki was not there, only Satomi Rentaro was cleaning.

After the other party saw Tongzi, he took the initiative to answer: "The president is going for hemodialysis."

"Hemodialysis, what is that?"

Satomi Rentaro had a thoughtful expression on his face, he seemed to be hesitating whether he should tell Kiriko, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was not a secret, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Because the president's body uses an artificial kidney called a dialyzer to replace the dysfunctional kidney, he must go to the hospital for hemodialysis to filter out the toxins accumulated in the blood. It must be done two to three times a week."

"That's it... By the way, your name is Satomi, right? I want to ask you a question."

Satomi Rentaro raised his eyebrows: "Sir, I don't know you very well, so I must use an honorific title."

Tongzi was kind and generous: "Okay, Uncle Satomi, I have a question I want to ask."

Hearing being called uncle, Satomi Rentaro's face changed slightly.

"What's the problem, brat?"

"Ms. Mu Geng's surname is Tiantong, right?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Isn't Tendo in this Tokyo area, seems to be a very powerful family?"

Tongzi actually wanted to ask this question yesterday.

According to the information she found on the Internet before, the Tiantong family and the Sima family are well-known families in the Tokyo area. The difference is that the Tiantong family mainly develops in the political circle, and in the political circle, it belongs to the kind that can cause earthquakes if you stomp your feet .

The current patriarch of the Tendo family, Tendo Kikunojo, is the head of state in the Tokyo area and an assistant to the emperor, and the other children of the Tendo family also serve as important officials in the government.

It stands to reason that if Mu Gengzhen's surname was Tiantong, and he was from that Tiantong's family, it would be impossible for him to fall to this point.

"How did you know?"

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