Satomi Rentaro looked at Kiriko in surprise.

This is obviously a foreigner, how can he know so much about things in the Tokyo area?

"Just look it up online and you'll know. It's not a secret. Isn't Tiantong Kikuzhicheng the assistant officer of the Holy Emperor? Then the Tiantong family must be very powerful, right?"

"Yes, but...the reasons for this are a bit complicated."

Satomi Rentaro hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth.

It turned out that both Satomi Rentaro and Tendoki had just run away from Tendo's house in the last two months. Satomi Rentaro was once the adopted son of Tendo Kikunojo, and Tendoki was the granddaughter of Tendo Kikunojo.

Because when the two were young, they were attacked by a gastritis that suddenly appeared, causing Tendo Kisara's parents to be killed, and Tendo Kisara himself lost his kidney. It was a conspiracy of the Tiantong clan, so he ran away from home.

In fact, Satomi Rentaro could have stayed out of the matter and stayed at Tendo's house, but he also chose to leave Tendo's house with Kigeng.

Although the two of them didn't really live the kind of life where they opened their mouths and stretched out their hands when they were in Tiantong's house, they still had enough food and clothing after all.

After leaving Tiantong's house, he was penniless, let alone doing other things, even eating became a problem.

Regarding this experience, Satomi Rentaro kept silent.

Then it was said that he and Tiantong Mugeng founded the Tiantong Police Company under the guarantee of Ziyuan Xianyi (Note ①).

The president is Kisara, and the member is Satomi Rentaro.

It's just that the situation of this company is just like what Tongzi saw, saying that it is not optimistic is the most optimistic view.

Although Tendo Mugeng was able to earn some money with the help of stocks and foreign exchange, but because of Mugeng's health, he had to go to the hospital for hemodialysis every once in a while...

Everyone in the hospital knows that it is impossible to save money as long as you go to the hospital.

And the rest is used to maintain the tuition of Meihe Women's Academy...

Hearing this, Tongzi interrupted: "Wait, Meihe Women's Academy?"

"It's a noble school in the Tokyo area. Even the emperor is a student of that school."

"Leave this aside, why do you want to go to a noble school? Can that noble school teach you to live better in this society?"

Tongzi is not an advocate of "reading is useless". In fact, she thinks reading is very useful, and no matter what time it is, she should insist on reading.

However, going to school and studying are two different things. It doesn't mean that only when you go to school is reading, and it doesn't mean that you stop reading after you leave school.

And public schools and private schools are two different things.

No matter at home or abroad, the tuition fees of private schools are much higher than that of public schools, which is why private schools are also called noble schools.

It is undeniable that the teaching quality and environment of private schools are better than those of public schools, but everything depends on the actual situation. No matter how good a private school is, it also depends on whether there are conditions for going to a private school.

In the case of Tiantong Mugeng, the maintenance cost of the company was not a small expense, and she had to go to the hospital for dialysis every once in a while, which was another expense.

Under this premise, if you still insist on going to a private school, it seems that there is not much need.

In the next few days, Kiriko continued to live with Tendo Kisara and Satomi Rentaro.

In addition to going to the hospital for hemodialysis on a regular basis, and going to school, Satomi Rentaro also had to go to school. When they were away, Kiriko stayed in Satomi Rentaro's apartment and played games online.

She still doesn't quite understand what she should do for the time being. Although this world is the end of the world, it doesn't seem to have much to do with her. In the area of ​​Tokyo within the monument, she can't even feel the atmosphere of the end of the world. Everything is related to the end of the world. Normal life is no different.

Tongzi, who kept thinking like this, swiped her phone boredly, at this moment, she heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, is school over so soon today?"

Thinking of this, Kiriko glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and found that it was only eleven o'clock, and Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara and the others had to finish school at three o'clock in the afternoon, and they both had keys, so it was impossible to knock on the door of.

So who is it?

Thinking like this, Kiriko walked to the door and opened it.

Standing at the door was a man wearing a pair of glasses, a flat ironed suit, a well-tied tie, and well-polished leather shoes. He was a little taken aback when he saw a little girl who opened the door.

Then he looked at the door plate hanging next to the door, and there was actually the word "Satomi" written on it, so he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Excuse me, is this Satomi's house?"

Tongzi nodded: "Yes, who are you looking for?"

"With the liberty to ask, who are you?"

"I... can be regarded as that guy's tenant."

"That's it," the man muttered in a low voice, "God is really unfair, why don't any cute girls come to find me as a tenant?"

The man's muttering was very low, and after he finished muttering, he realized that Tongzi was still looking at him, so he pushed his glasses.

"I'm sorry, could you please call Satomi-san over?"

"He went to school."

"Oh, that's right, he's still a student. I almost forgot, well, since you are Mr. Satomi's tenant, can I trouble you to sign for this thing?"


Tongzi blinked, and then saw the man roughly pulling a little girl over from the side.

This little girl was several years younger than Tongzi, she had short, messy chestnut hair like a bird's nest, and she was wearing a shabby coat that was much bigger than her and didn't fit at all. Most of the overcoats were thrown away by others, and they also gave off a stench of not washing for a long time and mixed with vomit.

But these are not the point, the point is, Tongzi noticed that the little girl's eyes are red.

Eyes as bright red as rubies.

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