Tongzi had no choice but to hold the doorknob, and with a little force, pulled the door and the lock down together.

After she entered the room, she was a little surprised to find that the little girl was not in the living room.

She opened the door of the bathroom. The shower in the bathroom had been turned off a long time ago, but there was still moisture in the bathroom, and it seemed that it hadn't been there for too long.

Did he take the opportunity to run out?

Tongzi put the bag on the ground and was about to go out to look for it. Then, as if she remembered something, she walked through the living room and opened the door of the bedroom.


The little girl hiding in the bedroom hurriedly retreated to the corner of the bedroom.

She was still wearing her stinky clothes, instead of Satomi Rentaro's school uniform that Kiriko dug out for her specially.

Moreover, the little girl's hair was also wet, and she didn't even wipe it off. I'm afraid her body wasn't wiped with water either, so she just put the dress on her body.

"My child, doesn't this mean taking a bath for nothing? Hurry... come out..."

Tongzi stood at the door of the bedroom a little angrily, and waved towards the other party.

However, after hearing Tongzi's words, the little girl lay in the corner of the wall with her arms around her knees, trembling.

Kiriko sighed, then walked towards the little girl.

Seeing Tongzi walking towards her, the little girl trembled even more, and then closed her eyes in fright.

Kiriko squatted down in front of the little girl, and she took out the hair dryer that she bought along the way when she was shopping for clothes. I have to say that Satomi Rentaro and Tendoki are really poor enough, and they don’t have any necessities, not even a hair dryer. No.

She connected the hair dryer to the power source, adjusted the gear, held the hair dryer in one hand to blow the little girl's hair, and helped the little girl comb her hair with the other hand, so that the hair dryer could dry her hair better.

Feeling the warm wind from her head, the little girl slowly opened her eyes, and saw Tongzi combing her hair seriously. She didn't know how to react for a moment, but just let Tongzi blow her hair for herself in a daze. .

After drying the little girl's hair, Tongzi brought over the clothes she bought from the supermarket. Because she didn't know the size of the little girl, she bought it according to her memory, which was slightly larger than the little girl's size. After all, if she was a little bigger If it is small, it can still be worn, but if it is small, it cannot be worn at all.

Tongzi helped the little girl take off the dirty clothes on her body, and then changed her into new clothes. During the whole process, the little girl was like a puppet, letting Tongzi manipulate her.

After dressing the little girl in new clothes, Tongzi took out the goggles she bought with the clothes and put them on carefully for her, so that others would not be able to see that she was the cursed child.

The little girl's stomach groaned, Tongzi smiled, and planned to hold the little girl's hand, but the other party avoided her. Tongzi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately expressed her understanding, so she didn't force her: "Follow me Come on, I'll take you to buy something to eat."

After finishing speaking, he walked out first. The little girl waited for a while, and then slowly followed.

Kiriko took the little girl to a block not far from the apartment rented by Satomi Rentaro, and entered a fast food restaurant in this block.

"Hello, welcome."

The waiter behind the counter immediately had a professional smile on his face after seeing Tongzi and the little girl.

Tongzi asked the little girl to choose a seat, and she went to the counter to order: "I want two servings of this burger, and two servings of French fries, and two glasses of cocoa... let's have these first."

"Okay, would you like to pay by card or cash?"

"Give me the cash."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Tongzi also returned to her seat, perhaps she had never been to such a clean place before, the little girl looked around curiously.

Seeing that the goggles on the little girl's face were crooked, Tongzi reached out to help her put the goggles back on.

When Tongzi stretched out her hand, she was startled at first, and then realized that Tongzi was helping her put on the goggles, so she didn't dodge, and said "thank you".

Since it was not meal time at this time, there were not many people who came to eat, and soon, the waiter brought all the food they ordered.

When the steaming food was served, the little girl never took her eyes off the table. Her eyes were fixed on the rubbish that modern people can eat as little as possible. food.

But even though she looked hungry, she didn't move.

"Eat it, I bought it for you."

Tongzi pushed the plate with food towards the little girl.

She looked away from the food with great difficulty, looked at Tongzi, then shook her head, almost squeezed out a few words between her teeth: "I...I... am not hungry..."

"Your stomach is growling, and you still say you're not hungry, it's okay, eat, although I seldom eat these things now, but I ate them cutely when I was young, but the conditions at home were very poor at that time, basically It's hard to eat."

Tongzi picked up a French fries, dipped some ketchup, put it in her mouth and chewed, "Look, I ate it too."

Maybe Tongzi started to eat, or maybe the little girl couldn't resist the hunger in her stomach, but the temptation of delicious food was in front of her. She looked at Tongzi, then slowly stretched out her hand, holding a hamburger .

The little girl took a bite, and then a surprised expression appeared on her face. Maybe she had never eaten such a delicious thing, so she ate it in big mouthfuls regardless of the heat.

The hamburger in her hand was quickly finished, and then she grabbed the French fries. It was the first time Tongzi saw others eating French fries like this. She grabbed a handful and stuffed it directly into her mouth, and then put the ketchup... Unopened bag, torn open, and squeezed into mouth.

It is said that there is a custom of chewing wine in a certain place in Japan. This can probably be called chewing French fries?

The little girl was like a storm, and quickly ate up her portion of food, but there was still an expression on her face, as if she hadn't eaten enough yet, Tongzi was stunned to see it up.

The little girl also stared blankly at Tongzi, and finally Tongzi looked away, she raised her hand: "Excuse me, please have some more chicken rolls, and a bottle of Dake."

Hearing Tongzi order some more food, the little girl showed a bit of joy on her face, although she tried her best to suppress it, she still couldn't hide it.

After eating the food that was ordered this time, the little girl touched her stomach with a happy smile on her face.

"Do you want more? Are you full?"

The little girl shook her head.

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