"Then let's go back."

So Tongzi took the little girl who was full of food and drink, and was happily touching her stomach, and walked towards the way home.

This time, she took the little girl's hand, and the little girl didn't refuse.

What Tongzi could feel was that the little girl was being held by her hand, and she was clenching herself very hard.


When Tongzi and the little girl returned to the apartment, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, but the two of them didn't feel hungry because they had eaten at the fast food restaurant.

Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kigen didn't leave school either, they wouldn't be back until after three o'clock.

Tongzi turned on the TV and let the little girl watch TV by herself, while she took the suitcase that the IISO staff gave her and took it into the bedroom.

She opened the suitcase to find thirty vials that looked like test tubes, a syringe, and a booklet.

She first picked up the booklet, which was not too thick, just a few pages. She opened it and read it. It mainly talked about how to use the syringe and explained the function of the inhibitor.

To put it simply, because the Cursed Sons have gastroenteritis virus in their bodies, the erosion rate in their bodies will rise slowly, and after they become initiators and need to fight, the erosion rate will rise faster , so it is necessary to inject inhibitors every day to suppress the erosion rate in the Cursed Son's body.

There are a total of thirty inhibitors in the suitcase, which adds up to exactly one month's supply.

However, the brochure also said that even if it is an inhibitor, it only acts as an inhibitor (this is why it is called an "inhibitor" rather than an "antidote" or "antiviral serum"). If you are injected with a virus by a Gastrea during a battle, or you overuse your own power, the erosion rate may increase significantly.

Therefore, the brochure also very thoughtfully suggested that after each battle, the promoter should try to take the initiator to the hospital for examination. When the doctor finds that the erosion rate of the initiator reaches more than 40%, he will advise the promoter Don't let this starter fight again, or serious consequences will happen.

Because it is distributed to new policemen, so the content of the pamphlet is more.

After reading the pamphlet, Tongzi took a few inhibitors out of the suitcase.

See you in Chapter 193, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person


This thing is distributed anyway, and only a symbolic fee will be charged. Compared with the equipment used by the police, the cost of receiving the inhibitor is nothing at all.

She shot the inhibitor on herself, and let the grandson of the sage analyze it.

The results of the analysis will come out soon.

As long as the materials can be collected, Tongzi can also mass-produce this inhibitor.

But she didn't ask the grandson of the sage to analyze it because she wanted to produce the inhibitor herself.

"Grandson of the sage, is there a way to improve the effect of the inhibitor?"

"Explanation: The current data is not enough to improve, more experimental products are needed, and it is best to have biological materials that carry this type of virus for research."

Carrying such viral biological material?Doesn't that mean gastroenteria?

However, there are no Gastrea in the Tokyo area. If you want to do it, you have to leave the Tokyo area.

Tongzi kept this matter in her mind for the time being.

She put these things away, but there was a card that fell out of the booklet.

Tongzi picked it up curiously, and found that this was actually the little girl's information.

It said that the little girl's name was Honglu Huotang, and she was the initiator with the planarian factor, which had a stronger regenerative ability than ordinary cursed children.

Is it red and red?

Tongzi doesn't know much about Japanese names, so I don't know if it's a cute name. If she uses her surname alone, the surname Honglu reminds her of the red morning dew, which is quite poetic. .

As she thought this way, she put everything away and covered it.

But at this moment, the little girl ran into the bedroom in a panic. After seeing Tongzi, the expression on her face relaxed a little, and she immediately shrank behind Tongzi.

"What's the matter, Huodi?"

As soon as Tongzi asked, she saw a boy with a bitter face appearing at the door of the bedroom.

"Hey, is that little girl an acquaintance of Tong-chan?"

It turned out that it was Satomi Rentaro who came back from school, and it was a stranger, that's why he looked very scared.

The only person she can count as trusting now is Tongzi.

The word here is "qualified", not true trust.

Kiriko told Satomi Rentaro about what happened in the morning, as well as her identity as red and red.

"What, so it's my initiator," Satomi Rentaro didn't know what he thought of before, but he was relieved at first, and then remembered something, "Wait, since she is my initiator, Why is she so afraid of me?"


Tongzi supported her left elbow with her right hand, and patted her cheek lightly with the five fingers of her left hand like a fist, as if thinking about it, then jokingly said: "Maybe you have a Crowley's face."

"Nonsense, then why is she so clingy to you?" Satomi Rentaro was naturally displeased at being called Crowley.

"Maybe she knows I'm a lolicon."

Satomi Rentaro grabbed his hair: "How can there be such a lolicon who blatantly says that she is a lolicon? Let's put these aside for now. She is so attached to you, so what should I do? I am the policeman , obviously I was the first to obtain the police qualification certificate."

"Ah, I thought of a nice idea," Tongzi gestured a light bulb on her head, "Do you want to apply for another one? Just say that the previous one was lost, and report it as lost now?"

"You thought it was a bank card, you can still report the loss?"

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