In any case, Hongluhuodhui stayed here.

However, An Ning also left the originally peaceful Satomie.

"Stop, don't run, stop for me..."

Tongzi was rinsing her mouth in the kitchen when suddenly a figure rushed out from behind and slammed into her back hard. Tongzi, who was impacted by the impact, directly put it in her mouth, and sprayed the water mixed with toothpaste all over the face of the stove.

And Satomi Rentaro had messy hair, and his school uniform, which was similar to a suit, was also messy. He was holding a syringe in his hand, panting and staring angrily at the red dew who was holding Tongzi.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Hearing this, Honglu Huochui hid behind Tongzi, trying to shrink her body.

Tongzi wiped her mouth and rolled her eyes at the sky: "I said see you, did you realize that what you said just now looks like a villain?"

"Call me senior or brother, I'm older than you, you have to use honorifics."

In fact, Kiriko is older than Satomi Rentaro in terms of age, but Kiriko has never told her real age in front of Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara, so the two always thought that Kiriko was younger than them.

Tongzi didn't bother to say anything, but just said perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, you are awesome, I know Uncle Satomi, what's wrong this time?"

Tongzi perfunctorily said impatiently, but the last sentence was a question to Huo who was hugging her back.

Huodiao Loli pressed her face tightly to Tongzi's back, more than that, her whole body was almost stuck to Tongzi's body, which made Tongzi suddenly feel a...

How should I put it, although Tongzi is not a lolicon herself, what is it about the feeling of being stuck by a lolita and then feeling so good in her heart?

"He..." Hong Luhuoyue stretched out his hand tremblingly, pointing at the distraught Satomi Rentaro, "That man wants to prick me with such a big needle."


Kiriko looked at the syringe in Satomi Rentaro's hand, and actually understood what was going on. The initiators had to inject inhibitors every day to prevent the erosion rate in their bodies from rising. This is a normal operation, but it's just red. Suzuki still doesn't believe in Rentaro Satomi, so it's normal to be afraid.

In fact, don’t say that Honglu Huodiao doesn’t believe in Rentaro, even if he does, children are afraid of needles. Tongzi remembered that when she was in elementary school, the school had to get injections, and a classmate was so afraid that she would get under the desk.

Although she already knew what was going on, Kiriko felt that Satomi Rentaro was unexpectedly interesting, so she deliberately elongated her voice and said, "So that's what happened, Satomi, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person." people."

"What? What do you mean?"

Satomi Rentaro was a little confused.

"You are actually dissatisfied with the desire of a little girl under ten years old, and you still try to do that kind of thing."

"You... what nonsense are you talking about... I just want to give her an injection..."

"The so-called injection is to insert your own needle into the little girl's body, I understand, I understand."

Kiriko looked down at Satomi Rentaro with an expression of "Do you think our people's police would listen to your nonsense?"

Satomi Rentaro growled: "You bastard, what are you kidding?"

Tongzi gave him a blank look: "Are you angry because you were hit?"

"You little brat is not cute at all."

"But I still find it interesting to meet you, Satomi, as always."

After the two stared at each other for a while, Tongzi finally looked away.

"Okay, okay, don't always look like that when I see you, just smile for ten years, there's nothing wrong with being a little happier."

"When you get to my age, you won't be able to laugh."

"Really? Then you have something unhappy, tell us to make us happy."


"Okay, I'm not kidding this time, give me the syringe, I'll do it."

"No, I am the facilitator, she is my initiator, I should do it myself."

After Satomi Rentaro said this, Honglu Huochu trembled even more with fear.

"Take your bitter face away, I feel like I'm going to be unlucky when I look at your face."

Kiriko didn't turn her head back, but felt her clothes were tightly grasped, knowing that the kid Hikakaru was very scared, so she deliberately acted very angry, and waved her hand at Satomi Rentaro as if to repel flies.

Satomi Rentaro raised the syringe angrily, but he didn't drop it after all, just put it on the ground, and then slammed the door and left.

After he went out, he could still hear him yelling unwillingly outside the door: "It's obviously my initiator, it's obviously my first..."

Tongzi ignored the white scientist outside the door and picked up the syringe. There is no way to research the antidote for the time being, so it is essential to inject erosion inhibitors once a day.

"Huo Dian, don't be afraid, this is good for you, trust me, when have I ever lied to you? Be good, don't move..."

Hong Lu Huo Chui instinctively wanted to escape, but perhaps after being in contact with Tong Zi, she had developed some trust in Tong Zi, so even though Hong Lu Huo Chui was terrified, she still did not escape after all.

Tongzi looked at Hongluhuochui and closed her eyes tightly in fear, remembering that when she was a child, she got injections, and the nurse sister who was as gentle as an angel told herself stories and diverted her attention...

She thought for a while: "Huodang, do you know Shenzhou?"


Huo Chui opened his eyes and looked at Tongzi suspiciously.

Tongzi nodded: "That is a very great land. Many great people appeared in that land, and many magnificent stories happened. What I want to tell you today is one of them."

She gently inserted the syringe into the arm of the fire wattle, which was as thin as a match, and could be broken with a light fold, and continued.

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