"The world is in chaos. The Han Dynasty has long been swallowed by corruption. The Yellow Turbans raised their flags across states and counties. The generals loyal to the Han Emperor responded immediately and sent troops to suppress the Yellow Turbans."

The red dew is like a child of this age, arousing curiosity.

"and then?"

Tongzi injected the inhibitor in the syringe into her red-faced arm.

"Although we won a complete victory, the chaos remains the same. The disaster of the world lies in his heart. Loyal ministers and good generals rushed into the palace, beheaded the ten permanent servants, and cleared the source of the world's disaster. In the chaos, Dong Zhuo controlled the emperor, and the fierce general Lu Bu was always in the palace. Around him, no one in the world dares to be an enemy to him."

"Sister, I've heard people say that the most powerful people in ancient Japan were Honda Tadakatsu and Sanada Yukimura. How do those two compare with the fierce general Lu Bu you mentioned?"

"You say them...Sanada Yukimura was so frightened that Tokugawa Ieyasu shit on his horseback at the Osaka Summer Battle, and Honda Tadakatsu is said to have participated in fifty-seven times in his life and was never injured. It's just that ..."

Tongzi smiled.

"Sanada Yukimura actually still has a lot of exaggeration. Before he came to Osaka, he didn't really command a battle. At that time and later generations, the first battle of Ueda Castle and the second battle of Ueda Castle were handed down. , was actually commanded by his father Masayuki Sanada, and if we talk about his performance in the Osaka Summer Battle, Mori Katsunaga is actually more qualified to be called the number one soldier in Japan; as for Honda Tadakatsu, you have to know that Honda Sheng is called the Zhang Fei of Japan, Zhang Fei can't beat Lu Bu one-on-one, so Lu Bu is the best."

"Oh, then Lu Bu is such a powerful general, he must be the same as Honda Zhongsheng in the end. He has never been injured in a lifetime of battle, and he died well in the end, right?"

"Ahem, this is not the point I want to talk about. What I want to tell you today is the story of the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang..."

When Satomi Rentaro came back, he saw Honglu Huodiao had fallen asleep.

She was lying in Tongzi's arms, and Tongzi was like an older sister, hugging the red dew, not daring to move, for fear of waking her up.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Kiriko smiled at Rentaro, and then gestured for silence.

Satomi Rentaro nodded, took off his shoes and put them in the entrance, then walked over lightly, and said in a low voice, "Do you want me to help you carry her to the bed?"

"No, that's fine." Tongzi shook her head, "Although I don't know the cursed child, this child seems to have suffered a lot before, and it's normal to distrust others. Don't take it too seriously when I see you. , she doesn't really distrust you."

Satomi Rentaro sat cross-legged in front of her.

"I know, I'm not so angry now."

Tongzi glanced at him.

"Really? Satomi, you are really a good person."

"I always feel that there is something in your words."

"No, I'm praising you normally, why do you think I'm talking ironically?"

"That's what it feels like."

"You're talking nonsense, Satomi. In my homeland, there are three words that fit a person like you who can't speak, especially to girls."

"Which three words?"

"Note lonely life."

Satomi Rentaro patted the back of his head after listening: "It doesn't sound good, what do you mean?"

"It means that people who can't speak will be rejected by girls."

Satomi Rentaro's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Girls prefer men who tell the truth to men who are full of lies."

Tongzi grinned.

"Really? It turned out that I saw you so naive, so I knew."

"What, you have something to say again."

"No, no, I'm really praising you this time. It's really not easy for you to maintain a naive heart at such an age."

"Hey...you guy, how old do you think I am?"

In the simple tatami room, the boy's suppressed growl and the girl's happy laughter sounded.




"When Two-dimensional Characters Are Playing Online Games"

Chapter 194 Mu Geng, You Are Really a Prodigal Bitch


The facilitator and the initiator form a partner against the gastroenteritis. Because they belong to the private security company, they are also called civilian police.

The purpose of the initial establishment of the police is to reduce the loss of the police.

Therefore, the living space of the civilian police is between the police and the Self-Defense Forces. The police cannot solve the incidents, but they will not bother the Self-Defense Forces to solve the incidents. This is the work of the civilian police.

Even so, the police do not have any official background. Although there are indeed a few large private security companies that will maintain a certain degree of cooperation with the Tokyo regional government, in the final analysis, it is just mutual benefit.

You use me, I use you, throw it away after using it, and pick it up again when needed.

This world, to put it bluntly, is so simple, a simple "interest" can explain most things in this world.

However, every industry is like a pyramid, there are always those at the top and those at the bottom.

And after all, only a small number of people can stay at the top of the tower, a considerable part of them stay in the middle, and more, or the vast majority of people, stay at the bottom of the tower, being crushed to death.

The Tiantong Civil Security Company is obviously one of the many policemen staying at the bottom of the tower.

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