In the office of the Tendo Civil Security Company, Honglu Huodai, Satomi Rentaro, and Tendo Kisara sat around a table.

When there is no need to go to class, everyone will stay here. On the one hand, they feel that even if they fish, they should fish at the place of work. On the other hand, Satomi Rentaro's small house is too small to accommodate so many people. people.

All three of them looked at the kitchen expectantly.

"The meal is here."

Tongzi took a large tray, turned it out of the kitchen, and placed the three plates on the tray in front of the three of them.

The smell of the food drifted away, and the throats of the diners couldn't stop surging. The eyes of Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara seemed to be welded to death, staring at the red plate.

Because Kiriko placed American hot dogs and fried chicken cutlets on the red plate, while Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara had only a small piece of bread in front of them.

"Wait, Tong-chan, did you make a mistake?" Tiantongmu hurriedly stopped her when he saw that Tongzi was about to sit down.

Tongzi quickly walked to her seat, and even pulled the chair away. After hearing Tiantong Mugeng's words, she looked at her suspiciously: "What's the matter, Miss Mugeng, is there any problem?"

Tendoki pointed to the red dew that was happily biting a hot dog, and then pointed to the bread on the plates of himself and Satomi Rentaro: "Satomi-san will not mention it for the time being, I am the president, and the bread on my plate Don’t you feel something is missing?”

"Hey, Ms. Mugeng, let's not mention what I mean. I am the main force of this police company. In the entire Tiantong Civilian Security Company, I am the only one who has a police license." Hearing what Tendo Mugeng said, Satomi Rentaro protested dissatisfied.

"Oh, yes, being the president does have privileges."

Tongzi seemed to remember something, and ran into the kitchen quickly.

Tendoki looked at Satomi Rentaro more proudly: "I'm sorry, Satomi classmate, the dining hall is like a battlefield, if only one person can survive, that person can only be me, because I have to do it thing."

"Miss Mu Geng, do you have to exaggerate the food grabbing so much?"

Satomi Rentaro dejectedly picked up the bread on his plate, the piece of bread was not as big as his palm, and he was still at a mature age, such a small amount of food would definitely not be able to fill his stomach.

At this time, Kiriko, who came back from the kitchen, put a transparent cup in front of Tendo Kisara. The cup was filled with a transparent liquid, and it could be confirmed without any additives with the naked eye.

Tongzi said as it should: "Come on, president, this is tap water. If it's not enough, I can go to the kitchen and refill it for you."

Tendo Kisara's eyeballs were about to pop out, and Satomi Rentaro was about to burst out of laughter, but he didn't dare to show it too much, he could only slap the table desperately, and wiped the plates and food on the table. It was knocked like a ping-pong.

Tendoki gave Satomi Rentaro a sharper look, and then said to Tongzi in a gentle tone: "Kiri-chan, there must be something wrong?"

However, Tongzi shook her head firmly: "No, Ms. Mugeng, with the financial situation of Tiantong Civil Security Company, it is a flashback to be able to eat bread today. Judging from the current situation, we can only eat bread tomorrow." The corner of the bread, the day after tomorrow is the residue of the bread..."

Tongzi stretched out four fingers: "In about four days, we will run out of food."

But then, Tongzi gave another thumbs up: "However, I once saw a report on the Internet, saying that human beings can persist for more than ten days without eating and only drinking water, as long as they receive an entrustment within these ten days." That's enough... To be precise, Satomi-san received the entrustment, after all, Satomi-san is the only policeman in our company."

The latter sentence was said by Kiriko to Satomi Rentaro.

That's right, Tongzi did not exaggerate in the slightest. The situation she is talking about now is indeed the severe situation that Tiantong Private Security Company is in.

Since Tiantong Mugeng was not on guard against her, she used the company's computer to check the income and expenditure reports of Tiantong Civil Security Company since its establishment.

During Tendo Kisara's tenure as president, the income of Tendo Private Security Company was stable.

It is quite stable. It can be said that even those famous foreign giant companies cannot achieve such stable income as Tiantong Civil Security Company.

Because the income of Tiantong Civil Security Company has always been zero.

Since its inception, until now, it has been zero.

In other words, the company has not received a single entrustment.

Wanshiwu at least occasionally receives some jobs, but Tiantong Police Company just doesn't have any jobs, not even cats and dogs.

Even if the income is zero, what is even more exaggerated is the expenditure.

Water, electricity, and labor costs are nothing—especially labor costs. As the only employee, Satomi Rentaro does not have any salary, but is often visited by Tendoki. The most expensive expenses are rent, tuition, and medical care fee.

Needless to say, the rent, other than the rent, will cause this kind of reason. The biggest problem is the high tuition fees caused by Tendoki's insistence on going to Miwa Women's College because he has to maintain Tendo's face...

And because I have to bear in mind my revenge against Tiantong, I don’t want to accept a kidney transplant, so I have to go to the hospital for hemodialysis on a regular basis, and the treatment cost is a lot of money...

Some people may wonder, since it is zero income, how did such a large expenditure come from?

Tongzi also found something interesting in Tendo Kigeng's office computer.

Tendoki even borrowed one million yen from Guangfeng Finance on the fourth floor because he could not afford such a heavy expenditure (Note ①).

And the interest that Guangfeng Finance gave to Tiantong Muchang was [-]% for ten days.

What is the concept of ten percent interest for ten days?

That is to say, if you borrow one million, you will have to pay back [-] million in ten days. If you still don’t pay it, it will become [-] million in ten days, and so on...

Of course, the president of Guangfeng Finance is not a fool. He must have inquired about the origin of this woman when he wanted to lend money to Tiantong Mugeng. Anyone who is engaged in this business must have something to do with it. He can hear some ordinary people listening to her. No news.

The president of the loan shark must know that even though Tendo Kigeng's surname is Tendo, he has nothing to do with the Tendo family. Although one million yen is not much, if it is not enough, it will be a loss.

So guess what Tendogi used as collateral for one million yen?

It is Satomi Rentaro's lungs and corneas.

One day, a woman with such a clear mind like Tian Tong Mu Geng served as the president. It would be strange for the company to become bigger and stronger.

Of course, it's also possible that Tendo Kigeng wasn't really bad at heart, maybe he was just stupid.

After all, the breasts are so big, the nutrients taken by the body are all supplied to the breasts, and the nutrients supplied to the brain are naturally less.

But no matter what the reason is, it proves that Tendoki is not the material to be the president. If she continues to be the president, even if Rentaro Satomi really becomes an outstanding policeman, and even a hero in the Tokyo area, what he has gained I am afraid that the reward will be lost by her (remark ②).

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