"But, why can Huo Dian Jiang have hot dogs and chicken chops for her?"

Tiantongmu asked even more unconvinced.

"That's because I paid for the food for Huodi at my own expense, and I didn't use the money from the Tiantong Civil Security Company."

Tongzi replied flatly.

Tiantongmu even lay down on the table, and then she seemed to remember something, put on a smiling expression, and said to Honglu Huodui who had finished eating the hot dog and was dealing with fried chicken chops: "Huodui sauce, Is the chicken chop good?"

The scum of fried chicken cutlets was all over her red face, and she didn't have time to answer Tendo Kisara, but her attitude towards Tendo Kisara was a little better than Satomi Rentaro's, so she nodded her head as a response .

Tiantong Mugeng said with a smile again: "Then why don't you share some with your sister? Good things are meant to be shared."

"Miss Kisara, it's too ugly to cheat food from a little girl." Satomi Rentaro next to him couldn't stand it anymore.

Tendoki glared at Satomi Rentaro more viciously: "Shut up, sit there, and eat your piece of broken bread honestly."

Satomi Rentaro suddenly didn't dare to say anything.

Tiantongmu Zhengzheng was about to turn his head to continue preaching to Honglu Huochui, but saw that the little girl had already run away from the table and hid behind Tongzi.

"It's better to give up, Miss Mu Geng, this child will never let go of the food in his mouth," Tongzi touched Huo Dian's short chestnut hair with her hands, and Huo Dian also narrowed her eyes, as if enjoying it Her touch, "Besides, as an adult, you actually plan to cheat children to eat, Miss Mu Geng, you are too depraved."

"For being human, I'm sorry."

Seeing that the deception was hopeless, Tiantongmu lay down on the table, feeling weak.

Tongzi put away her joking expression before, and said seriously: "With this time, it's better to think about it, how to find ways to make a little more famous, just take this address as an example, wanting guests to come to the door is tantamount to wishful thinking."

"Yes, Ms. Kigen, our first floor is a gay bar, the second floor is a nightclub, and the fourth floor is a loan shark. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a serious company, right?" Satomi Rentaro also interjected beside him. road.

Tian Tongmu even stretched out a finger and shook it: "You are wrong. You met your classmates. A truly excellent company has nothing to do with location selection. Isn't there an old saying in China that goes, 'The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys'?"

Tongzi smiled: "Miss Mu Geng, you really did not go to school in Meihe Women's College for nothing. You even know the old sayings of Shenzhou, but you paid such a high tuition fee, you probably only learned this sentence."

"One more thing, gold will shine no matter where it is." Tendoki raised his hand like a good student.

Satomi Rentaro couldn't bear the jokes between Kiriko and Tendo Kisara, and scratched his hair worryingly: "Miss Kisara, why don't you just put on a maid outfit and distribute leaflets on the street? You're so pretty." I believe that any man will accept the flyer handed over by the beautiful woman."

"No, my surname is Tendo," Tendoki blushed even more angrily, and glared at Satomi Rentaro, "Are you going to make me do such a shameful thing? Why don't you get everyone's attention, classmate Satomi? Next, shout 'Tendo Civil Security Company is here', and blow yourself up."

"Wouldn't that be a terrorist attack? I said... Hey, where are people?"

Satomi Rentaro looked to the side in distress, intending to ask Kiriko to speak for him, but unexpectedly saw that there was no door where he should be standing, and the door outside the entrance was open. During the quarrel, Tongzi quietly went out with her red dew.

"I said, Ms. Mugeng, the current situation seems a bit bad, right?"

"Satomi-san, what do you mean by that?"

"Why does it feel like Tong Jiang has become the president, and we have become her subordinates?"

"This is unique," Tiantongmu slapped the desk angrily, and after holding it for a few seconds, his stomach made a growling sound, and then he lay down on the table again, "This is also something that can't be helped, who Make people rich."

"Miss Mu Geng, don't you think letting a woman ride on your head will make the name of Tiantong cry?"

"Forget it, as long as she can buy me chicken chops, it's fine for her to be named Tiantong."


The instigation failed, as long as Satomi Rentaro thought that from now on, not only Tendo Kisara, but also another woman would ride on his neck, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his cervical spine and a chill rising from his back.

The following days passed like this day by day.

While other private security companies are working desperately for commissions, or racking their brains to promote their own company, Tendo Private Security Company is fishing...





??The following words will not be charged.

??Remarks①: In the fifth volume of the original novel, it is clearly mentioned that Tendoki used Satomi Rentaro’s organs as collateral to borrow usurious loans. The loan amount and interest are also [-] million and [-]% respectively Ten, and in the original text, it is true that Rentaro Satomi's body organs were used as collateral.

??Remark②: It is still clearly mentioned in the fifth volume that Satomi Rentaro solved the "Hiriko Yingyin terrorist attack incident", "Shengtianzi sniper incident", and "the third Kanto battle", which originally gained a lot of money. As a result, all these rewards were used by Tiantong Mugeng to repay the usury (that is, the usury mentioned above).

??It’s really ironic to say that in the Zhiziyingyin incident and the third Kanto battle, so many policemen shed blood and sacrificed their lives, and fought desperately. In the end, the rewards they received were not as much as the loan sharks. Those loan sharks hid In the safe Tokyo area, there is no need to fight Gastrea, and in the end, you can make money and get soft hands.

Chapter 195 Outer Area


As the sun sets, the afterglow from the sky shines on the street, reflecting the buildings, ground, pedestrians, vehicles... all in a blush red.

Tongzi ran on the street, distraught.

She passed through pedestrians one after another, and people looked at this girl in a hurry as if she had something urgent to do.

Tongzi almost ran back to the dilapidated building of the Tendo Civil Security Company in one breath, and found that Satomi Rentaro and Tendoki had arrived one step earlier than herself.

She almost took a glance, and saw that there were only the two of them, and a sense of disappointment suddenly surged in her heart.

"Tong Jiang, haven't you found Huo Chuan Jiang?"

Looking at the disappointed look on Tongzi's face, Tiantongmu had roughly guessed it, but he still asked.

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