Tongzi shook her head: "So you also..."

Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara also shook their heads.

Hongluhuo is about to disappear.

It was about noon, after Tongzi helped Hongluhuodui order takeaway, she asked her to eat alone first, and after she finished eating, she could just throw away the dishes, and then Tongzi came back to clean up, while she walked towards the fourth floor by herself.

That's right, it is Guangfeng Finance, which lends usury.

do you remember?Previously, Tongzi found out that Tendo Kigen had borrowed one million yen from Guangfeng Finance in Tendo Kigeng's office computer.

One million yen is not much, but if you delay paying it back, the interest will pile up like a mountain.

Tongzi talked more openly with Tendoki a few days ago, expressing his willingness to acquire the Tendo Private Security Company, that is to say, from now on, Tendoki and Satomi Rentaro are Tongzi's employees, and Tongzi is the company The president of the private security company.

At first Tiantongmu was more naturally opposed to it, but after Tongzi offered to be responsible for their three meals a day, pay them wages, and even help Tiantongmu repay the usury loan he had borrowed...

Tendoki finally succumbed.

It's not that Tongzi is evil, but after seeing Tendoki, a girl from a famous family, who is so beautiful, and exudes a noble and undaunted aura, after hesitating and struggling, she finally showed the expression of giving up resistance. When expressing...

Tongzi suddenly felt...

What a joy.

However, although such a beauty is quite seductive, it is best not to let her use her brain, especially if she uses her brain instead of her own.

This is what Tongzi thought after helping her pay off the usury.

The original principal was only one million yen, but the interest was almost double the principal. If there was no Tongzi, maybe Satomi Rentaro could only donate (sensitive words) his own utensils in the end. (sensitive word) officer, or Tendoki will go to help (sensitive word) hand over...

Otherwise, the Tokyo area has encountered several major incidents one after another, and the Tokyo regional government has paid a huge amount of rewards in order to solve these major incidents. , none of them were solved, just let Tiantong Civil Security Company solve it...

However, no matter how you think about it, the probability of this situation is extremely low, and it is no different from buying a lottery ticket.

However, after Tongzi wiped Tiantong Mugeng's buttocks and returned to Rijian's house, she was surprised to find that the red dew had disappeared.

At first, Tongzi thought that the fire might be because she felt bored at home all day, so she went out to get some air, but when she searched all around, including running back to the company later, she didn't find any trace of Honglu , she realized that Huo Hang had disappeared.

So she quickly contacted Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara, and asked them to look for it with her.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, Tongzi should call the police, and Tongzi did so, but when the other party heard that he was a cursed child, his attitude changed immediately, and he told him, "If it is a red-eyed monster, wouldn't it be better to disappear?" After that, he hung up the phone directly.

Tongzi was so angry that she wished she could go over and set fire to the police station right now.

After looking outside for an afternoon, I met with Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kigeng again at the downstairs of the Tendo Civil Security Company, and was disappointed to learn that the two of them did not find Honglu Huodiao either.

She couldn't figure out why the other party would leave.

In the past few days, I have taken care of Huo Dang meticulously, and I have not abused him at all, but why...

At this moment, Tiantong Mugeng's eyes widened suddenly, and he stretched out his finger to point behind Tongzi.

Tongzi turned around subconsciously, and saw a short figure standing there on the other side of the street, and the setting sun stretched her shadow long.

Hong Luhuo lowered her head and walked slowly towards this side. She didn't know where she went. The dress that Tongzi specially bought for her was covered with dust and dirty, and her short chestnut hair looked like the owner's. The mood at that time was like that, and the uneasiness fell to his shoulders.

"You...where did you go?" Satomi Rentaro ran over quickly, pointed at the fire cockpit and reprimanded loudly, "Do you know that everyone is worried about you?"

Huo lowered his head and remained silent.

"If you get lost again next time, we will leave you alone."

Huo Dian still lowered his head.

"Hey, you're saying...uh!"

Satomi Rentaro was kicked in the side by the sudden attack, his whole body was exaggerated like in a cartoon, he rolled on the ground a few times, and finally fell to the ground with his butt raised.

"Meet my classmate!"

Tendoki let out a scream, and then ran to Satomi Rentaro's side.

Kiriko retracted the foot that kicked Satomi Rentaro, and she stood in front of Hikoko.

Tongzi's height is slightly taller than Honglu Huodiao's, and Huodang's head is lowered, so Tongzi is almost looking down at her.

And Hong Lu Huo Dang lowered her head, not daring to look into Tong Zi's eyes.

Tongzi looked carefully, and found that Huochui's thin body was trembling slightly, was she afraid of something?

No matter what, she probably didn't run away out of loathing herself.

Thinking of this, Tongzi smiled and stretched out her hand, while Hongluhuodui closed her eyes in fear.

However, beyond expectations, a pair of warm hands were placed on his head, gently smoothing and smoothing his short chestnut hair.

Hong Lu Huo Dang unexpectedly opened his eyes, just in time to meet Tong Zi's gentle target.

"Welcome back."

Tears welled up in the eyes, gathered into a string of crystal pearls on the cheeks, and then dripped to the ground.

Hongluhuo fell into Tongzi's arms, weeping uncontrollably.


After Hong Lu Huo Dang came back, Tong Zi tried to ask her why she disappeared several times, but she couldn't open her mouth.

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