Because she was worried, Huo Di left because she hated herself.

Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara seemed to have discussed it, and they didn't mention the reason for Hongluhuobi's departure again until...

Once again she walked away without saying goodbye.

When Tongzi needed to go out again, she disappeared when she went back to see her home, and just like last time, after Tongzi searched for nothing, she came back by herself when night fell. .

This time, Tongzi finally couldn't bear it and asked her what the reason was, but no matter how Tongzi asked, she was unwilling to speak, and continuing to ask would only make her show a sad expression.

There must be something she can't say...

But what is it?

Tongzi was very impatient, but she continued to question and couldn't get any results. Tongzi, who had no other choice, came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Just a few days later, she pretended to go out again, this time she hid in a place suitable for observation near Satomi's house.

Not long after, there was indeed a thin and small figure leaving the building, it was red dew and fire drooping.

She seemed to be holding something in her hand.

Kiriko took a closer look, and found that it was the bean sprouts that Satomi Rentaro desperately snatched at the supermarket yesterday.

Originally Kiriko was the president of the Tendo Private Security Company, and was in charge of three meals a day for Satomi Rentaro and Tendo Kisara, but Satomi Rentaro was still like a full-time mother who was married and stayed at home, unable to bear the limited-time specials in the supermarket .

Whether it is beef or bean sprouts, as long as there is a discount, even if you are skipping class, you have to buy it.

Hongluhuodui stood at the door of the building, looked around, and after confirming that there was no problem, she quickly ran in a certain direction.

Tongzi quickly followed.

Huodi ran very fast, she almost used most of the initiator's strength to run quickly in the crowd, while Tongzi didn't dare to get too close in order to avoid being discovered by the other party.

Hongluhuohang ran in front, while Tongzi was chasing behind, pedestrians on the street, vehicles on the road, and buildings on both sides of the street were constantly left behind by them...

I don't know how long I've been running, but the originally small boulder monument in the sky suddenly became much larger, and the population gradually became less and less. The road was still clean and intact, but the buildings on both sides became dilapidated.

Tongzi looked around in surprise, she knew where this place was.

This is the outlying area that she has heard of before, but has never been to.

In the puddles formed by the accumulation of sewage, the original color of rags, rusty tin cans, and unknown things can not be seen clearly, either floating on the puddles, or sinking in the puddles, the reflection of the puddles only Frames remained, or collapsed most of the buildings, and the wreckage of cars visible to the naked eye everywhere.

After entering the peripheral area, the figure following in front no longer retained its strength, and fully displayed its own speed as the initiator. The field of vision quickly turned into a black spot.

In order not to be thrown off, Tongzi quickly accelerated her speed.

The situation of the peripheral area is completely opposite to that of the urban area. If the urban area is GTA5, then the peripheral area is Fallout 4.

It was hard for Tongzi to believe that someone would survive in such an environment.

However, the reality is that there are people.

After she entered the peripheral area, she could feel that more than one line of sight was projected on her body, and when she tried to find those lines of sight, those lines of sight disappeared again. She was sure that the owner of those lines of sight must be Those who live in the outskirts.

cursed son.

A decade ago, almost at the same time gastrulations first appeared in the world, babies with gastrulation virus suppressors were born as if to fight it.At first they were seen as God's children sent to mankind to fight against the gut animals, but it turned out to be very different.

The only way for ordinary human beings to be infected with gastrenteroviruses and become alienated is through blood infection.Through the air, that is, air infection will not happen.In fact, even if it enters from the mouth, or through sexual intercourse, it will not be infected, which has been proved in many experiments.However, although the virus entering from the mouth will not infect people, the virus itself will not die immediately. If it happens to enter the oral cavity of a pregnant woman, the fetus will sometimes be born with accumulated toxicity in the body.

The child born is the cursed child.

Their births are peculiar, and most mothers go half-crazed at the sight of their red-eyed children with gastrulation factors.For a period of time, pregnant women would give birth by the river, and then throw the baby into the river to drown on the spot. When they went to the river to play, they often saw the dead body of the baby floating down the river.

And it is said that there are still many generations of plunder who suffer from symptoms similar to PTSD (Post-war Psychological Syndrome), that is, as long as they see red eyes, they will be angry, crazy, hysterical and other symptoms.

Because of this, the cursed children are generally unwelcome in countries all over the world (excluding China), and their treatment is worse than that of the discriminated races in the most serious period of racial discrimination.

Take the Tokyo region where the cursed sons have the best living conditions in the whole of Japan. They can barely be counted as citizens of the Tokyo region, but no matter whether it is the plundered generation or the pure generation, no one really cares about it. I identify with them and feel that they are my compatriots.

Even though it is necessary to deal with gastroenteria and cannot escape the help of the cursed son, the citizens in the Tokyo area just think that it is a fight between gastroenteria, and if there is a cursed son walking on the streets of downtown Tokyo, They were even insulted and beaten.

As for the news media, let alone, as long as the cursed son is mentioned, there will be no good words, and even some things have nothing to do with the cursed son, but the news media will deliberately pull the cursed son out to provoke the citizens Anger and hatred.

It is precisely because of various reasons that the cursed sons can only live in the outskirts, shouldering sins that have nothing to do with them, and living a life that they should not have lived.

Before coming to the outskirts, Tongzi once thought that the living conditions of the cursed son were about the same as those of the slums in Mumbai. However, after arriving here with the red dew, she truly realized this cruel reality.

Compared with this apocalyptic outskirts, Mumbai's slum kilns are heaven.

Although the conditions in the slum kilns in Mumbai are very difficult, the people inside work long hours, are tiring, and their wages are low, but at least they are working hard to improve their lives. No matter how poor the slum kilns are, at least it is their home.

But here, it's different.

Chapter 196 May future generations live in China


Before he knew it, Tongzi followed the red dew and came to the depths of the outer area. When he was in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, he looked at the huge stone monument, which was not too big, but now he looked up at it like a small mountain. stand still.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunder came faintly.

Soon, a downpour hit, and the world was in a haze.

On the uneven ground, puddles of accumulated water soon gathered, and the rainwater hit the ground and stirred up countless bubbles.

Hongluhuodui put the bean sprouts in her hand into her clothes and wrapped them up, but she herself became a drowned rat in the heavy rain.

Tongzi, who was following behind, was heartbroken, but in the end she resisted the urge to rush up and take out an umbrella to cover her from the rain, because if she did that, she would have no way of knowing where she was going?Why on earth do you do this?

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