Honglu Huodiao, who was running ahead, finally stopped. She walked to a sewer manhole cover, squatted down, and knocked on the sewer manhole cover.

dong dong dong dong dong...

The manhole cover of the sewer was suddenly opened, and a loli who was about the same age as Hong Luhuohang lifted the manhole cover with only one hand. She was dressed in simple and plain clothes, and her hair was simply combed. After the fire fell, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Here you come, Huodi."

Hong Luhuo nodded, "I brought some food over, is the elder inside?"

Luo Li also nodded, and then opened the manhole cover to let her go down, and the manhole cover was closed again.

And Tongzi, who was hiding behind a broken wall not far away, couldn't believe it.

Such a cute child actually lives in the sewer?

She once saw some news on the Internet. It seems that in a country in Eastern Europe, there is indeed a group of people living in the sewers. They live by begging, stealing, and robbing. Because they have no education, the children who grew up there Nor was he able to live outside the sewers, where promiscuity and drug use were the order of the day.

There are beggars in every country, but beggars form a large group and use sewers as their own community. This is a big problem. She read the news before and said that sewers were formed because the country was too poor family.

But the Tokyo area is not poor.

If it wasn't for the huge stone monument standing in the distance, and knowing the situation outside, Tongzi would even think that she was in modern Japan.

Not to mention the first district, in the Tokyo area where land is very expensive, all the houses in the first district are villas covering a large area, and even Tongzi has seen a villa, which is a building imitating the Japanese-style castle tower.

Think about it, can such a person be considered poor if he can own a mansion of such an area in the Tokyo area where every inch of land is expensive?

And in the urban area of ​​Tokyo, there is a pre-apocalyptic scene. Those who should go to school should go to work, and those who should go to work should go to work. Is such a country considered poor?

But in this country, there are children living in the sewers in this seemingly forgotten ruin...

And Tongzi waited for a while before walking up, and knocked on the sewer manhole cover three times like before.

The manhole cover was opened, and the person who propped up the manhole cover was Loli who had just greeted Hong Lu Huodhui.

But this loli looked at Tongzi with a puzzled expression.

After all, she didn't know Tongzi, and Tongzi's clothes were too clean and tidy compared to the residents in the outer area, and they were too beautiful.

For a while, Loli was a little stunned.


Tongzi smiled at Lori.


At this time, Luoli suddenly realized that Tongzi's pupils were not red.

In other words, Tongzi is different from them.

"who are you?"

Tongzi replied: "I am Huo Dian's friend."

"Huo Hang's friend?" Luo Li tilted her head, "But I haven't heard that she has any friends."

Tongzi explained: "I'm a friend she just made, like this, she forgot something, so I came here, you see, if Huo Dian hadn't told me, how could I have found you, right? ?”

Children are so easy to fool, Loli nodded, thinking it made sense.

"Since you are Huodi's friend, you are also my friend. You can call me Maria."

"Hello, Maria, my name is Tongzi."

"Tongzi, you are not familiar with this place, let me take you there."

"Well, thank you, Maria."

Maria, who was praised, seemed very happy. After she opened the manhole cover to let Tongzi in, she took Tongzi's hand and walked towards the depths of the sewer.

Tongzi has never been in the sewer, but in the small county where she lived, the sewers were very narrow, not as spacious as the ones in the movie.

And the sewer she is going down now is the same as the sewer seen in the previous movies, the interior is unexpectedly spacious, and it has been cleaned up quite cleanly, but the smell of domestic sewage produced in this environment is no matter how No matter how you clean it up, Tongzi frowned slightly, but the girl who led the way seemed to be used to it.

Maria took Tongzi's hand and continued to walk forward for a certain distance. Suddenly, she came to a relatively spacious place.

Many people gathered there.

To be precise, there are a lot of lolis gathered.

The lolis gathered around the red dew and a man.

The man is not tall, with a head of white hair, but no hunchback, and a pair of glasses hanging from the bridge of his nose, giving people an intellectual look. He is leaning on a cane with a rubber pad on the bottom, but he is not very old.

It doesn't look like a tramp or a homeless person, but a bit like a teacher. It may not be that there is nowhere to go here, but that you really want to live here.

The man sighed, showing no signs of joy from the other loli around him: "Huo Dian, you brought something back again."

"Elder, these are just the discounted bean sprouts in the supermarket, very cheap things." The red bean sprouts that were taken out of the clothes tightly in the red hands, the bean sprouts that were not wet.

The man sighed again: "No matter how cheap it is, it's someone else's property, Huo Dian, did you obtain the owner's permission when you took these?"

Huo Dian didn't speak anymore, she just lowered her head.

And the lolis next to them also felt the strange atmosphere, and they didn't speak.

And in this silence, Maria's joyful voice echoed in the sewer.

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