Tongzi looked at the lolis who were happily fighting together, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

When they (the later batches) first came to Qunxing Civil Security Company, they were still full of wariness and wary of everything.

It wasn't until I saw a lot of children with red eyes like them here (the ones who came to the sewer first), especially after living here for a long time, that now they finally become like Like normal kids.




Remark ①: Children in the Victorian era had to work from the age of five. The most common thing was to clean the chimney. The British used more coal for heating at that time, so there was a lot of coal ash left in the chimney.Thin children will climb into the chimney to clean, and if they are lucky, they may suffer from lung disease.The unfortunate child will get stuck in the chimney and suffocate to death, and then a child laborer will be called to clean up the dead one.

When the children grow up and can't get into the chimney, they can only be "unemployed" and find other jobs.

For example, they can go to make matches, and suffer from various diseases because of the poisonous phosphorus in them, and go home to die.Girls are better off, they can go to the textile factory and work all day in exchange for some food.

In short, the poor must ensure that their families have to go out to work, so as to meet basic needs, such as food, drink and rent.Of course, because of the lack of money to see a doctor, poor living conditions, and infectious diseases such as cholera that may appear at any time, it is very difficult for the children to live to adulthood.

Chapter 199 No one can carry people behind the truck


"Hey, wait a minute, Miss Tong."

When Satomi Rentaro saw Kiriko was about to get into the cab, he suddenly stopped her.

"what happened?"

Tongzi turned her head and looked at the high school student who stopped her with a bitter face.

"Wouldn't it be a little bad for such an arrangement?"

Satomi Rentaro looked at the lolis who kept climbing into the back of the carriage with a complicated expression.

"Satomi, you want to change with Ms. Kigeng? I don't care, but do you have a driver's license? I don't want to be taken to the police station for driving without a license when I am stopped by the police."

"It's not that reason," Satomi Rentaro shook his head, "Why don't we change to another car."

"Even if you say that, you can't change the bus any more. Other vehicles are not as good as this one that can carry so many people."

Seeing that Satomi Rentaro seemed to have something to say, she told the other party to shut up quickly, and shut the door of the driver's cab immediately after speaking.

Satomi Rentaro sighed, and had no choice but to climb up into the carriage, muttering that he hoped nothing would happen.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Tendo Kigeng held the steering wheel with both hands, the truck started, left the twenty-eighth district, and headed towards downtown Tokyo.

Because of the limited space in the driver's cab, Hong Lu Huo Dang sat directly on Tong Zi's lap, and the little guy looked outside curiously.

Although Tongzi took her out once, but this time she was sitting in the car, so it was naturally different.

As for the little guys in the back compartment, they all made the sound of "Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", and Satomi Rentaro shouted.

"Hey, stay away from the railing..."

"Maria, don't stand up..."

"Everyone sit down, sit down obediently for me..."

"I'm telling you to sit on the ground, don't sit on my lap, my legs are going to go numb..."

Because there were people sitting in the back compartment, Tiantongmu didn't dare to drive too fast. It took almost an hour for the truck to enter the urban area.

After entering the urban area, there are obviously more vehicles on the road, and the buildings on both sides of the road have also changed from the style of the poor kilns to the style of the metropolis.

What makes Tongzi feel strange is that before driving into the urban area, the girls in the back compartment were still looking around curiously. After entering the urban area, they all lay down on the compartment and used a large Cover it with a white cloth.

If it wasn't for sure that they were all hiding under the white cloth, and Rentaro Satomi was still in the carriage, Kiriko would have asked Tendo Kisara to stop, and got out of the car to check.

What was even stranger was that when they were waiting for the traffic lights on the road, a policeman came up and knocked on the glass.

"Hello, who is the person behind your car?"

Tiantongmu was even more nervous. Although the lolis who were brought out were all wearing dark goggles, as long as they took off the goggles, they could instantly reveal the fact that they were cursed children.

Tongzi was much calmer, and replied calmly, "It's my family."

Of course, she also finds it very strange that these policemen are supposed to know that they brought a group of cursed sons into the city.

However, she also secretly thought in her heart, if the other party really knew that the cursed child was in the car behind, then how should she act...

To her surprise, the policeman just looked at Tongzi very seriously, then at the red dew sitting on Tongzi's lap (she was also wearing dark goggles), and finally moved to the hesitant Tendo On Mu Geng's body.

I don't know what he thought of, but there was a look of sympathy and pity on his face. He pulled down his police cap: "Little girl, do you need help?"

Tongzi shook her head: "No, we can do it."

"Okay then, but little girl, you must live strong."

Tongzi had a black face with question marks, and she had no idea what the other party was talking about, but the concern and sincerity in the other party's tone could not be faked. At this time, it seemed that she should say, "Thank you...thank you?"

Tongzi watched the other party return to the police car.

"what's going on?"

Tiantong Mugeng has been very nervous since the other party came over, and he was not relieved until the other party left.

"I thought you knew something."

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