Tongzi was also at a loss.

Finally, they arrived at the destination of the trip, the largest Chinese restaurant in the Tokyo area. After everyone got off the bus, their doubts were resolved.

Tongzi saw Satomi Rentaro lifted the white cloth, climbed down from the top, and then got off the car one by one with the lolis in his arms, so Tongzi asked the previous question curiously: "Satomi, why did you all get out of the car just now?" Lying still?"

"Who do you think this is thanks to?" Satomi Rentaro heard this, trembling with anger, almost fell down.


Tongzi froze for a moment, could it be his own responsibility?

In fact it was her fault.

It turns out that there is such a rule in Japan that the carriage behind the truck is not allowed to carry people.

Tongzi didn't know this. The small county town on the [-]th line where she lived was fine. She often saw people sitting in the back of trucks, as if nothing happened.

In this case, that is to say, the policeman came up to knock on the glass just now because he mistakenly thought that all the things installed in the back of their car were...

Under the white cloth, there is still something that looks like a person, what else can it be?

Fuck me, so it made sense for the policeman to offer help, and at the same time give him a look of pity and sympathy.

It turned out to be so...

But wait...

Tongzi looked at Tiantong Mu Geng with questioning eyes: "Why didn't you remind us that Miss Mu Geng was in the cab with us?"

Before Tendo Kigeng could speak, Satomi Rentaro replied instead of her: "That's because Miss Kigeng is the eldest lady of a rich family, and she doesn't eat fireworks."

With a flushed face, Tendoki nudged Rentaro Satomi with his elbow, but he didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious.

Seeing her like this, Tongzi couldn't say anything, so she could only sigh, it seems that next time it is indeed better to rent a bus.

This Chinese restaurant has the Tokyo area... It should be said that the best craftsmanship in Japan, the Chinese food is the most authentic, and nothing else, but when it comes to eating, Chinese food is the best in the world, and I don’t accept rebuttals.

And this Chinese restaurant is indeed the case, it only accepts reservations, and it often takes half a month in advance to have a seat.

Children may not eat spicy food very much, so Tongzi didn't order spicy dishes, and the rest came with a portion of everything, don't worry about not being able to finish eating, the cursed child has a better appetite than ordinary children, don't underestimate them , They are very good at solving food.

After the stomach is filled with delicious food, the next step is to play.

A group of people drove towards Akihabara mightily.

Although the current world is approaching collapse, the spiritual life of human beings has not been slowed down. TV dramas, movies, animations, games, etc. will be released. Of course, the output must not be compared with the previous peacetime.

To say that the most popular animation right now is Tenchu ​​Girls.

This is a story about Oishi Neizosuke Ryoko (magic girl) who vowed to avenge her adoptive father after he was killed, so he assembled forty-six righteous men (magic girl) from all over the country to break into Kira's mansion, a magnificent long animation .

Tongzi doesn't know much about Japanese history, but this seems to be an animation based on the well-known Japanese story of "Chouchen Zang" and the elements of horse monkey shochu.

As an uncle who lived nearly [-] years old in the last life, but is still obsessed with Two-dimensional, and can’t live without watching anime, Tongzi really didn’t see how good the animation of Tenchu ​​Girls is, it’s a bit like a hodgepodge.

But this may also be because I am old and don't know how to appreciate it.

Sure enough, Tenchu ​​Girls is worthy of being the most popular animation nowadays. The lolis who just entered Akihabara, their eyes seemed to be shining, and they couldn't move their feet.

With a big wave of Tongzi's hand, she will buy what should be bought.

Originally, I brought lolis here to buy things.

Just watch but not buy?Just for eye craving?

Tongzi could not do such a cruel thing.

It didn't cost much anyway.

In Akihabara, there is actually a Resident Evil-themed haunted house, which is beyond her expectations. After all, she is a die-hard fan of the Resident Evil series. She has played every one of the original and sequels, and later pre-ordered them. Resident Evil 2 remake.

She knows that Japan does have Resident Evil-style haunted houses and restaurants, but with her salary, it is impossible to come to Japan to experience it, but she did not expect to have the opportunity to experience it now.

It's just that this trip is to accompany the lolis to play, and the purpose is to make them happy, so Tongzi suppressed the impulse in her heart and waited until the next time.

After shopping around, everything is almost bought, the lolis are very sensible, each loli only bought one item, even though Tongzi told them that it doesn't matter to buy more, but they all only bought One piece, and it is not the same, so that they can exchange and play.

Eat what you should eat, play what you should play, and it's time to go back.

The group of people returned to the truck and were about to leave when a voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Miss over there, wait a moment."

Tongzi turned her head suspiciously, and saw a man all in white standing more than ten meters away from them, waving impatiently towards them.

After seeing Tongzi turn his head to look at him, the man in white uniform said: "My master invited you over, we have something to talk about."

As he spoke, he pointed to an extended limousine parked not far away. Beside the car stood a man also wearing a white uniform and a white military cap.

Several people formed a square to separate the crowd. Some passers-by pretended not to see anything, hurried past, and some took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

However, those who tried to approach were blocked without exception.

Tongzi was puzzled, she didn't seem to know any big shots in the Tokyo area, who would invite her to go there?

"Tung sauce..."

Tendoki looked at Kiriko more worriedly.

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