The children were all wearing very cute children's clothes, clean and well-fitting clothes, obviously not found out of the trash can, and their faces were wearing dark goggles, and the color of their eyes could not be seen.

Shouldn't it be...

Sheng Tianzi is not stupid, she quickly thought of a possibility.

"Miss Tong, are those children cursed children?"

The Holy Son of Heaven's question was quickly answered.

Tongzi didn't intend to hide it: "Of course."

Rather, if they were not cursed children, then Tongzi would be troubled instead.

"But, aren't the starters of civilian security companies all assigned by the IISO? Or, has your company grown to the point where there are so many civilian police?"

Tongzi didn't answer the question of Sheng Tianzi right away.

She thought for a moment.

If you answer "yes" by yourself, the Holy Son of Heaven should go to investigate casually later, and he should be able to find out the truth.

To open a company in the Tokyo area, it is of course necessary to register, that is to say, to leave files on the network of the Tokyo area government, and it is not how many policemen you say there are.

Both the initiator and the promoter need to be registered, and the promoter has a police license, and the initiator also has a corresponding license.

The scrutiny in this area is quite strict, and nothing can be faked.

Therefore, it is impossible to lie about how many policemen there are in the company.

So, thinking of this, Tongzi finally decided to tell the truth.

"No, they are not initiators, but I do take care of them."

"Not initiators? This..." Sheng Tianzi was even more surprised, "Miss Tong, do you know that they are valuable initiators?"

"Of course I know."

"Then why do you still..."

"Do you want to ask, why did I gather them all in my company with my own selfish desire?"

Sheng Tianzi really wanted to ask this question, but she was keenly aware that the atmosphere was not strange.

She noticed that there was some anger on Tongzi's face, and this anger was directed at her.

"Master Shengtianzi, as the head of state in the Tokyo region, you should treat all citizens equally, am I right?"

Sheng Tianzi didn't understand why Tongzi wanted to change the subject, but she still nodded with her neck held high: "Exactly, rich or poor, high or low, are all citizens."

"Since that's the case, do you know what kind of life the cursed sons in the outskirts live?"

Tongzi's words stunned Sheng Tianzi.

Of course she knew, in fact, even if she was as noble as her, she had been to the outskirts several times.

As for the dilapidated, apocalyptic scene in the outer area, once you have been there, you will never forget it.

"You know the cursed children in the outskirts, what do they live on? Do you know what they eat and where they live? You know how much they long to be like ordinary children, acting like a baby in the arms of their parents to go to school in the sun instead of eating rotten food and living in a crumbling house that cannot keep out the wind?"

Sheng Tianzi's face suddenly changed: "I...I know..."

"Since you know, why don't you help them? Are they not citizens?"

Sheng Tianzi covered his face with his hands, and said in a sad tone, "Miss Tong, please...please don't say any more..."

Perhaps the movement inside the car spread outside the car. At this moment, the man who had led Tongzi opened the door.

"My lord, you..."

Noticing Shengtianzi who hurriedly wiped away his tears to cover up his gaffe, the man glared fiercely at Kiriko with eyes like sharp knives full of anger.

"You bastard, what did you do to Lord Sheng Tianzi?"

Tongzi opened the refrigerator in one side of the car, took out a glass of juice, inserted a straw and took a sip: "What can I do, I'm just a girl with no power to restrain a chicken."

"Third Lieutenant Baowei, it's none of Miss Tong's business," Sheng Tianzi dissuaded the man who planned to enter the car, "Miss Tongzi said some sad things, which just brought back my memories."

The man named Baowo seemed to have something to say: "But even so..."

"Go out, Third Lieutenant Baowaki, no one is allowed to open the car door without my order next time."

Sheng Tianzi wiped away the tears on his face, and became the head of state who was revered by the citizens of Tokyo again. Howaki was intimidated by her aura, looked at Tongzi angrily, and finally bowed respectfully to Sheng Tianzi, and then closed the car door .

"This subordinate of yours seems to care about you."

"Mr. Howaki, sometimes he is too contrived... I am not so happy when I stay with him."

Tongzi nodded, as an ex-man, it couldn't be easier to understand another man's mind.

Especially when a man sees a certain woman and imagines a scene in his mind, it is easy for others to see through his inner thoughts.

Tongzi dared to vouch for her virginity as a nearly thirty-year-old virgin in her previous life. That guard named Baoyue definitely had unreasonable thoughts about the Holy Son of Heaven that went beyond being a monarch and minister.

A beautiful woman like Sheng Tianzi is young and beautiful, noble and inviolable. This is what men dream of the most. It can be said that there is no man who is not tempted.

But most people would only hide their desires deep in their hearts, but it seems that Baosheng is not satisfied with fantasies, but intends to put them into action.

"Miss Tong, do you know who was the first person to die in the war?"

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