Tongzi froze for a moment, she didn't expect Sheng Tianzi to say this to her suddenly.

"The first person to die... a soldier?"

"No, they are orphans and old people who haven't opened their eyes yet. During the chaotic period after the end of the Gastrea War, my mother and I once visited various places in the Tokyo area. You asked me before if I knew the children in the outer area. What have you all been through, right..."

Sheng Tianzi closed his eyes, as if recalling something bad, with a sad expression on his face.

"Actually, I know that the current peripheral area is the Tokyo area in the past. In the years just after the gastrulation war, the people in the Tokyo area were in dire straits. Under the poor sanitation environment, children with diseases were surrounded by flies, and even drove them away. The flies don't even have the strength, but they try their best to smile back at my smile, but the next day they will turn into cold corpses..."

"The status quo of the cursed children cannot be easily changed overnight. Human beings were defeated by gastrula, and because of their defeat in the war, they were huddled in this small area and lingered, because those terrible monsters with red eyes took away their own life. The life of the one they love, so they have an indelible hatred for the cursed son..."

"Although I know this, I often feel troubled and worried because of my own powerlessness..."

Tongzi looked at Sheng Tianzi's expression that didn't seem to be fake, and the previous complaints about her in her heart disappeared.

Indeed, there are many things in this world that cannot be easily resolved within one generation.

Of course, people can change the environment, but it is definitely not one person, but many people can do it.

The status quo of the cursed son is a problem left over from history. Although Sheng Tianzi is the head of state, he is not a dictator after all. Many things cannot be decided by her alone.And even if she is a dictator, she cannot completely reverse the deep-rooted concepts of the people.

"However, Miss Tongzi, you are right. Actually, I am thinking about the balance between the plundered generations and the cursed children. I have some ideas. When the time is right, I plan to implement the "New Gastritis Law."

"The New Gastrea Act?"

The name sounds a bit like the law on gastrulation, but she knew that Sheng Tianzi was not such a retarded person, so she didn't comment, but continued to listen to Sheng Tianzi.

"It is for the plundered generation, and the laws related to the cursed son. Regarding how to improve and enhance the status of the cursed son, I will try my best to let the cursed son integrate into our circle."

In fact, judging from Tongzi’s understanding of the period of time she spent in this world, the hatred of the cursed son from the plundered generations is definitely not resolved by the introduction of a bill.

However, she respects those who are willing to work hard to change injustice. Even if they fail in the end, they are still [-] times better than keyboard warriors who only know how to spray this and that on the Internet all day long, but are unwilling to act.

"You really are an idealist."

"Maybe. I will not launch an aggressive war. Even if assassination befalls me, I will not succumb to it. Revenge is even more intolerable. Such despicable acts are no different from washing blood with blood."

"Even if someone killed your most important person, wouldn't you choose revenge?"

The Holy Son was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that she had nothing to say, Tongzi sighed: "In my motherland, there is such an old saying—repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue—in this world, there are many unreasonable guys. No matter what you do, they will hate you, and will even curse you in the most vicious language for no reason."

"Repaying grievances with virtue, how can we repay virtue?" Sheng Tianzi repeated this sentence several times, "Then, Miss Tong, if you don't repay grievances with virtue, then what should you do?"

"A tooth for a tooth, double the return."

"An eye for an eye, double return?" Sheng Tianzi frowned slightly, "Miss Tongzi, don't you think this is too cruel? If hatred is used to repay hatred, the final result can only be more hatred."

Tongzi admired the Holy Son of Heaven very much.

Growing up in such an environment, he can still maintain such a pure heart and such an upright view.

No wonder she is the most beloved and considered the wisest among the three generations of saints.

Tongzi knew very well that what Sheng Tianzi showed was not pretending.

Because the ruler does not need gentleness and kindness, gentleness and kindness cannot protect the people.

Perhaps in times of peace, an idol-like head of state can unite people's hearts, but in times of war, it becomes very difficult to use empty and powerless words to influence people's hearts.

What a princess with an idealist in her arms...

For a princess like her, without the assistant officer, Tendo Kikunojo, who is in charge of the secret activities in the Tokyo area, including using her least favorite means to eliminate hidden dangers in the Tokyo area, she would not be able to sit safely in the position of the emperor superior.

"Well, it's getting late, so I'll leave first."

As Tongzi said, she planned to open the car door and leave.

Chatting with Shengtianzi is very happy. Although everyone thinks differently, Tongzi knows that she is not malicious, and she is really thinking about the Tokyo area and the people, so Tongzi will not blame her for this.

"Please wait a moment, Miss Tongzi," Sheng Tianzi put her hand on Tongzi's shoulder, a look of hesitation appeared on her face for a moment, and then she asked tentatively: "Miss Tongzi, what... did you say before?" But, you are now the president of a private security company, right?"

Tongzi was about to get out, but then she sat back on her seat again: "That's right, what's the matter?"

"Actually, I left the holy residence this time because I wanted to entrust the police to deal with it. The thing is like this..."

Chapter 201


An hour later, a truck pulled up in front of a boarding school.

Kiriko jumped off the cab and looked up at the school.

There is a signboard of Goutian Girls’ School on the gate of the school, and the display screen of the electric gate at the entrance and exit of the school shows that the current time is [-]:[-] p.m. When the gate is closed, vehicles cannot enter and exit, and the lights of the security duty room next to it are dark. The curtains were also drawn, and it was unknown if anyone was inside.

The area of ​​this school is not large, and there are only three buildings in the whole school, two teaching buildings and one dormitory building.

It's getting dark now, but there are no lights in the three buildings, and there is no human voice.

It was too quiet.

"I don't like it very much here."

After Kiriko got out of the car, Satomi Rentaro who was standing next to him frowned.

"No one likes you, it's work."

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