Tongzi rolled her eyes, and then arranged: "Huo Dian and Miss Mu Geng, you stay here with the others, see you, come in with me."

"why me?"

"why it's not me?"

Satomi Rentaro and Benou Huokui protested at the same time.

"Huo Dian, be obedient, I need you and Miss Mu Geng to stay here and take care of everyone, can I ask you to guard our retreat?"

Kiriko ignored Satomi, but gently stroked her red head.

Although these cursed sons are already receiving combat training, after all, they have not received combat training for a short time, and Tongzi is still not at ease to put them into battle.

Moreover, if the cursed son fights against a gastrula, if he releases his power, the erosion rate in his body will increase, and once he is injected with a virus by a gastroenteria, the erosion rate in his body will increase significantly.

At present, the grandson of the sage has not found a way to improve the corrosion inhibitor, so the best way is to let them avoid actual combat first.

As for Kigeng staying, it is of course double insurance. After the kidney transplant, the full strength that this woman has shown is not comparable to that of Satomi Rentaro.

Kiriko used to think that the longest distance to slash using the sword drawing technique was the length of the arm plus the length of the samurai sword, plus the distance of the step forward, but the slashing distance of Tendoki's sword drawing technique , but more than three times this number (Note ①).

"I... I know... My sister's escape route is left to me."

Huo lowered his head, then nodded excitedly.

Children are easy to fool.

No wonder Xiu An likes children so much (Da Wu).

Tongzi turned to look at Tendo Kisara.

"Then, Miss Mugeng, please."

Tiantong Mugeng nodded: "Miss Tong, leave it to me at ease."

"Miss Tong, can I not go?" Satomi Rentaro scratched his hair.

"Shut up," Kiriko kicked Satomi Rentaro's ass, of course she would control her own strength, she didn't really want to kick Urumi Rentaro to death, "Just your bad face like Crowley, I'm not worried about letting you stay with my lolis."

"What Crowley, it's too much. Is my face really that hard?"

Satomi Rentaro complained, causing Tendo Kisara and the lolis to snicker.

Tongzi nodded solemnly: "The loli who stay with you probably won't end well. You will suck their luck away and turn it into your own."

"Don't say it so scary, okay, I don't have that kind of ability like a monster."

Complaints are nothing but complaints, but Satomi Rentaro still took out his XD pistol, checked that the magazine was full, and walked towards the school entrance together with Kiriko.

It has been mentioned before that the inside of the school is very quiet, but outside the school, it is not that there are no people.

Several yellow cordon tapes were pulled up, and policemen in black uniforms surrounded the school three layers in and out, and the lights of the police cars were flickering non-stop.

After seeing Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro walking together, a policeman who was in charge of blocking the outside stretched out his hand to them, signaling them to stop: "Stop, something happened here, ordinary citizens please leave immediately."

Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro looked at each other, and then Satomi Rentaro got the signal, took out a police license from the student uniform similar to a suit, and showed it in front of the policeman.

"No, we are not ordinary citizens, we are civilian police."


The policeman froze for a moment, then his eyes changed, and he looked at the two of them again.

"When can even a child be a policeman?" The policeman complained, and then shouted in the direction of the school: "Police!"

Not long after, a man in plain clothes with a rough Chinese face came over.

Looks like he should be the boss of these cops.

"What's the matter?" The man with a square face called the police department just glanced at Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro, and didn't look any more... To be precise, he still glanced at Kiriko, but that's all, Immediately, he cast his eyes on his subordinates, "Don't tell me, even two ordinary citizens can't stop them."

The man with the square face exudes a chilling aura all over his body. This is the temperament that can only be cultivated by fighting against vicious criminals all the year round.

It seems that this man should be able to become a police department, he should still have some strength, not just a good job in sycophancy.

The policeman who was questioned also seemed to be afraid of the man with the square face: "No... no, they are civilian police."

"Police?" The man with a square face looked at the two of them again in surprise, "Don't be kidding, it's just two brats."

"We are really civilian police, and this is my civilian police license."

Satomi Rentaro once again showed his police license to the other party, and the man with a square face snatched it away.

"Satomi Rentaro? Qunxing Private Security Company?" The man with a square face frowned, "What the hell kind of name is that? I'm still in the Pan-Galactic Community of Destiny."

"Hmph," the man with the square face returned the police license to Rentaro Satomi, "It's really unimaginable that a brat like you can become a policeman. What are those people at IISO thinking? My name is Matoku Tadajima. Please teach me a lot."

Although the man who called himself Matoku Tadajima said, "Please advise me a lot", his tone didn't have much kindness.

What Tongzi noticed was that when Matoku Tadajima was talking to them, the policeman who blocked them earlier had returned to the front and told his colleagues that the two were policemen, and now all the policemen looked at him with disgust. Look at the two of them.

To be precise, he mainly stared at Rentaro Satomi.

No way, who told Satomi Rentaro to be a man.

The hostility between the police and the police did not start from now. Shortly after the defeat in the gastrulation war in the Tokyo area, a bill was introduced that must be accompanied by the police before entering the scene of gastrulation-related incidents.

The original intention of this necessary measure was to reduce the casualty rate of those policemen who acted rashly. The starting point is good, but the fact is that no policeman will welcome the civilian policemen who enter their area of ​​responsibility.

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