They even regard the police as wild dogs that will take away their credit.

Tadajima Matoku's attitude is so bad, probably because of this reason.

The rigidity and stubbornness of the Japanese in some aspects far exceeds that of other countries. Needless to say, the battle between the army and the navy during World War II, which is used to play tricks, is almost ruined.

Just like it is now, it is clear that the promulgation of the bill is to reduce the casualty rate of the police. After all, compared with the police who maintain law and order, the police who are responsible for fighting gastritis and have the initiator as their partner are more suitable... …

But how do these Japanese devils understand that "the police are here to grab credit"?

This is not a perfect score for reading comprehension, it is simply unreasonable!

"Well, so, where is your partner?" Matoku Tadajima suddenly changed the subject at this moment, "Aren't all of you policemen working with the initiator?"

Satomi Rentaro opened his mouth slightly, but Kiriko spoke before he could speak.

"No need, the two of us are enough."


Matoku Tadajima wondered if he heard it wrong just now.

A policeman without an initiator, wouldn't that be the same as their police?

And in terms of arming and training, they are not as good as their police.

Matoku Tadajima held his forehead, but after struggling for a while, he decided to let go of his brain and not worry about this problem: "Forget it, don't care about it, anyway, come with me first."

Matoku Tadajima led the two of them to the entrance of the school. More than a dozen policemen looked at this side eagerly. Matoku Tadashima casually pointed in the direction of the two of them: "Everyone, the belated policemen have finally arrived. Alright, let's get started now."

More than a dozen heavily armed special (sensitive word) police, after receiving the order, held shotguns and explosion-proof shields, and couldn't wait to enter the school.

Matoku Tadajima also entered behind them with a pistol.

Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro looked at each other, and also followed inside.

The area of ​​this girls' school is not large, there are only three buildings in total, the special (sensitive word) police who opened the way first were divided into two groups, and entered two of the teaching buildings, while Tongzi met Lian in the same room. After looking at each other, Taro walked towards the dormitory building where no one was exploring.

"Wait a moment."

Matoku Tadajima chased after him, "I'll go with you."

"Not with your subordinates?"

Tongzi looked at the two teaching buildings, and the figures of the special (sensitive word) policemen had disappeared into the stairs of the teaching buildings.

"No, they're all great people. I'm sure they'll be able to handle it well. But on your side, if something happens, it's really embarrassing if the police aren't there."

Tongzi curled her lips and said nothing.

So the three of them walked towards the dormitory together.

There is a wall outside the entrance of the dormitory building, which separates the dormitory building from the outside. There is an iron gate in the middle of the wall, and a lock is hung on it.

Because this school is a girls' school, there are naturally no distinctions between men and women in the dormitory.

Tongzi stood in front of the iron gate and took a look inside. The dormitory building was quiet, there was no sound from anyone, and there was no sign of lights on. Besides, the room next to the wall should be the dormitory aunt's room, which was also tightly closed. door, and no light or sound.

Satomi Rentaro was a little nervous, and Kiriko noticed that he kept wiping the sweat from his hands onto his pants. In comparison, Matoku Tadajima was much calmer.

As expected of a professionally trained person, Satomi Rentaro is nothing compared to Tadajima.

But having said that, it's the same, Satomi Rentaro seems to be on a mission for the first time since he got his police license.

It's inevitable to be nervous...

Tongzi, who was thinking wildly, suddenly heard Matoku Tadajima ask: "The door is locked, who of you will unlock it?"

Satomi Rentaro exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Don't be kidding, okay, we are all good citizens, who knows that stuff."

"Guys who are partners with girls, don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Matoku Tadajima sarcastically said.

Satomi Rentaro retorted: "It's not what I like."

Ignoring the quarrel between the two, Tongzi pushed the iron door. As Matoku Tadajima said, the iron gate on the wall of the dormitory building is indeed locked. If there is no key, the only way to unlock it is to open it or break it violently. There is a way.

Matoku Tadajima seemed indifferent, obviously planning to wait for the special (sensitive word) police who had searched the teaching building over there to arrive, and then work together to explore this dormitory building together.

Because judging from the time when the report was received, it is estimated that there are no living people in this school. In this case, even if it is for his own safety, Matoku Tadajima did not say that the lock can actually be broken with a pistol this way.

After all, I still don't trust the police.

He didn't believe that Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro, two students who were supposed to be studying at school, had the ability to eliminate gastritis.

However, he didn't say it, but it didn't mean that there was really no way to enter.

In the final analysis, it is still a word - vigorously produces miracles.

Tongzi grasped the railing of the iron gate with both hands, and then...

There was only a harsh sound, as if a piece had been removed from a Lego block, and Tongzi held the iron door pulled from the door frame in his hand.

Matoku Tadajima originally planned to take out a cigarette to light it, but when he heard the sound, he turned his head away and saw Tongzi holding the iron door that was much higher than her, he was so shocked that even the cigarette fell to the ground. on the ground.

Then he saw Tongzi put the iron gate against the fence, and was about to go in, and quickly stopped her: "Hey, wait, are you going to go in alone like this?"

"What's the matter, what's the problem?" Tongzi looked at Matoku Tadajima suspiciously.

"It's too dangerous, why don't we search together after the special (sensitive word) police (sensitive word) team comes over."

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