"It's too slow, what if there are survivors inside?"

After saying this, Kiriko left Satomi Rentaro and Matoku Tadajima and walked in, but she hadn't taken a few steps when she turned her head again. Matoku Tadajima thought that the other party was actually scared, but Deliberately pretending to be out, just about to open his mouth to tease a few words.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even look at him, and stared straight at Satomi Rentaro: "Hey, Satomi, why don't you hurry up."

Satomi Rentaro scratched the back of his head, then gave a thumbs up, showing a resolute and awe-inspiring look: "I will guard here, and I will wrap it up next, you go first."

Before he finished speaking, a foot kicked him in the face, he screamed exaggeratedly, then turned [-] degrees in the air and fell down on the spot, and then Tongzi kicked his ass violently: "You What stupid things are you talking about, you idiot! Just give me the courage to go up to a man, so fortunately, do you still have the face to call yourself a man?"

Kiriko went straight up and grabbed Satomi Rentaro by the back collar, like grabbing a cat by the nape of the neck, and dragged him towards the dormitory building without any resistance.

Satomi Rentaro, who was dragged by Kiriko towards the dormitory building, shouted as if he was about to grab hold of a life-saving straw: "Tadajima Matoku... Tadajima Matoku Police Department, for the sake of everyone being Japanese, Hurry up, brother."

Tadajima Matoku looked away as if he didn't hear or see it, and looked away: "I'm also at the age of retirement, was someone talking just now? I don't seem to hear anything."

"Bastard! I know, let me go, I'll go with you."

The force that was dragging Satomi Rentaro loosened.

"Can you give me some face, I'm a man."

Satomi Rentaro stood up, straightened his shirt, and complained at the same time.

"I don't know why, but I just think your Crowley's face is very embarrassing."

"Tell me clearly, what is Crowley's face."

Kiriko ignored Satomi Rentaro and walked to a dormitory on the first floor. She turned the doorknob without hope, but unexpectedly found that the door was not locked.

Inside is a very common girl's room, which is cleaner than the boy's room and does not have so many peculiar smells.

There is no laptop for gaming on the bed, but there are plenty of cosmetics and clothes.


This was her first impression after opening the door.

There is no one in the room.

"Satomi, go open the door over there and have a look."

After Kiriko ordered Sato to meet Rentaro, she walked over and opened the door of the next door.

It's also unlocked, and it's also empty.

The furnishings in the room are similar, so I won’t go into details here.

Soon, the two searched all the rooms on the first floor of the dormitory.

all nobody...

Although such a result can be expected, this unknown and weird situation still makes people hold their breath.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Matoku Tadajima saw the two wandering around at the door, so he bit the bullet and ran in too.

"Uncle, don't you wait for your subordinates to act together?"

Tongzi glanced at him and couldn't help stabbing him.

Matoku Tadajima pretended not to understand the other meanings in the words: "Stop talking about that, what did you find?"

Tongzi spread her hands.

"No, nothing, no one."


"Yes, there is no one, and there is no trace of a fight. The room is very messy, but it is not intentionally messed up by someone looking for something from the box. It is the kind of mess that is too lazy to clean up without checking in daily life," Tongzi explained in the tone of someone who has experienced it, "And everything in the room is there, and it doesn't seem to be a sign of packing and leaving."

"Wait..." Tadajima Matoku is worthy of being a policeman, and he quickly captured important information from Tongzi's words, "You mean, these people were not kidnapped by others, but left by themselves ?”

After thinking about it, Tongzi said: "Yes, they seem to have received something important and left suddenly."

"Police, how did you get here?" Satomi Rentaro asked.

"Actually, a parent of a student in this school called the police. He said that his daughter hadn't contacted him for several days, and he couldn't get through to the school. Something was wrong, so he didn't dare to come in, but asked our police to come in and check the situation."

Tongzi asked: "So did the nearby residents provide any information?"

"Except that this school has not seen anyone coming in and out since half a month ago, there is nothing else. However, because this school is a boarding school, it is normal that no one comes in and out. Residents nearby It never occurred to me to call the police.”

"If no one comes in and out, then it stands to reason that all the teachers and students of the school are still here," Tongzi turned her head at this time and looked in the direction of the two teaching buildings. The two teaching buildings are only in the night, and some outlines can be barely seen, "I don't know what your subordinates have gained."

"Are we still going up?"

Satomi Rentaro looked up at the stairs leading to the upper floors of the dormitory building.

For the sake of fire prevention, this dormitory building has a total of two staircases from east to west, and at the back of the building, there is also a fire staircase for emergency escape.

And what they are now is the stairs on the west side.

There is a sound-activated lighting in the stairs, and the lights turn on following Satomi Rentaro's words, but the eerie silence is like a big net, covering everyone, making people feel like their blood is freezing.

"Don't forget we're here to work, Satomi."

Kiriko can understand, after all, this is Satomi Rentaro's first mission as a police officer, so he is very nervous, and this time is so weird.

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