If a gastritis or an urban murderer jumped out openly, it wouldn't be scary. What was scary was the unknown of what was going on.

"I knew it," Satomi Rentaro dejectedly stepped up the stairs with the XD pistol in both hands, "Then let's go."

The situation on the second floor is almost the same as that on the first floor, the only difference is that some rooms have unfinished cup noodles or unwashed dishes.

Black flies were buzzing around these things, disgusting.

When everyone continued to move towards the third floor, the situation changed.

There is an iron fence blocking the corridor between the second and third floors.

The light of the flashlight hit the iron fence, causing the iron fence to emit a dark light.




Remarks ①: In the original novel, it is said that Tiantongmu can cut a distance that is more than three times longer than that of the arm and the knife. I think that the drawing of the knife is not to throw the knife out, but to chop it in the hand. I don’t know. How could such a long distance be cut in a world without magic and fighting spirit.

Chapter 202 Gastrea Association


"Why is there such a thing here?"

Satomi Rentaro pushed the iron fence in surprise, the latter made a rattling sound, and the iron fence was firmly tied several times with a thick iron chain.

Generally speaking, unless boys and girls live in the same dormitory building, there will be iron fences to separate them, which is reasonable, but girls' schools are all girls, why is there such a thing?

"this thing……"

Kiriko touched the iron fence carefully, and when Satomi Rentaro and Tadajima Matoku didn't notice, she quietly picked it off a little bit, and asked the grandson of the sage to analyze it.

The result of the analysis by the grandson of the sage came out quickly: the iron fence was made of 錵.

Not pure chimney, but indeed made of chimney mixed with other metals.

As a sharp weapon for human beings to fight against intestinal animals in this world, 錵 is a particularly important strategic resource, and it is naturally forbidden for ordinary people to buy it. Although citizens are allowed to hold guns in the Tokyo area, what they can buy is ordinary bullets. Ammunition not intended for gastrulation.

Gunmetal weapons can only be bought on the black market.

But, why do they have to use chrysalis? There are no gastratus in the Tokyo area, and they are not a police training school here.What's more, iron fences are still made of 錵 to separate the upper and lower passages.

The mystery is getting deeper and deeper, and they seem to have fallen into a whirlpool.

Dealing with this iron fence is like dealing with the iron gate on the wall outside the dormitory building. Tongzi pulled it down with brute force.

Matoku Tadajima felt a toothache watching from the sidelines. He grabbed Rentaro Satomi, who was about to go up, and asked quietly while Kiriko was walking in front: "Isn't your partner really the cursed son?"

"Of course not, did you see that her eyes are red?" Rentaro Satomi waved Matoku Tadajima's hand impatiently, "Besides, nine years have passed since the gastrulation war. The son of the curse is only nine years old, how old do you think she is?"

After hearing Rentaro Satomi's words, Matoku Tadajima took a closer look at Tongzi again. Whether it is a boy or a girl, there is still a big difference between the age of nine and the age of teens, not to mention that girls generally develop earlier than boys. One point, no matter how cute and petite Tongzi is, she doesn't look like she is nine years old.

Most importantly, Tongzi's eyes didn't turn red.

The eyes of the cursed children are red, even if they can try to cover it up, but when their emotions are different from usual, such as agitation, sadness, etc., or when their power is released, their eyes will glow like a gastritis. Generally the same red light.

There is no way to hide it.

But Tongzi's eyes are always the same pupil color as normal human beings. From this point alone, it is already certain that he is not the cursed child.

After going up to the third floor, Tongzi found that the layout of the third floor was completely different from the second and first floors seen below.

The protective walls of the aisle on the third floor are all equipped with anti-theft nets, and all of them are anti-theft nets mixed with 錵.

"How is this going……"

Matoku Tadajima looked around in shock, before he finished speaking, he felt his back was pushed hard.

The ground approached quickly, and he lay on the ground, unable to react for a moment, until a horse's head fell in front of him, and the red light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Although it is the head of a horse, its teeth are as sharp as those of a crocodile.

It's a gastritis...

Matoku Tadajima reacted quickly.

And this Gastrea was like a signal, and more Gastres poured out from the room next to the corridor on the third floor.

"How... how come there are so many Gastrea?"

At the same time, gunshots resounded in the silent night sky. It was not Satomi Rentaro, nor Tadajima Matoku, nor Kiriko.

It was the gunshots from the two teaching buildings.


The so-called gastritis are very special creatures unique to this world.

Including humans, any creature, as long as it is injected with gastritis virus, and the erosion rate reaches more than [-]%, it will be transformed into a gastritis.

The most frightening thing about gastroenteroviruses is that they don't just turn other organisms into their own kind, but also transform them into the most suitable shape in addition to analyzing the genetic characteristics of the host.

For example, if the body of a flea is made as huge as a human being, it will not be able to support its own body.Correspondingly, according to the law of gravity and the principle of scale, it should be impossible for a fly tiger as big as a human to exist.

It's just that gastroenterovirus overturns all the above theories.

When becoming a gastroenterate, according to the size of the body, the hardness of the strengthened skin and the body function will be improved accordingly.Therefore, the larger the gastrulation, the harder the epidermis and the stronger the strength.

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