In addition, there is a natural gap between Japan and Europe and the United States in terms of whether gastritis has wisdom.

Gastreas lack intelligence and are just low-level creatures that rely on nature and instinct. This statement has become a conclusion in Japan for some reason, while Europe and the United States hold the diametrically opposite view from Japan. They believe that gastritis It has a considerable degree of intelligence, and the higher the level of gastrulation, the higher its intelligence (Note ①).

In addition, it should be mentioned that the strength and regeneration level of gastrulation are two concepts.

Intensity is explained by the game, which is equivalent to the level of a character. The higher the level, the higher the attribute value, and naturally the stronger it is.

The regeneration level refers to the strength of the regenerative ability.

Most Gastrea and Initiators belong to Level [-], and can be killed with ordinary Ni-made weapons.

Level [-] is the level that can resist the usual gun-made weapons, and it needs to be beheaded or poured with fuel to burn it down.

At the third level, even if the arm is cut off, it can regenerate or return to the original body, and the cells seem to respond to each other.

Level [-] can regenerate even if it loses most of its internal organs, and to kill it, it needs to be destroyed without leaving any scum.

As for regeneration level five...

Even if it is thrown into extremely low temperature or vacuum or thousands of degrees of magma, it can regenerate as long as it adapts to the environment.And it's regeneration at the molecular level.There is no physical means of killing it at the current level of science, and it seems that there is nothing that can kill it except super-made items.

What Tongzi and the others are encountering now is a gastratus with a strength of level one.

It seems that according to the world, it should be called phase one.

The gunshots continued, the shell casings ejected from the barrel of the XD pistol, danced on the floor with a ding-dong, and the gastratus who were hit wailed.

Matoku Tadajima also used the police revolver to cooperate with Rentaro Satomi, but his attack on gastrulation was not painful at all.

"what happened?"

Matoku Tadajima looked in amazement at a Gastrea that was hit by him with five bullets in a row and was still alive and kicking at him with its tentacles. He even forgot to dodge for a while.

A black light appeared in the air, the tentacles were cut off by the black light, and Tongzi swung his backhand, splitting the gastratus in half.

"Satomi, take the obstructive police department downstairs, you are too obstructive here."

Even though she was talking to Satomi Rentaro, Kiriko still didn't stop the movement in her hand, the black long sword rolled up and down in her hand, protecting her airtight.

"Understood," Satomi Rentaro fired several shots at the Gastrea that was about to come from the other side of the corridor, "Police, are you okay? You go down first, and I'll cover you."

Matoku Tadajima knew that he was being held back, so he didn't say anything, and ran towards the passage where the few people came. Satomi Rentaro was protecting him and fighting while retreating, only Kiriko did not move.


"You go first, I will come over later."

A gastritis with a dog-shaped head rushed towards Tongzi fiercely. The black sword light pierced its head from top to bottom, nailing it to the floor.

Tongzi, who killed a gastrula with a single sword, didn't show any joy on her face. She jumped to the side and at the same time swung a cassock cut, just in time to split the gastrula that was about to attack her from behind. Half.

She stood at the stairs leading to the second floor from the third floor, and the black sword light protected her whole body. As long as she touched this sword light, even if it was just a little touch, the flesh and blood would dissolve by itself and turn into a ground. The fragments of corpses, even if they have a stronger regenerative ability than ordinary creatures, will not help.

Satomi Rentaro ran down the second floor in one breath while protecting Matoku Tadajima. The two of them ran straight out of the dormitory again, and when they returned to the wall where they were going to enter the dormitory, they breathed a sigh of relief. When no Gastrea came after him, Matoku Tadajima immediately put his hands on his knees, gasping for breath.

After all, no matter what, he is an old policeman.

"Just...what happened?" Matoku Tadajima couldn't help asking after he felt that he had almost recovered.

Satomi Rentaro knew what the other party wanted to ask, "Police, you should be using ordinary bullets (Note ②), that has almost no effect on gastrulation, but will stimulate its ferocity."

"then you……"

"Of course I didn't use ordinary bullets."

Satomi Rentaro unloaded the empty magazine, took out a brand new magazine from his clothes, and showed it to Matoku Tadajima before reloading.

The tip of the yellow bullet has a dark color.

"This is a chrysanthemum bullet, which can hinder the regeneration of wounds of gastrulations. It is said that if gastrulations are placed in a room full of chrysanthemums, gastrulations will even weaken and die."

"So it is."

He glanced upstairs, and there were signs of battle constantly resounding from the dormitory upstairs. He frowned a little worriedly: "That brat... your partner is up there alone, is it okay?"

"If she says it, she should be fine...Probably."

Satome Rentaro said this, and then remembered the terrifying strength with which he had easily removed the iron gate just like the initiator.

Those gastratus shouldn't be able to do anything to get her, right?

In fact, in the battle just now, it was not only Matoku Tadajima, but also Rentaro Satomi himself. If they continued to stay on top, it would only cause trouble for her.

Now that they have retreated, she should be able to retreat too, right?

However, there was no sign of Tongzi in the corridor, and the sound of fighting in the dormitory was still fierce.

Satomi Rentaro couldn't sit still. After hesitating for a few times, he finally cursed "Damn it" and ran towards the stairs again holding the XD pistol.

Before running over, he did not forget to yell to Matoku Tadajima: "Police, you are right there, don't come over."

"Huh? Oh, oh... ok..."

Matoku Tadajima wiped off the cold sweat that hadn't stopped on his forehead since he was out of danger.

He watched as Satomi Rentaro ran up the stairs.

His legs were shaking non-stop. He was the police department of the First Search Section. He was a policeman before the gastritis war. He had captured many prisoners and experienced many thrilling battles with prisoners.

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