But none of those experiences was comparable to this one.

Now, he can somewhat understand the situation of the policeman.


Satomi Rentaro held the XD pistol in both hands. After reaching the second floor, he slowly headed towards the third floor.


He lowered his head and found that he was stepping on a tube-shaped lump of unknown Gastrea, extremely uncomfortable purple blood, spreading all over the stairs leading to the third floor.

Not only that, even the walls were painted with a layer of purple, and the entire corridor looked very disgusting.

Satomi Rentaro felt his stomach churning, as if something would come out of his throat at any moment, he quickly covered his mouth and forced himself to swallow the lump in his throat.

There was an unpleasant smell in his mouth, but now was obviously not the time to worry about it.

He couldn't help admiring the doctors who were in charge of dissecting gastritis, they really worked hard for their work.

Continuing to go up, more corpses of Gastrea appeared in the field of vision.

Gastrea in Stage [-] are all kinds of earth creatures that have been enlarged. The higher the stage level, the more factors are mixed in Gastrea, the less it can see its original form, and the more ferocious and ugly it is. .

Satomi Rentaro looked around, and as far as he could see, the entire third floor had been turned into a mountain of corpses and blood, and there were gastroenteric corpses everywhere.

The pungent stench became more intense, which made him have to pull up the collar of the white shirt he was wearing under his school uniform to cover his mouth and nose.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded suddenly.

Satomi Rentaro hastily aimed his XD pistol in the direction of the sound of footsteps.

It is the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor.

A petite figure slowly walked into Satomi Rentaro's eyes.

After seeing that figure, Satomi Rentaro put down the XD pistol in his hand.

"What, don't scare me."

The one who appeared from the stairs was naturally Tongzi. At this time, she was completely unharmed, even the clothes on her body were spotless, not even gastritis blood.

For some reason, Tongzi saw Satomi Rentaro's Clolicious face, and couldn't help but ridicule him: "He came in time, a little faster than the police in the movie."

"It took me a long time to muster up the courage to rush over to support you. You should thank me anyway." Satomi Rentaro said dissatisfied.

"Thank you? Thank you for letting me enjoy the unparalleled pleasure alone?"

Satomi Rentaro made a "cut", and then seemed to think of something: "Wait, what did you say just now, Wushuang?"

He glared at Tongzi with incredulous eyes: "You killed all the gastritis here by yourself?"

"Yeah, because I'm so bored, so I had to kill gastritis to relieve my boredom."

Tongzi walked past him.

"Let's go, what are you still doing here, do you still want to wait for the night?"

Satomi Rentaro looked at Kiriko's back in shock. He just knew that Kiriko was very powerful and might be able to protect himself from the siege of so many gastritis, but he didn't expect that Kiriko could clean up the entire dormitory building.

Just how many gastrulations are there in this building?

Twenty, or fifty... just calculating from the number seen on the third floor, one hundred is not impossible...

Just one person, just one person...

Matoku Tadajima, who was waiting outside the dormitory building, looked at Tongzi with an expression almost like seeing a ghost.

It's not his fault. After all, human beings were defeated in the Gastrea war because they were completely invincible to Gastrea, so that they lost more than [-]% of the land and most of the population.

Originally, when the opponent broke the back, Matoku Tadajima already thought that the opponent chose Yusha, this heroic way.

I didn't expect the two parties to have the possibility of meeting again alive...

"Police, you can take people up there," Tongzi said to Matoku Tadajima as soon as she came over, "but I suggest that you better be mentally prepared, the situation above may be different from what you expected."

Matoku Tadajima showed a very exaggerated expression of shock: "You...could it be that all the gastritis above were wiped out by you alone?"

"Of course," Tongzi nodded. "There are a total of one hundred gastratus carcasses. You can count them."

In fact, the total number of gastritis in the dormitory building is not one hundred, but one hundred and fifty.

The reason Kiriko concealed the number was because she disassembled fifty gastrella.

The reason for doing this is that if the grandson of the sage wants to develop an antidote, he must use gastritis as a material, and the more the quantity needed, the better, and the higher the stage level, the better.

Fifty of them are naturally unsatisfactory, but even if they are all broken down, they are still just the scum of stage one.

But I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. It's not so easy to find an antidote, so I don't worry about it.

The special (sensitive word) police over the teaching building, less than half an hour after the battle ended here, the people over there also came.

There are also gastrulations in the teaching building, but the number is much smaller, only a few, but even so, it caused some casualties to the special police. Fortunately, the special police used 錵 bullets instead of ordinary bullets, otherwise the casualties would only be worse. big.

The special police who came to help went up with Matoku Tadajima after arriving at the dormitory. Kiriko and Rentaro Satomi did not go up, and they waited downstairs.

The school building has been cleaned up by the special (sensitive word) police (sensitive word) team, and they don't need to go there.

They are still here and the reason why they haven't left is simple.

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