Although the incident was resolved, they had to stay until Tadajima and the others evaluated the level of the incident and paid the due reward.

The police is a private industry. It’s okay for the larger police companies to say that others dare not refuse to pay. A little-known police company like them has nothing to do if they don’t pay them. ...

Wait, if he's not going to pay, it seems he can do it too.

At least try to threaten him like this...

Kiriko, who was thinking wildly in her mind, looked at Rentaro Satomi next to him. This high school student seemed very impatient, and seemed to want to leave like this, but he also knew that if he left now, if the other party reneged, he would renege. There is no way for him to recover it, so he is still enduring his violent temper.

So she joked to Satomi Rentaro: "Satomi, how does it feel to be on a mission for the first time?"

"It feels like my body is being hollowed out." Satomi Rentaro scratched his hair irritably.

"It's okay if your body is hollowed out, do you need Miss Mu Geng to comfort you?"

"Don't be kidding," Satomi Rentaro said in a voice so low that only he could hear, "Miss Kisara's words will probably just kick my ass hard and blame me for not being good. "

After that, the two faced each other in silence.

Tongzi looked at the dormitory building again, but there was still no sign of Tadajima Matoku and the special police officers coming out.

Feeling a little bored, Kiriko asked Satomi Rentaro for a mobile phone and dialed a number.

This number is exactly the personal number Sheng Tianzi told her before.

Soon, the call was connected.

Tongzi didn't wait for the other side to speak, and said first: "Is it the Holy Son of Heaven? The work you entrusted to me has been resolved, and the police are now finishing the work."

"It's Miss Tong, isn't it? Sure enough, it's right to ask Miss Tong."

For some reason, Sheng Tianzi didn't sound very happy.


It's not like the emotion an employer should have when he hears that the job he handed over is done.

"Did something happen, Son of Heaven, you don't sound very happy?"

"Miss Tongzi, please log in to NICONICO and search for 'Gastozoa Society'."

After hanging up the phone, Satomi Rentaro had a chance to interject, "The one entrusted to us is the Setenko-sama? Is it His Royal Highness the Princess who rules the Tokyo area?"

Kiriko ignored Satomi Rentaro, used his mobile phone to enter Google, then entered NICONICO in Google, and finally entered the keyword that Setenko said.

Only one live broadcast room was found.

Click to open.

After a short loading time, a man in a white robe appeared in the video, standing in an unidentifiable room.

The man was covered in white robes all over his body, with a white hood attached to the robes on his face. The hood covered most of his face, and he could only see his clean-shaven, no stubble. jaw.

Satomi Rentaro was curious, so he also came over and stared at the phone screen together.

The white-robed man opened his arms: "Welcome, citizens of the Tokyo area, we are the gastrulation association, and the only organization in the world that believes in the true god."


Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro looked at each other in confusion.

As a country born in a country where animals are not allowed to become spirits, God or something is a very vague concept in Tongzi's cognition, and she can't understand that Westerners like to shout "GOD" when they have nothing to do, even if they do it at night. When doing something, they like to shout "OH GOD, OH GOOD".

If I have to say, the god she associates is an indescribable existence-this is mainly due to the fact that there was a period of time when she was very obsessed with the Cthulhu running group.

So God, for Tongzi, is an existence that should be respected and kept at a distance.Once she got involved with God, she felt bad.

The man in white robe deliberately paused, and then continued: "Citizens, I know you must have a lot of questions to ask, before that, please allow me to ask you a question first, why do we have to eliminate gastritis? ?”

"Of course it's because gastroenteria will destroy humans." Rentaro Satomi, who was looking at the phone, couldn't help retorting, but after he finished speaking, he realized that the other party couldn't hear his voice at all.

However, in the live broadcast screen, a lot of bullet screens flashed, which seemed to be posted by other people who were also watching the live broadcast, and the content was nothing more than what Satomi Rentaro just refuted.





??Remarks①: Japan believes that gastritis have no wisdom, while Europe and the United States are the original setting on the contrary.

?? Remark ②: In the original plot, Matoku Tadajima neither knew the type of gastrulation nor knew that the bullet had a restraining effect on gastrulation.

Chapter 203 Gastrea Worship Organization


"Do gastritis destroy humans? No, no, no," the white-robed man should have seen the barrage from other people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, and sneered slightly, "It's not so much that gastritis wiped out human beings. It might be better to say that the gastroenteria was born because of the ego of human beings."

"Humans think that they are the spirits of all creatures, they are at the apex of evolution, and they look down on other creatures with arrogance, but that is because the consciousness gained by humans makes them extremely conceited to think that they are superior to all other creatures. But wise citizens Guys, please think about it carefully, thinking that our "consciousness" is the proof of higher creatures, but this point of view is nothing more than our "consciousness". As long as human beings are still human, there is nothing that can prove that we humans are higher creatures objective evidence."

"On the contrary, human beings have done many behaviors that are not like higher creatures, such as mining the earth's resources, destroying the ecological environment, and launching wars for their own selfish desires. Since written records, human history has been in war all the time... "

"In order to slaughter their compatriots more efficiently, humans continue to invent new weapons. Bronze is better than stone tools, so bronze is produced in large quantities, and then iron products are found to be more useful, so iron is used instead of bronze..."

"Spears can arm soldiers in batches, and they are easy to use. Crossbows are more convenient than bows. Archers need to be cultivated from a young age, and not everyone has the strength to pull a bow, but the requirements for crossbows are not so high, and one only needs to train a few A crossbowman who is only a few months old can easily kill a knight who has practiced swordsmanship for more than ten years..."

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