"After discovering that muskets were more practical than crossbows, crossbows were eliminated, and then bows were also eliminated. All soldiers were replaced with muskets, and then cannons, airplanes, and warships..."

"Li Bai, a poet of Shenzhou, once said, 'Heaven and earth are the reverse journey of all things; Didn't it make this hotel too dirty?"

"In this case, isn't it reasonable for us humans to give up the hotel after we clean it up?"

Kiriko and Satomi Rentaro looked at each other in blank dismay, this man in white robe might not be mentally ill.

The meaning of what he said was like facing the invader, don't resist, just obediently stick out your neck and let the invader cut you.

Does this guy really understand what he's saying?Does he really know what he's talking about?

Although Tongzi has encountered countless bad guys on the Internet and in reality in her previous life, she has clearly understood that there are many people with wrong views in this world. Talking to these people with wrong views is very tiring and not worth the candle Therefore, the best way to deal with the bar is always to place PLAY.

But even so, after reading what the white-robed man said, she still felt a chill coming from her back.

This... who must be this person to come up with such thoughts?

Isn't it good to be alive?

The live broadcast room was dark, probably the white-robed man cut it off, but there were still comments popping up at the bottom of the live broadcast room, leading to fierce quarrels.

But the comments are overwhelming. After all, no one wants to die, and no one wants to become a gastritis. Of course, there are all kinds of people in this world, so these comments are also mixed with some discordant comments. I don't know if it's for the purpose of gaining a sense of presence, or deliberately singing a different tune, but they agree with the white-robed man's words.

The phone rang again, and the number on the caller display was the private number of Sheng Tianzi that Tongzi had just dialed.

As soon as she connected, she heard Sheng Tianzi's exhausted voice: "Have you finished watching the live broadcast?"

"I read it. To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that there are such people in this world."

"That's not the point, Ms. Tongzi, the point is that this kind of people are endangering the Tokyo area, and they have already succeeded."

Tongzi didn't understand the meaning of Sheng Tianzi's words at first, and it took her a while to realize: "Sheng Tianzi, don't you mean this girls' boarding school..."

"That's right, just now Shengju received an anonymous letter, which contained a memory card with dozens of short videos, all of which were teachers from that school who forced students to drink the blood of gastroenteritis virus frequency band."

Tongzi suddenly felt a surge of anger from the bottom of her heart, and she didn't know where this anger came from, but now she was very upset, very upset.

"Is there no way to find out the source?"

The Son of Heaven said with apology.

"No fingerprints were left on the letter. For privacy reasons, there is no monitor at the suggestion box, so..."

Although it has now entered the era of informatization and high speed, the Holy House still retains the same suggestion box as before. Since the first generation of Shengtianzi, due to the personal privacy and personal safety of the sender, there has been no suggestion box near the suggestion box. Set up monitors.

On the one hand, it does take care of the citizens, but on the other hand, it also allows some perverts to take advantage of it. Many people who covet or are full of malice towards the Holy Son of Heaven often say things like "you are my property", " Those who sympathize with the red eyes will die to me", "Incompetent head of state", "Let's start a war, why not start a war? Gentlemen, I like war" and other malicious letters were delivered.

It is said that the people of the Holy House are not a small job just to clean up these letters.

The staff of the Holy House complained to the emperor more than once, hoping to add a monitor near the suggestion box. At least a few people who intentionally sent malicious letters should be found and punished, but the emperor just disagreed.

And the extreme association that worshiped gastritis as gods probably took advantage of this, so they sent the letter in.

"Wait a minute, Son of Heaven," Tongzi suddenly thought of something, "Except for the suggestion box, the other holy residences should have surveillance cameras, right?"

"This... is indeed installed..."

"Since that's the case, please also call out all the surveillance videos in the vicinity of the holy residence... no, all the surveillance videos in the first district."

"However, Miss Tongzi, the suggestion box is cleaned every three days, so we have no way of knowing when the other party passed by."

"Isn't the holy residence in the first district? The traffic in the first district is much less than that of other urban areas. Since it is cleaned every three days, then all the videos of these three days will be pulled out and everyone will help investigate. , vehicles or pedestrians traveling to and from the first district must be familiar faces, so wouldn't unfamiliar faces be extremely suspicious?"

Sheng Tianzi let out a surprised "Hey", and then Tongzi heard Sheng Tianzi talking to the people around him on the phone, and told her what she just said.

Tongzi told Sheng Tianzi that after the result came out, she would be informed of the result and then hung up the phone.

After waiting for a while, Matoku Tadajima and the special police officers finally came down from the dormitory. Because they were worried that there were unkilled Gastrea in the building, they carefully searched the whole building and spent a lot of time.

Although Matoku Tadajima didn't want to admit it, it was thanks to Tongzi that this incident was successfully resolved.

The number of gastritis in the dormitory building is far more than that in the teaching building. If only the special police (sensitive word) team enters the dormitory building, I am afraid that it will end in a complete annihilation in the end.

Afterwards, outsiders need to be notified to come in for a professional evaluation, and finally the payment will be settled. Due to the large number of gastrulations that have been knocked down, a report needs to be submitted to the higher-ups for discussion and research, and then the Qunxing Civil Security Company will be notified.

In other words, Tongzi and the others can go back and wait for the news now.

Tongzi returned to the gate of the school, and the police responsible for maintaining order were still guarding here, but Tadajima had contacted them with the walkie-talkie beforehand, and they also knew what happened in the school. At this time, Tongzi and Satomi Rentaro came out again Time……

The policemen all stopped what they were doing and silently watched the two leave.

Although they clamored that they did not want the police to enter the field they were in charge of, they still couldn't help being awe-inspiring when they learned that the police had saved their side from great casualties.

Tendo Kigeng and the lolis have been waiting outside, no one is bored, everyone is quietly waiting for Tongzi, when seeing Tongzi appear, all the lolis jumped out of the car and turned towards Tongzi rushed over.


Caught off guard, Tongzi was covered with lolita.

She couldn't help but recall that in her last life, there was a word called "a big man all over the body", but now she called it "a full body lolita".

These lolis are so clingy to her, of course Tongzi will not be unhappy.

In the next few days, Tongzi brought the lolis who had never been out to the city to play every day.

Of course, due to the lessons learned last time, Tongzi would not buy a truck this time, but simply called Sheng Tianzi and asked Sheng Tianzi to help rent a bus for him, and he was willing to pay for it.

This trivial matter was quickly satisfied, and there was no need to rent this bus, it was directly bought by Sheng Tianzi and given to Tongzi.

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