With the bus, not only can you bring more lolis when you travel, but you don't need to cover up like last time.

The lolis were all very happy, and in order to help Tongzi, they trained harder under the guidance of the instructor-but this was not Tongzi's original intention.

What she originally meant was that these lolis had never been to the city before, and she felt very pitiful. She just wanted to take them for a stroll, and didn't intend to use them.

If it wasn't for the reasons of this world, she wouldn't let them learn to fight at all, but the situation forced them. In such a world, if they don't learn how to fight, especially teach them the correct self-defense awareness, they will only be killed by those gangsters. IISO people use.

The number of Lolitas in Qunxing Civil Security Company is increasing, and now the number has exceeded [-], and it is still growing.

However, Tongzi estimated that almost all the loli in the entire peripheral area should have arrived here, and there will not be many left outside.

Since she is the president of a police company, she also went to take an exam for a police license out of convenience, and learned that there are only [-] police teams in the world.

What is the concept that there are only [-] police officers in the world?

You need to know the statistics in 2017. The population of the Tokyo metropolitan area alone is more than 3700 million, and the total population of the capital circle is 2018 million. Australia occupies a continent with a population of less than 3 million. to (data as of March [-]).

At present, there are a little more than a thousand civilian police groups registered in the Tokyo area, that is, there are about a thousand initiators.

Calculated in this way, the number of cursed children in the outskirts would be around [-]... no more.

In fact, when Tendo Kisara and Satomi Rentaro went out recently, they obviously couldn't meet the cursed son in the outer area, and even the eyes that could feel being watched in the past were gone now.

It seems that almost all the lolis in the outer area should have gathered here.

The influx of [-] lolis brought a lot of popularity to the originally empty [-]th District.

By the way, didn't Tongzi recruit a group of people who lived in the twenty-eighth district before?At that time, Tongzi gave them two choices, one was to go to other districts to continue to do nothing, the other was to work for herself, and she would treat them according to the standard treatment.

Those who chose to stay worked diligently and developed District [-] together with the construction team hired by Tongzi to tear down and renovate the entire District.

It will cost a lot of money, but the most important thing for Tongzi is money, and as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem at all.

Two days later, Sheng Tianzi was tracking down the extreme association that worships gastrula, and finally made a major breakthrough. The staff of the Holy House investigated the surveillance video installed near the Holy House and the first district day and night, and finally confirmed the delivery The suspect vehicle for that letter.

At the same time, using the cameras everywhere in downtown Tokyo, they found a place that was suspected to be the opponent's stronghold.

But because they don't know the specific information about the other party's stronghold, and in order to prevent surprises, the Holy House does not dare to act rashly.

So Sheng Tianzi entrusted this matter to Tongzi.


On the bustling street, people come and go.

On the sidewalk, there are couples holding hands, high school girls who have just finished school, idiots peeping behind high school girls and under their skirts, office workers with hurried faces, and some holding their favorite boxed games, An otaku with a satisfied smile on his face.

Tongzi was standing in the middle of this sidewalk, and the people coming and going avoided her, but because of her appearance, most of those who walked past would turn their heads for her.

She didn't look at those pedestrians, but looked at a luxuriously decorated building standing in front of her. On the outer wall of the building, there were several Chinese characters written in gold-inlaid characters - Junsi Clinic.

Who would have imagined that this well-known private psychiatric hospital is actually the secret stronghold of that extreme association that worships gastrula.

Tongzi walked towards the front of the building, entered the hall, and found that the place was unusually neat, bright, and clean, but because it was a mental clinic, there were no people there, and the hall looked very empty.

A young nurse at the front desk came over: "Little girl, what's wrong with you?"

"Sister, I...my head hurts a little..." Tongzi covered her head, trying to pretend that she was a teenager.

"Headache? If you have a headache, you have to go to a public hospital. We are a mental hospital," the nurse looked around. "Are you alone? Don't you have any family members to accompany you?"

Tongzi shook her head: "My family is very busy, so let me come by myself. Recently, I keep hearing someone talking in my head."

The nurse asked, "Speak? Do you remember what you were talking about?"

"Most of them are incomprehensible whispers of unknown meaning. Occasionally, you can hear 'I understand', or 'how powerful, the road is under your feet'..." Tongzi shook her head.

The nurse looked confused: "I understand? How powerful, the road is under your feet? It seems that it may indeed be a mental illness, so don't worry, my sister will take you to check it."

With that said, the nurse pulled Tongzi and walked towards the corridor of the hall.

At the end of the corridor is a door. The door is closed tightly. There is a card reader next to it. It seems that you must swipe your card to enter. There is also a camera on the door. The corridors have a panoramic view.

The nurse walked over with Tongzi, took out a card from her pocket, swiped it on the card reader, and the door opened. She led Tongzi in and closed the door.

Behind the door, it seems that it is just a very ordinary hospital internal layout structure.

It seems that this gastrulation association is deeply hidden, and the superficial work is done well.

When walking inside with the nurse, Tongzi noticed a sign of a bathroom next to the corridor, and without saying a word, she rushed towards the bathroom clutching her stomach, and the nurse followed after a moment of stupefaction.

Tongzi rushed into the women's toilet, first looked around, there was no one in the women's toilet, then instantly knocked out the nurse who followed her, hugged her and dragged her into a cubicle, and locked the compartment door.

She puts the nurse on the toilet lid and...

Wait, why does this picture look so much like a love action movie?

Tongzi shook her head, throwing away the random things in her mind, and then she touched the nurse's body.

An ID card, a mobile phone, some change and a little food.

The ID card looks a bit like a work card, with the nurse’s name, title, employee number written on it, and the employee’s responsibilities on the back, and a black line on the side, which looks like a bank card, although I don’t know why, But this black line should be used to brush.

Small change is a few banknotes and a few coins. The yen is less than [-] yuan (including [-] yuan) are coins, and the food is the chocolate that some girls like to eat.

These tung seeds didn't move, they were put back into the pocket.

She finally picked up the phone.

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