Tongzi directly took the fainted nurse's finger to unlock it, and then unlocked it.

Fingerprint unlocking is convenient, but if it is password or pattern unlocking, she is really a little worried.

The first step in unlocking is to set the screen to be always on, saving you the trouble of unlocking it later.

Open the phone records first, they are all names that Tongzi does not recognize, presumably it should be this private hospital...or someone from the gastrulation association, but it is not clear yet whether this nurse is an uninformed outsider or an insider.

In many film and television works, don't the deeply hidden secret organizations also like to do this, recruiting some uninformed peripheral personnel, and can still abandon these chess pieces at critical moments.

After looking through the phone records, there was no useful information, and then Tongzi clicked on the text message records.

This nurse doesn't seem to have the habit of deleting text messages. There are a lot of text messages in her text box. Tongzi clicked on the latest text message——

[I heard that two more patients died yesterday. Like the other patients who drank the gastroentero virus body fluid before, after drinking too much body fluid, the erosion rate exceeded [-]% and they were unable to maintain their human form And turned into a gastritis, but it seems that they still can't maintain themselves after becoming a gastritis, fortunately they were isolated in the room of the chrysalis at that time...]

[Although I failed, I will not be discouraged. Great research must be accompanied by sacrifices. Isn’t modern medicine built on the bones of many dead bodies?I believe that Mr. Junsi will definitely find out a way to turn us into gastritis, but at the same time maintain ourselves]

After reading this text message, Tongzi checked other text messages.

The content of other text messages contained a lot of information exchanged with other insiders, and also mentioned fragmentary information about this place.

Tongzi sorted out all these bits and pieces of information as follows:

It turned out that this Junsi clinic was founded by a man named Junsi three years ago. No one knew about Junsi's past. From what the nurses knew about Junsi, it seemed that he was not a native of Tokyo. But he came from a small remote town that he had never heard of. He had also studied in the West and learned the Western methods. The military clinic was opened according to Western standards.

But in fact, Junsi is the founder and organizer of the gastrulation worship association. He believes that gastrulation is the whip of Amaterasu, the messenger sent by Amaterasu, who intends to replace stupid human beings to rule the world, and is the next generation of the earth. overlord.

Although the military commander worships gastritis, he is not like what he said in the previous live broadcast. He really intends to wait for the slaughter and let the gastritis be slaughtered obediently...

He is a bit like Aldrich who devoured the gods. Aldrich was originally a fanatical clergyman who foresaw the arrival of the deep sea age after the first fire was extinguished. He intended to gain enough power to survive through cannibalism. After the dark ages, the military commander intends to become a gastritis, that is, to become a member of the next overlord of the earth.

Worshiping the strong, learning from the strong, trying to become the strong... Are you worthy of being Japanese?

Tongzi doesn't like to comment on others based on region, but the military commander is indeed similar to the group of Japanese who left Asia and entered Europe during the Meiji Restoration, and were fully Westernized.

The number of patients in the mental hospital is much less than that of ordinary hospitals. Their experimental subjects are all homeless people and beggars in the Tokyo area. Even in this era, there will never be a shortage of idle and idle people.

Once the Gastrea that occasionally enters from the area with a weak magnetic field of the giant stone monument is found in the Tokyo area, an alarm will be issued, and then the police will kill it. If it is a species that has never appeared before, it will be sent to be dissected for investigation Its weakness, after the dissection is completed, it will be transported to the gastrulation corpse storage center for temporary storage, and then sent to the crematorium to be burned.

The military commander got the body fluids with gastritis virus from the gastrulation corpse storage house. If you want to get this point, you just need to give the staff of the storage center a little extra money, and no one will dislike the money you earn Too much, it's just some body fluids with viruses, and it's not about letting the whole gastratus corpse be taken away by others.

The staff of the depository readily agreed.

And the Army Division has gathered a group of people with the same purpose and ideas as him, and those people will assist the Army Division in dealing with gastrenterate virus body fluids and inhibitors distributed by IISO (similarly, it is also very easy to get these inhibitors, Just buy it from the vigilante) for research, trying to work out a humanoid gastrella.

The characteristic of the gastritis virus is that after the erosion rate exceeds [-]%, it will be transformed into a gastritis. The appearance of the gastrulation is all the appearance of other creatures, but there is no gastrulation in the shape of a human. animal.

The thinking of Jun Si and the others is that if they can turn themselves into human-shaped gastritis, maybe they will maintain themselves?

Since these people like gastrulation so much, they must also like the fate of gastritis.

Tongzi had already sentenced them to death in her heart.


Tong Zi woke up the nurse, who quickly realized her situation.

Kiriko grabbed her neck with one hand before she screamed to attract others.

Stop her from screaming and lift her up against the wall of the cubicle.

"Listen, I'll just say it once," she let the grandson of the sage control her voice, letting herself make the voice of a very evil villain in the anime she had seen before, "Take me to see the army manage."

The nurse whose neck was stuck had difficulty even breathing, let alone making a sound.

Tongzi let go of her neck, and the nurse lost her support and collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud, breathing in the fresh toilet air.

"You...who are do you know...Mr. Junsi?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't ask so many questions." Tongzi took out a bottle of healing potion from the treasure house and put it in front of the nurse. She even shook it deliberately to remind the nurse, "Guess what, what is this?"

The nurse had never seen such a bright red liquid, she subconsciously wanted to say tomato juice, but she just closed her mouth and didn't speak.

"This is a gastritis virus, and it is a refined virus. Ordinary inhibitors can't suppress its erosion rate at all. Only special inhibitors can be effective. Unfortunately, this special inhibitor is only available to me. Yes, what's more unfortunate is that when you were in a coma just now, I injected some of this refined gastrenterate virus into your body."

Of course, this is not a virus, but a bottle of very common healing potion.

But that's okay, as long as Tongzi says it's a virus, and the nurse believes it's a virus, that's enough.

The reason why it takes so much trouble is that Tongzi doesn't want those people upstairs to be alerted. The best result is that the nurse takes her upstairs, and then she washes all the people upstairs.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the nurse doesn't cooperate, she can go all the way in, it's just a little troublesome.

After realizing her current situation, the nurse chose to lead Tongzi the way.

So the nurse led the way, and Tongzi followed her. After the two left the bathroom, they continued to move forward like this. The camera in the corridor outside was dutifully monitoring the corridor, but the nurse led the way, and no alarm sounded.

The two turned when they reached the second intersection ahead, and turned right again after crossing a distance of more than ten meters. The nurse took out her ID card and swiped it on the card reader next to a door, and walked straight in.

There is an elevator just behind the door.

There are many elevators in this hospital, but this elevator is different from other elevators that can be used by patients. This elevator must enter a password to start.

In fact, from the door outside that requires an ID card to open, and the relatively remote location, it can be guessed that this elevator is not accessible to ordinary people.

And to start this elevator, even the ID card cannot be used, and a password is required.

And the password is the answer that only members of the gastratus worship association can know.

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