The nurse took a look at Tongzi, and after getting permission, she entered the password on the password machine at the side, and Tongzi saw it. Although the nurse moved quickly, Tongzi still used the grandson of the sage to write down all the passwords .


The password seemed to be just a relatively long string of numbers, but because he was very concerned, Tongzi asked the grandson of the sage to analyze it.

After entering the password, the elevator door opened with a ding.

The two entered the elevator, and not long after, the analysis of the grandson of the sage came out.

If the previous string of numbers was input using the Japanese Jiugongge input method, the content after typing would be...

なんで生きて (Why are you still alive)?

If this sentence is only understood literally, it is roughly why oneself or someone is still alive, but considering that this is the password of the extreme gastrula worship association, it has other meanings.

It can also be understood as why the research has not been successful, why he has not turned into a gastratus in human form, and why he still maintains a human body.

But why, it is unknown, maybe this code was also set by the founder of the gastratus worship association, that is, the military commander, and the meaning of this string of codes is his obsession.

When the elevator door opened, there was a completely different scene in front of him.

This is a dim room, there are no windows around the room, and the whole room is fan-shaped. At first glance, it looks like a place for experiments in movies or anime. Operate before knowing the equipment.

On the opposite side of Tongzi's line of sight, there are more than a dozen huge display screens pieced together and hung on the wall. Each display screen is a room with the same furnishings. Basically, there are no decorations in the room. A person is bound hand and foot to a chair.

In the lower right corner of the display screen, there are some data, showing the person's name, gender, position, as well as the amount and time of the gastroenteritis injected, etc...

The person locked up on the display screen should not be on this floor, but it is probably still in this building.

"Hey, why are you here?"

One of the experimenters in a white robe saw the nurse and Tongzi and walked towards them, yelling, "Who is this girl? How did you bring her up here?"




Chapter 204 Untitled


"Help me, this girl is a spy!"

Contrary to Tongzi's expectations, the nurse who had been obedient before that suddenly ran towards the other party, pointing at Tongzi and yelling while running.

Although it was originally not intended to save the nurse's life, but now there is no reason to save the other's life.

The long sword was unsheathed, and the two heads of the nurse and the experimenter who came over fell directly to the ground. Because things happened too fast, and Tongzi's sword was too fast and sharp, the other experimenters in the room Is in shock.

"Are... are you crazy?"

The person who said this hadn't seen Tongzi's movements clearly at all. She appeared behind him like a ghost in an instant, and pierced his heart with a sword.

"Quick... run away..."

"Go and inform Mr. Junsi..."


The rest of the people finally panicked and ran towards the elevator, while others ran towards the small door on the side of the room.

Tongzi first went to deal with the guy who tried to escape from the elevator. These people were just ordinary experimenters, all professional, unlike the civil servants in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

But since these experimenters are engaged in research, they must be scumbags in terms of force value.

Killing these experimenters is not much harder than killing pigs, maybe even pigs are harder to kill than them, if the knife misses the point, the pigs will run around, and wild boars are very ferocious, but these people can't escape , and all that was left was sitting paralyzed, too frightened to move.

Tongzi showed no mercy at all, a guy who treats people as experimental products is not worthy of sympathy at all, and there is no need for sympathy.

After wielding her sword and killing all the people rushing towards the elevator, Kiriko first changed her form back to her own, and then walked towards the small door where the others fled.

As soon as she opened the small door, countless red dots shone on her body, and then there was a loud gunshot.

Bullets flew, and dense craters were punched into the walls and ceiling on both sides of the passage, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Several guards wearing body armor and dressed like soldiers lined up in two rows, one half squatting and the other standing. The two rows fired at the same time, and the dense bullets swept and roared like a storm.

However, after the barrage ended, the guards were shocked to find that the target who had just opened the door had disappeared.

The door was full of bullet holes, but the person who opened the door disappeared.

Even if it is an RPG, there will be corpses left behind, how could it disappear?

The guards looked at each other, and when they looked around, they suddenly noticed in surprise that the loli who opened the door had appeared behind them at some point.

They raised their guns one after another, but they found that the gun was covered by a large amount of bright red and viscous liquid...

"This...this is..."

Only then did some of them realize that this large amount of bright red and viscous liquid was blood...

And so much blood flowed out from their cut necks...

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded one after another, and Tongzi's leaving figure was reflected in the eyes of the guards who were gradually losing their lives.

She pushed open the door at the end of the passage, where the rest of the people hid.

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