Originally, when they heard the dense gunshots outside, these experimenters all showed joyful expressions, but after seeing that Tongzi was safe and sound, the expressions on their faces immediately collapsed.

However, only one person can remain calm.

That person was very young, he looked to be in his thirties, but he was well maintained and handsome.

If this person enters the entertainment circle instead of doing this business, at least he is still a fresh piece of meat.

From the photos found on the nurse's mobile phone, Tongzi knew that he was Junsi, the founder of the gastrulation worship organization, and the founder of this Junsi clinic.

"Are you alone?" After seeing Tongzi, the military commander looked surprised, "Who the hell are you?"

"Although I really want to talk to you for [-] rounds, I'm sorry, I don't intend to talk to you. I didn't like to argue with others online. I prefer to put PLAY."

As she spoke, Tongzi raised the sword in her hand and pointed it at the military commander.

"Wait a moment."

When Tongzi raised his sword, all the experimenters standing next to Junsi were frightened and lay down, or huddled behind the table and chairs. Only Junsi remained standing, but Tongzi could also see that he It's pretending to be calm.

"If you kill me like this, you will regret it."

He opened his arms as if he wanted to hug Tongzi, with a fanatic expression on his face: "Our cause is just..."

Although the girl in front of me didn't know whether it was a policeman or a civilian policeman, since she could appear in front of him unscathed, this alone was enough.

The military commander is very clear about himself. Although he thinks that he is better than others in many aspects, he thinks that he is a genius, and he is the only one who is drunk in the world, but when it comes to fighting, he is still a younger brother.


The young military commander used to go to school, go to work, and work hard in his career just like everyone else, and then find a well-matched wife to marry, have children, and live his life.

But nine years ago, the gastrulation wars shattered all that.

Gastrea, born from nowhere, began to appear everywhere in this world, driving humans to extinction.

Like other generations that were plundered, the Commander lost his loved ones in that war.

Parents, wives, friends, and unborn sons were all killed by gastrulation.

Most of the plundered generations suffered from Gastrea Shock—because all Gastrea have common glowing red eyes.People who saw this during the war were traumatized by being too terrified, and then just seeing the red eyes would cause terrible convulsions and other symptoms.

This is the most widespread social disease after the gastrulation war.

However, not only did Jun Si not suffer from gastritis shock, on the contrary, he had a completely opposite emotion, which arose spontaneously in his heart.

He even began to morbidly believe that the parents, wives, and friends who were swallowed by gastrulation or turned into gastrulation must all be living happily.

If...if I can become a gastratus myself, then I will be able to live happily with them too.

It is said that there is only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic, and it may not be so difficult for the military commander to have such a crazy idea.

So in the reconstructed Tokyo area, the military commander secretly accumulated wealth, recruited colleagues, and slowly expanded his influence.

During this process, the military commander's thinking has gradually undergone some changes.

From the beginning, he only planned to become a gastritis himself, and changed to intending to turn a group of people into gastritis. During the period of accumulating strength, he saw through the essence of human beings, and believed that as long as human beings still exist for a day, this world It will still be full of sorrow and pain.

Because the essence of human beings is to hurt each other, they just can’t understand each other, as long as there are human beings, there will be high and low. It is the future MP.

Everyone only thinks for themselves, not for others.

So the military commander woke up, and he began to realize how selfish his previous thoughts were. He thought that he only thought of himself before, which was wrong, and that all mankind should be redeemed.

Didn’t the [-]th-century French writer Alexandre Dumas say—All for one, one for al (everyone for one, one for all).

So Junsi began to work on it, and at the same time as establishing the Junsi clinic three years ago, he secretly founded the gastritis worship association. This is an association that worships gastritis. Let all human beings become gastritis.

For this lofty goal, the military commander is still working hard to this day.

Although the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel. The progress of research has been almost at a standstill. People who have become gastritis, no matter how determined they are, can no longer maintain themselves.

The crueler reality is that before he could research it, he was approached by someone.

In addition to being angry at the incompetence of the guards he had hired with a lot of money, the military commander came up with other ideas...

This young girl is so strong, if she can be persuaded to join her career, how great would it be?

As long as she protects herself, no one can stop her.

The military commander looked confident, because as long as he persuaded people, no one had ever been able to withstand his brainwashing.

However, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, the girl had disappeared from his eyes, replaced by a chill in his chest.

A shining blade pierced through his chest.

Tong Zi, who appeared behind Jun Si, held the pitch-black sword in his backhand and kicked Jun Si on the back.

He flew out immediately, hit the wall, and fell slowly, leaving a thick bloodstain on the wall.

Seeing that I can't live...

The others tried to run, but how could two legs be faster than a sword?

In less than two minutes, Tongzi was the only one standing here.

Although she felt that this guy had a lot to say to herself, Tongzi didn't want to listen to him.

Nothing more than "fools, our cause is just" nonsense.

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