After killing everyone here, Tongzi started searching in this room, and soon found a lot of core information that outsiders could not access on the main computer in the room—it should be the computer used by the military commander.

The scale of development of this Gastrea Worship Association is quite terrifying. It even infiltrated the Holy House and the largest weapons company in the world——Sima Heavy Industry.

Although the positions they hold are still very low-level, there is no guarantee that they will not climb to a high position one day.

There are at least hundreds of people lurking in the Tokyo Regional Government and Sima Heavy Industries. If these guys are killed one by one, it will definitely not work. Not to mention the time-consuming and labor-intensive, if you have to assassinate more than a hundred times in a row, Tongzi can't guarantee that he will kill them every time. Can only take the head of the target smoothly...

If one is accidentally discovered, it will be troublesome.

And she can't kill them all at once, they are not stupid, as long as a few die, they will surely come back to their senses and realize that someone is targeting them.

After strengthening the defense, although it is not impossible to kill, it is just that the city is full of storms, even if it can be resolved in the end, it is not a perfect solution.

In fact, there is a very simple way.

Tongzi sat in front of the office computer of the military commander, and sent an email to the undercover agents lurking in Shengju and Sima Heavy Industries, each with the same content.

In the name of Junsi, he told them that a major breakthrough had been made in the gastrulation experiment, and asked them to rush to the Junsi clinic to participate in this historic moment.

After the e-mail was sent, it would take some time before they received it and rushed over. Tongzi used the hospital's internal broadcast to summon all the other doctors and nurses in the clinic to the ground.

Through the information on the office computer, she has been able to confirm that in the entire military clinic, except for those poor people who were treated as gastrulation experiment materials, everyone else is not innocent, especially the other doctors in this clinic. And nurses, they may not all be involved in persecuting others, but they are all insiders.

However, when they learned that others were suffering inhuman torture and injuries, and that this clinic was conducting inhumane experiments, they did not choose to make it public or call the police. After the new world, you can have a place in the new world.

People like this, although not the principal offender, are accomplices, and they are equally sinful.


Yasunari Matsudaira adjusted his suit and stepped into the military clinic with a smile on his face.

Matsudaira Yasunari, who is over forty years old, has long been a middle-aged greasy man, with a hairline that breaks through the sky, sparse hair on the top of his head, a swollen belly like a woman who is pregnant in October, and no matter how much he takes a bath There will be a taste.

But he doesn't care, he doesn't care at all.

Because the email sent to him by Mr. Junsi stated that the experiment has made a breakthrough, so it seems that the lofty goal is not far away.

Yes, that lofty goal, Matsudaira Yasunari remembers it very clearly. Since he joined the gastrulation worship association, he has always regarded the lofty goal of the association as his personal ideal.

Yasunari Matsudaira, whose aptitude is not sharp, has been constantly scolded by his strict parents since he was a teenager. In middle school, due to his rebellion, he who was originally a good grader in elementary school fell to the bottom of the crane. None of them were admitted to university.

Due to his educational background and connections, Matsudaira Yasunari has always been a small employee of the company after entering the society. Even after the gastrulation war, he was still just a small employee. The only difference is that the company became Sima Heavy Industries.

Matsudaira Yasunari, who is introverted and doesn't speak much, is not very popular in the company. Many seniors often bully him when he sees him honestly, asking him to do jobs that he shouldn't do.

He endured all these silently, but actually he was planning in his heart that one day he must take revenge back.

Under such circumstances, Matsudaira Yasunari was fortunate enough to come into contact with the military commander, who was the first person who did not dislike him at all, and also truly regarded him as a companion.

Since then, Matsudaira Kosachi has decided that he will follow the military commander for the rest of his life.

After stepping into the military clinic, Yasunari Matsudaira suddenly found that the clinic today was much quieter than usual.

Chapter 205 Sima Weizhi


Although the military clinic is a hospital for mental illness, the number of patients is much less than that of ordinary hospitals, but today's situation is different from usual...

Not only are there no patients, but the nurse at the front desk is gone, there is no doctor in the duty room, and there is no one behind the medicine cabinet or at the payment desk.

"what happened?"

Yasunari Matsudaira frowned.

Immediately, his brows relaxed.

"Mr. Junsi is really..."

He said in a tone that he thought he had guessed everything.

The core idea of ​​the gastrulation worship association is that everyone is for one, and one is for everyone. Mr. Junsi treats all members of the association equally, and those lower-level personnel (referring to the doctors and nurses in the clinic) must also be sent by the military. Mr. Si invited you down to witness that historic moment.

Thinking so, Matsudaira Yasunari went straight to the elevator that only internal staff could use, first took out the ID card from the pocket of his suit, opened the door, then entered the password, and took the elevator to the ground floor.


The elevator door opened, and Matsudaira Yasunari walked in with a smile on his face.

This is the observation room, that is, the place where the experimental materials are observed.

There is no one in the observation room, and the display screens hanging on the walls are all black. I don’t know if the experiment was successful, so there is no need to conduct further observations.

The passage door next to it was open, leading to Mr. Junsi's office.

So everyone gathered in Mr. Gunji's office?

Matsudaira Yasunari didn't suspect him, stepped forward to open the passage door, and walked towards the office.

He remembered that although Mr. Junsi's office was not too small, it should not be enough to accommodate the staff of the entire clinic, as well as those companions like him who were lurking in the Tokyo Regional Government or Sima Heavy Industries.

Speaking of which, this time because he was called by a poor senior to do a job that didn't belong to him, by the time he rushed over, the others should have already arrived.

I just hope Mr. Junsi won't blame himself.

Thinking so, Yasunari Matsudaira put his hand on the door of the office.

However, after pushing the door once, it was pushed halfway and then jammed.

Matsudaira Yasunari was stunned for a moment, and he tried harder, but no matter how much force he exerted, the door remained motionless.

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