Yasunari Matsudaira had no choice but to stick his head in, wanting to see what Carmen was.

Then he saw it.

The thing that was stuck in the door looked like a human figure at first glance, as if it was sitting behind the door with its back leaning. Its head was several times larger than that of an ordinary person, and it was obviously out of harmony with the body.

Moreover, there are dozens of protrusions protruding outward on the surface of its head, as if something hard is pushing outward.

The bloodless skin seemed to be broken...

Due to the expansion of the head, the eyes are extremely shrunken, and the pupils of the eyes cannot be seen at all. Only two black spots that seem to be tiny holes can be seen. The place that should be the same as the nose is gone. Black dots left that could be nostrils.

As for the mouth, it has completely disappeared.

The suit that this man was wearing was stretched to pieces. Although men will gain weight after reaching middle age, there is absolutely no such thing as him. His belly has been stretched to such an extent that it cannot be regarded as a normal exaggeration. Moreover, the suit and white shirt were torn apart, and the belly exposed in the air could clearly see the densely packed white ribs.

As for his limbs, they are surprisingly the opposite, not swollen, but sluggish, not to mention the muscles, it seems that even the bones have disappeared, the limbs are so small that they don't look like adults at all, just like using the hands and feet of a baby Forcibly received the strong sense of disobedience on the body of an adult.

The horrifying scene in front of him shocked Matsudaira Yasunari deeply, making his mind go blank.

"This...how could...this is impossible..."

Although the facial features of the creature that cannot be called a human have undergone great changes, Matsudaira Yasunari can still vaguely recognize it from the appearance in his memory. It was the one who made a vow with him and would definitely climb to a high position. companion.

Although it has not been confirmed whether the companion is breathing, Yasunari Matsudaira will not admit it anyway, and that is the future that Mr. Gunji promised them.

He didn't remember until then, and scanned the entire office.

In this relatively large office, there are all strange shapes... They shouldn't be considered corpses, but they can no longer be called human beings, lying on the floor in disorder, or leaning against the wall.

Some of these people were wearing doctors' white coats, some were wearing nurses' uniforms, and some like Matsudaira Yasunari and the others rushed over after receiving emails, but they were figures in suits, lying quietly like this on the floor.

No one rose to welcome Yasunari Matsudaira.

Matsudaira Yasunari's heartbeat seemed to have stopped, his hands and feet were cold, and his blood seemed to be frozen.

"No...impossible...it can't be this kind of thing...Mr. Gunji said...he said that we will welcome a new future, he said, he promised...like Mr. Gunji People, how could they lie to us? No..."

Matsudaira Yasunari seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly remembered.

"By the way, where is Mr. Junsi? Where is Mr. Junsi?"

Matsudaira Yasunari walked in carefully through the half-opened door, and then squatted down to check the corpses one by one. These were indeed corpses, they were all dead and had no pulse.

He searched around here, but did not find the figure of the military commander.

"Mr. Junsi, he is not here, why? Where is he? Why is he not here? What is this?"

A burst of noisy footsteps suddenly came in from outside.

"Mr. Military Division?"

Songping Kangcheng was like a man who fell into the water, trying to hold on to the only life-saving straw. He hurriedly pushed away the corpse blocking the door and pulled the door to the maximum.

However, what appeared in front of him was not Mr. Junsi as he had expected, but more than a dozen heavily armed special police officers.

The special (sensitive word) policemen were startled when the door was opened, and then they were even more frightened when they saw the scene in the office through Matsudaira Yasunari. They pointed their guns at Matsudaira Yasunari one after another.

"Kneel down, you scum, get down on your knees!"

"Hold your head in your hands, let me see your hands, hurry up!"

"Be honest, or I'll kill you bastard, did you do all these things, beast!"


Outside the Junsi clinic, the police had already pulled up a cordon, and black and white police cars were parked near the clinic, and the police also prevented citizens who didn't know the truth from approaching.

As the leader of the police this time, Matoku Tadajima looked at Tongzi standing in front of him with a painful expression on his face.

As a Tadajima Police Department whose English is worse than an apple thrown from the [-]th floor, he really wants to say "how old are you" in English at this time.

"Then, I'll leave the aftermath to you, Police Department."

Tongzi deliberately bit the word "aftermath" very hard.

Matoku Tadajima looked depressed as if his daughter had run away with someone else.

In fact, after Tongzi sent emails to all members of the gastrulation worship association in the name of the military commander, all the doctors and nurses in the clinic were summoned to the office.

As I said before, there are no innocent people in this military clinic, and peripheral personnel are also involved.

So there is no need to let none of these people go.

After killing all the staff in the military clinic, those who received the mail from Tongzi, those lurking in the Tokyo Regional Government (sensitive words) and Sima Heavy Industry also arrived at the military clinic, and Tongzi sent them together. kill.

Afterwards, she called Sheng Tianzi and told her that the commission over there had been resolved, and at the same time, she went to rescue the innocent citizens who were treated as experiments.

It's just that Tongzi didn't expect that Matsudaira Yasunari would slip through the net.

However, although he came late, he couldn't escape in the end, and was caught by the police who dealt with the aftermath.

In fact, it's not that Matoku Tadajima doesn't like Tongzi, on the contrary, he likes it very much.

Don't look at him like this, he is actually a deeply hidden daughter-in-law.

He has a son, not to say that the son is not cute, but he hopes to have a cute daughter more than a son.

Therefore, after seeing Tongzi, he even had the idea of ​​"If I also have such a lovely daughter, how wonderful it would be".

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