
Remarks ①: In the animation, the samurai armor worn by my hall master and Mibu Asaka is actually the exoskeleton power armor produced by Sima Heavy Industries.

Chapter 208 I think this world does not lack a savior, what is lacking is the IQ of normal people


A Chevrolet was driving on the way to the twenty-eighth district, and the owner of the car was sitting in the driver's seat of a handsome young man, probably in his twenties, wearing a decent suit and wearing it just right Body, set off his excellent figure.

Regardless of his appearance or body shape, the man definitely meets the standards of a Korean drama actor. If this man goes to the audition, based on his own hardware alone, he can definitely kill a Korean star in seconds.

The man adjusted the square-rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, and then took out a mobile phone from his trousers.

He held the steering wheel with one hand, his eyes switching back and forth between the front window of the car and the phone in the other hand.

Instead of looking in the address book where the number has been recorded like ordinary people, he directly found a number in the call log, and then pressed the dial button.

Not long after, the other party picked up the phone.

"Mr. Cabinet, have you completed the task we requested so quickly?"

The other party's voice sounded very surprised.

"No, I haven't arrived in the twenty-eighth district yet, I just want to confirm it one last time."

The man, known as Mr. Cabinet, stuffed the earphones into his ears, put down his phone, and then focused on the road ahead and drove.

"Confirm what?"

"Are you sure you really want to absorb Tongzi—this Shenzhou native of unknown origin—into the Wuxiang Club (remark ①)?"

The other party paused for a moment, and then continued: "Mr. Cabinet, we have already discussed this matter, and your father has also agreed, so you will be allowed to act, isn't it?"

"Yes, but the time taken from obtaining information to judgment and analysis is much longer than the normal process. I don't want to question your judgment or the judgment of other Wuxiang Club cadres, it's just that people do it in a very short period of time. Make big judgments, and at some point may make mistakes that you wouldn't normally make."

"Mister Cabinet, are you accusing me of making a mistake?"

As soon as the other party changed his previous tone, the man had an illusion, as if the cold air was radiating from the phone.

"No, of course I don't mean to accuse you, but according to the data, Tongzi is just a foreigner who suddenly appeared in the Tokyo area half a year ago, and she is also a foreign woman. It seems that she is related to Sheng Tianzi and Sima Heavy Industry. Qianjin Sima Weizhi maintains a good friendship, but no matter what, she is just a girl, and she is just the president of a police company."

After hearing the sudden change in the other party's tone, the man quickly explained.

"Mr. Cabinet, it seems that your father only let you see part of all the information I sent to your father, right?"


"Okay, Mr. Cabinet, since your father didn't plan to say something, then there must be your father's considerations, and I don't want to talk too much. You just need to know one thing. The temporary study decided to absorb Tongzi to join the Wuxiang Society. This is by the Wuxiang Society. The top cadre——"Five Wings" personally issued an order that is enough."

"In other words, this urgent list is the decision of those big shots?"

"As long as you know it, well, if there is nothing else, the contact will stop here first."

After hanging up the phone, the man's face was still gloomy.

The man's name is Ark Jian Dulang. He was born in a police family. He entered the Metropolitan Police Department after passing the national civil service examination. He has already served as a police officer at a young age. Served as Superintendent of Police.

The police chief is the biggest official in the Metropolitan Police Department.

But what neither Shengtianzi nor Tiantong Kikunojo knew was that both father and son in the cabinet were members of the Wuxiang Club.


"Then, cabinet guard, what is your business here?"

Tongzi looked at the young man in front of her and asked.

Just half an hour ago, Tongzi suddenly received a call from his subordinates, saying that a policeman who claimed to be Dulang in the cabinet had come to find Tongzi by name. Curious, Tongzi was in the conference room of Qunxing Civil Security Company, This meeting was arranged.

The man in front of him should be the kind of person Tongzi envied and hated the most in her last life.

Young, rich, and fucking handsome, with a good background, a good education, and a high position.

The police station is the sixth level of the Japanese police rank.It is located above the police department and directly below the police station, roughly equivalent to the deputy director and captain of the public security bureau.

The professional group can be promoted to the police in about two years and three months, and the non-professional group can become the police at about 45-50 years old. The police is the peak of general promotion in the non-professional group. 2.5% of the personnel are the police (of course, this is the data before the gastrulation war).

The age of this guy in front of him seems to be younger than himself before time travel. While others are still struggling in the workplace, this guy has already climbed to a position that most people may not be able to climb in a lifetime.

Hi, this is so annoying.

But well...

Well, forgive him for reincarnating so well.

"Now it's a non-work place, please call me Mr. Cabinet Room, police or something, don't be so serious."

Dulang in the cabinet was also very surprised.

However, besides Tongzi's appearance, these surprises were also caused by the changes in the twenty-eighth district.

Tokuro Arkama has never been to the twenty-eighth district, but he naturally knows something about the urban planning in the Tokyo area.

The [-]th district can be said to be the dirtiest urban area except for the outer areas, but it is also understandable, because no matter which country it is, there are always some people living at the bottom of society.

It can be said that even if human beings one day develop into an era where they can live on the distributed nutrients without working, there will still be people struggling at the bottom.

However, after Dulang drove into the twenty-eighth district in the cabinet, he was stunned.

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