He even almost thought that he was driving in the wrong direction.

The original dirty streets were gone, replaced by clean and tidy streets, and the random tin houses on both sides of the streets were all demolished.

The new ones are skyscrapers—of course, most of them are under construction, but even an idiot can see that it's gradually getting better.

The entire twenty-eighth district presents a thriving scene.


"Miss Tong, what do you think of the current world situation?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Dulang revealed the purpose of this trip.

"World situation?"

Tongzi looked at Dulang in the cabinet.

It is said that the Japanese have their own secondary attributes, and now it seems that it is mostly true.

She admitted that it was great that the handsome guy in front of her was able to become a police officer, but no matter how the world situation is, it is not something that a mere police officer should talk about, right?

Or, in fact, I overestimated this person?

The closet guard in front of me...Mr., is just like the Internet historians, political scientists, and keyboard scientists I met in my previous life, citing a lot of quotations. It seems to be clear and logical, but in fact it is just The bullshit that can argue with people on the Internet?

"Sorry, I'm not interested in politics."

Tongzi waved her hand, indicating that she was not interested in this topic.

"Strictly speaking, this isn't politics, it's just the two of us... Well, a private conversation, people, you still have to have some ideas, otherwise what's the difference from salted fish?"

Du Lang in the cabinet smiled, and his smile was as good-looking as the male protagonist in the Korean drama. If it were a normal girl, he would probably just give in, but unfortunately Tongzi is not a normal girl.

Because there is a dead house soul who is almost thirty years old living in her heart.

"Just talk about it casually, it doesn't matter, even if you say something wrong, it doesn't matter."

"Sorry, Mr. Cabinet, I don't know what the question you want to ask means, but I really don't have any opinion on the world situation. It's better to say that I'm just the president of a private security company. How the world is changing , I can only guarantee that I follow the tide of history and not be killed by a wave."

"Miss Tong, you really know how to joke. Since you don't want to express your opinion, please allow me to make a fool of myself and express my opinion."

"I'm all ears."

"Before the Gastrea War, the world situation was one superpower and many powers, but after the Gastrea War, the world situation changed into a multi-polar phenomenon. Even if it is as strong as the United States, it was divided into thirteen regions after the war." Countries, including Russia, have been directly shattered, whether it is Europe or North America, they are currently huddled inside the monolith, licking their own wounds."

"Well, then what?"

Du Lang in the cabinet began to speak at length.

"It took nearly ten years for the Tokyo area to complete its great revival from ruins and become the most prosperous country among the five countries in the Japanese archipelago. At the same time, the Tokyo area also serves as the speaker country representing Japan—at least in name Yes, but for the Tokyo area, which is committed to the reintegration of the five countries into Japan, the four countries of Osaka, Sendai, Hakata, and Hokkaido (Note ②) are noncommittal..."

"Not only that, but Japan also possesses a sharp weapon against gastroenteritis—the gastroenterum. All resources in the world are unevenly distributed. The Middle East is rich in oil, while South Africa has gold and diamonds. What Japan possesses is gastroenteritis. The oyster that animals are afraid of..."

"Chollium is mainly produced in volcanic islands, and Japan ranks first in the production of chollium, far ahead of the second place. Therefore, in order to regain their land, other countries must buy chollium from the five countries in Japan."

Tongzi waited until the other party had finished speaking, then spread her hands.

"Isn't this great? Japan is rich in resources. It used to be cherry stones, but now it's shovel."

Du Lang in the cabinet was stunned.

"What is Sakura Stone?"

Tongzi waved her hand.

"It's nothing, you can continue, Mr. Cabinet."

Dulang glanced at Tongzi in the cabinet, and continued: "Miss Tong, do you know how many 錵 there are in the whole world?"

"I don't know." Tongzi answered honestly.

"At present, experts in the Tokyo area believe that experts in other countries have also carried out precise calculations, and more than once, even if all the salamanders buried underground in the world are mined, it will not be possible to eliminate all the gastrula in the world. , not to mention that there are still many made weapons that are used against humans themselves..."

Tongzi interrupted: "Wait a minute, isn't 錵 a sharp weapon to restrain gastrula? Why use it to deal with humans? Humans don't have the perverted regenerative ability like gastrula."

Dulang smiled in the cabinet, as if he thought Tongzi's question was ridiculous.

"Miss Tongzi, you are too naive. In future wars, fighter jets will no longer seize air supremacy, bombers will bomb the enemy's strategic and military facilities, and then tanks and infantry will push forward to seize the enemy's land and destroy the enemy's army... "

"The so-called next-generation war refers to the civilian police group with the highest IP ranking in the country, sneaking into other countries to carry out assassinations and sabotage. In order to fight against the initiator of the civilian police group, it is necessary to use 錵..."

"It is foreseeable that as countries go through the 'stage of restoring national power' and enter the 'stage of regaining territory from abroad', other major powers in Europe and North America will certainly not allow Japan to sit on such huge resources, and will definitely Take action."

Dulang spread his hands in the cabinet, paused, and continued.

"As I have said before, experts all over the world have calculated that even if all the salamanders in the world are mined, it is impossible to eliminate all gastratus, and if all countries want to seize Japan's salamanders, they will Assassination and sabotage activities will only intensify the consumption of resources..."


"Continuing like this will only accelerate the extinction of mankind."

Tongzi waited patiently until the other party had finished speaking, and then slowly said: "Even if what you said is correct, Mr. Arkma, what do you want to say...or what point of view do you want to express? ?”

It seemed that Dulang in the cabinet was waiting for Tongzi to ask, his face was full of confidence - but in Tongzi's eyes, it was a smile of a middle school student.

"Don't you think this world lacks a savior?"

Tongzi looked at Du Lang in the cabinet with the eyes of a keyboard man: "Huh? Next, you don't mean to say that the savior is you?"

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