"It's okay, I don't know him either, but he has a famous saying that I like very much."

Tongzi grinned happily.


Ark Jian Dulang drove angrily on the way to leave the twenty-eighth district.

Damn woman!Mad fool!

He hadn't expected at all that he had already seduced and moved him with emotion and reason, and the other party was as intractable as a stubborn stone.

What else do you say "one of my favorite things, Kiriko, is to say NO to those self-righteous guys"?

It's just a brat who is relatively close to Sheng Tianzi and the eldest lady of Sima Heavy Industry. How can he have the courage to bark at Wuxiang?

Dulang in the cabinet can hardly restrain his emotions, so much so that when using the mobile phone, it seems as if he wants to crush the mobile phone.

Immediately there was a cheerful voice on the other end of the phone.

"Is it so fast, Mr. Cabinet? Are you worthy of being the son of Mr. Cabinet (here refers to Cabinet Dulang's father, Cabinet Zheng)? As long as that kid agrees to join the Wuxiang Club, we will be like a tiger with wings added. "

Du Lang pouted in the cabinet.

"Really? I'm sorry you thought that way, but it's a pity that things are not as optimistic as you thought."

"Mr. Cabinet, what do you mean?"

"I thought I've made it very clear, don't you understand? Then I'll tell you in more straightforward words." Dulang took a deep breath, "I failed."


"Nest, are you humiliating me?"

On the other end of the phone called the lair, the voice sounded unbelievable: "No, no, no, I mean, how could you...how could it be...how could the other party not answer?"

"Listen well, the kid's original words are 'One of my favorite things Kiriko, is to say NO to those self-righteous guys', I think my Japanese level is not so bad that even this sentence is I don't understand what it means."

"Mr. Cabinet, have you really explained to the other party what kind of large and reliable organization our Wuxiang Association is? Have you really expressed the goodwill of our Wuxiang Association to the other party? As long as the other party agrees, we will You can even directly give her a high position with four wings."

Du Lang in the cabinet couldn't help but yelled at the phone: "Of course I said it, do you think I'm a kindergarten student?"

His yelling seemed to have an effect, and it took a while for the other party to reply: "Primary school students are not allowed to go to kindergarten, Mr. Cabinet Room."

"I know."

"Elementary school students go to elementary school, so they are called elementary school students."

"I said I got it."

"Since the other party does not agree to join the Wuxiang Society, and the Wuxiang Society cannot allow such a dangerous enemy to be out of control, I will report to the high-level, and the five wings will make the decision. After that, I will leave it to the Wuxiang Society Let’s deal with it. Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Cabinet.”

After hanging up the phone, Du Lang seemed to be in a much better mood, and his original ferocious face returned to its previous elegant appearance.

As the three wings of the Wuxiang Club, he naturally knew what the "nest" (that is, the middleman between the father and son in the cabinet and the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club) meant by "handling".

That arrogant brat is dead.

Dulang in the cabinet even happily wanted to hum a song.


"How was last night, did you do it with him?"

"Forget it, don't mention it soon, can you believe it, a man who is almost thirty years old is actually so bad, he can't even do elementary school math problems, and I have to teach him how to do it."

"Really? Xinjila milk!"

Miji Youhe walked past the female high school students who were chatting on the side of the road. Because of the modified body, he could hear what was actually just a low-pitched chat between girls, but when he walked from the two high school students When the girl walked by, he even heard the topic of the two girls change to him.

"Look at that handsome guy. He's so handsome. I don't know how much he knows about that."

"He's so handsome, so what if he doesn't understand, I can teach him. I won an Olympic mathematics prize in elementary school. I guarantee that he will be obedient when the time comes."

Siji Yuhe smiled wryly in his heart, and had to pretend that he didn't hear anything, and continued to move towards the goal.

Although he looks like an ordinary high school student, he is actually a killer of the Wuxiang Club.

Codenamed "Dark Stalker".

And the reason why he appeared in the Tokyo area was precisely to carry out the order of the Wuxiang Association-to eliminate Tongzi, the president of the Qunxing Civil Security Company.

Si Jiyouhe didn't know why Wuxiang would issue a kill order to Tongzi, and he didn't want to know, as a killer, a man-made killing weapon, all he needed was to obey.

It didn't take too long for Sijiyouhe to arrive at the target location.

This is on the roof of a hotel. He has closed the iron door leading to the roof and put a latch on it. Unless he opens the latch, it is impossible for the people below to come up to the roof.

The reason why the target location was chosen here is simple, because it is the tallest building nearby.

For a sniper, the commanding heights are very important.

The height not only means that you can have a longer sniping distance, but also means that it is difficult for the opponent to find yourself before sniping.

After all, humans seldom look up at the top of their heads, let alone the dense buildings in the Tokyo area.

He took off the rectangular backpack that he had been carrying on his back that looked like it was used to hold fishing rods and other fishing tools, put it on the ground, and opened the zipper.

Accompanied by the strong smell of gun oil, a sniper rifle appeared in his eyes.

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