This is the DSR-1 sniper rifle produced by AMP Technical Services.

The bolt that fires the shell is further back than ordinary guns, so as to shorten the length and maintain a certain hit rate. It is a calf-style manual bolt sniper rifle.

This sniper rifle uses .338 caliber Lapu Magnum bullets, and the muzzle brake is replaced by a silencer at the front end of the barrel, which becomes a style that can silence and reduce the muzzle flame. The crystallization of gun prejudice.

Siji Yuhe stretched out his wrist and glanced at the watch on his hand. According to the information given to him by the lair, the target will appear in about five minutes.

Miji Yuhe assumed a sniping posture with smooth movements. He first pointed the gun at the wide road opposite the hotel, and there was a constant flow of people and traffic on the road.

Then, he opened the protective cover of the optical sight, propped up the bipod folded on the upper end of the barrel sleeve, kept the muzzle pointed in the target direction, and then extended the monopod stored under the shoulder butt to the ground A three-point fixation is formed to make the gun more stable.

Insert the box-shaped magazine of the front spare magazine under the bolt, and operate the rotary rear-pull bolt to send the first sub (sensitive word) bullet into it.Keep your eyes close to the sights.

Chapter 210 Assassination


In the sight, you can see various information such as wind speed and shooting angle.

The sight is the latest model of Carl Zeiss in 2031. It is equipped with a ballistic calculation function that allows various ballistic information to be seen at a glance.

The distance to the target is 1100 meters. Under normal circumstances, it is not an ordinary thing to ensure that the first bullet hits accurately.

"Two minutes left."

A slightly anxious voice came from the wireless earphones Miji Yukawa was wearing.

But Si Jiyouhe's mood was very calm.

It is not the first time for him to snipe and kill a target at a long distance like this. Even if his breathing is slightly disturbed at a distance of thousands of meters, he may miss the target, but for him, it is like a routine.

Voices of people, cars... The noisy sounds around the hotel building gradually became smaller, only the sound of my own heartbeat was particularly loud.

After taking a few breaths, he slowly put his finger on the trigger and released the safety.

"One more minute."

When he heard the sound coming from the wireless earphones, geometric patterns suddenly appeared in Mitsui Yukawa's eyes, and the CPU installed inside the black eyeballs started up (remark ①), and then spun.

The number of times he thought increased to hundreds of times, making the flow of time around him appear in slow motion in his field of vision.

The flow of all kinds of objects slowed down, and even the birds that flew into the field of vision seemed to be slowing down and about to stop.

Siji Youhe leisurely waited for the target to come into view in the traffic flow.

The traffic on the road is as slow as a slow motion movie, moving slowly, and the Sijiyou River can even see the driver and passengers of each car clearly.

The target is found.

The other party was riding in a black car, the glass on the door of the car was black, so you couldn't see what was going on inside, but this car had two rows of seats in total, and Siji Youhe could see through the front glass. There is only the driver in the driver's seat in the front row, and the passenger seat is empty.

That is, the target is in the backseat.

The calculation of the prosthetic eye is completed - the formula that will definitely hit is obtained.

Yuukawa narrowed his eyes, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The trigger spring felt elastic, and he pulled the trigger to the end all at once.

The firing pin installed inside the bolt and linked with it strikes the gun at the bottom of the cartridge case to fire the gun.

A small explosion occurs inside the bolt, and a weakened muzzle flame erupts from the front of the silencer.At the same time, the Lapp Magnum bullets fired through the rifling inside the barrel, in a top-like manner, tearing the atmosphere while spinning and rushing towards the target.

Yuukawa felt the blunt recoil slowly spread to his shoulders.

In a world where everything flows slowly, only ** appears to be insanely fast.Continuously calculating the amount of guns that penetrate the windows of the vehicle where the target is located.

mission completed.

Siji Yuhe thought that there was no need to continue observing, so he turned off the calculation function of the prosthetic eye.

In an instant, time returned to normal.

Voices of people, cars... Noisy voices surrounded Sijiyouhe again.

The black car, which returned to normal speed, seemed to still not know what happened, and continued to drive towards the Sima family's mansion, and then disappeared in the sight of Sijiyou River.

"How about it, is the goal solved?"


Siji Yuhe refolded and put away the sniper rifle, and put it back into his backpack.

After the silencer was added, the sound of the gunshots was weakened to a minimum, coupled with the continuous noise of people coming and going on the street.

No one will know what happened just now.

"Then, Lair, the 'Dark Stalker' mission is complete, waiting for follow-up instructions—"

"Thank you, Dark Stalker, leave it to me later."


Tongzi's daily life is arranged in an orderly manner. Except for visiting Sheng Tianzi and Sima Weizhi regularly every week, and taking the loli from Qunxing Police Company out to play, the rest of the time stays in the company to deal with things.

Today, it's time to see Unwoven again.

The driver of Sima's family came to the gate of Qunxing Police Company early to wait.

Although it was his first time here, his good self-cultivation allowed him to restrain his surprised expression.

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