Tongzi sat in the back seat of the car, and then the car drove towards Sima's mansion in the first district.

It was really boring along the way, so Tongzi simply used NS to play with Fire Emblems, Wind, Flowers, Snow and Moon, and then I don't know how long it had passed, when there was a soft "poof" in the air.

Tongzi felt as if someone had pushed her head hard, causing her to fall down involuntarily.

"Miss Tong, are you okay?"

The driver was startled when he heard the sound coming from behind, and turned around hastily, only to find that Tongzi, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly slid under the seat.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry, maybe I stayed up late last night, too tired and a little dazed."

Tongzi, who got up again, waved at the driver, and when the driver reassuredly put his eyes back on the road ahead, Tongzi's face darkened.

She put her left hand behind the driver's seat so the driver couldn't see what she was doing in the interior rearview mirror.

Tongzi slowly spread out her clenched left hand, in her palm was a piece of tattered, squeezed out of shape copper and rotten iron.

In fact, the moment she was hit by the gun, the gun was blocked by the skin, squeezed and deformed, and then she grabbed it with quick eyesight and quick hands.

That's right, the small piece of broken copper and iron that Tongzi is holding is the weapon that Si Jiyouhe used to attack her.

It's just that even if Siji Youhe was standing in front of her at this time, it might not be possible to recognize that this crumpled object turned out to be a **.

At this time, she turned her head to look at the small bullet hole on the car window. As long as she devoured the pierced car window and let the grandson of the sage analyze it, she should be able to figure out "Which direction is the **** coming from?" shot" conclusion.

But this is meaningless, because the enemy must have evacuated after ensuring that he hit the target, and since the sniper is used, it is impossible not to prepare the escape route in advance.

After all, I don't have the sensory abilities of a demon hunter. How easy is it to accurately find the murderer in the vast crowd?


On the road ahead, Tongzi didn't play games anymore, but kept thinking, who bought the murder?

Judging from the current intelligence, Sima Weizhi is the most suspicious, because Tongzi is now riding in the car of Sima's family, and it is also because he was sniped on the way to Sima's house.

Therefore, at first glance, Sima Weizhi was the most suspected.

But if you think about it carefully, you will also find that the possibility of Sima Weizhi is actually very low.

To say why, of course it was because Sima Weizhi had no motive to attack Tongzi.

Yes, that's right, why did Sima Weizhi attack him?

I helped her get rid of the cultists in Sima Heavy Industry, and she reciprocated, paying herself a large sum of money, and also gave herself a pass to the headquarters building of Sima Heavy Industry, and if she wanted to purchase weapons and equipment produced by Sima Heavy Industry, she would only Sold at cost price...

Any fool can see that she and Wei Zhi are in the honeymoon period, so what reason does she have to attack herself?

As for the attack on the headquarters building of Sima Heavy Industry...

That was done by an unknown masked man, what does it have to do with me, Tongzi?

What's more, although I took the vehicle provided by Sima's house, and I encountered a sniper on the way to Sima's house, as long as there is a caring person, it is not difficult to find out my travel rules through investigation, because I am a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Travel times and routes are consistent.

Looking at it this way, although Sima Weizhi's suspicion cannot be completely exempted, it can indeed be said that Sima Weizhi is unlikely to kill him.

So besides Sima Weizhi, who else would it be?

Tongzi thought about it.

Could it be the killer sent by the president of another private security company?

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem unreasonable.

After all, there is such a saying, "A colleague is an enemy", especially in the field of police, in fact, it is a wild dog who grabs leftovers. Although there are leftovers every day, the number of wild dogs will continue to increase.

Especially those wild dog leaders who command a side in the southern suburbs are even more reluctant to see rising stars who can threaten them.

"Miss, we have arrived."

Just as Tongzi was thinking, the car had already stopped.

"I see."

Tongzi decided to put these things aside for now, and she walked towards the gate between the Sima family guards standing on both sides bowing to her.

On a parking lane tens of meters away from the Sima’s mansion, a lead gray Volvo was parked there. The driver in the car was the person specially arranged by Dulang in the cabinet to monitor his movements. .

And when he saw Tongzi got off the car safely and walked into the Sima's mansion, he quickly dialed Dulang's phone number in the closet.


Here is a dark room.

Although the light is blocked by curtains and rain windows, it is not completely dark after all.There is still a slight light penetration through the tiny gap between the heavy curtains with good light-shielding properties and the window frame.

With the help of these weak lights, it can be seen that the room is very messy.I saw half of the novels and comics all over the place.The books on the bookshelves are in a mess, not arranged in order at all, and some are not even books at all.

A one-to-many connector is plugged into the TV, and several game consoles are connected at the same time.

On the tatami was an open laptop with a bright display, and next to the laptop was a bottle of Coke that had been unscrewed but not yet drunk.

A laptop that continuously emits light reflects the face of a young man.

The man was very young, with an ordinary appearance, the kind that would be unrecognizable even if thrown into a crowd of people. He was lying on the tatami mat, his eyes fixed on the laptop screen.

On the screen, it was the game screen of Final Fantasy 14, and it was still in the midst of an extremely important BOSS battle.

At this time, the phone rang.

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