The young man took out his mobile phone irritably, and glanced at the caller's name displayed on it as "Cabin Dulang (Three Piece Wings)". He clicked his tongue, apologized to his teammates through the headset, and connected the call .

"Mr. Cabinet, what's the matter now?"

"Nest, I thought you said you were going to deal with the girl president."

"Yes, and I've sent dark stalkers to do it."

"Then why did my subordinate report to me that he saw the young girl walking into the Sima's mansion alive and kicking?"


The young man was originally lying on the tatami, but he got up in shock after hearing the news, but when he got up, he came across the bottle of Coke that was placed next to the laptop, unscrewed the lid but hadn't drunk yet.

Coke poured over the laptop.

The young man didn't even look at the computer, which was gradually soaked in Coke, but stood up and said to the other end of the phone, "You said Tongzi is not dead?"

"Unless she can come back from the dead, or your dark stalker has missed."

"Impossible," the young man immediately denied, "You don't understand, Mr. Cabinet, no one who is targeted by the dark stalker will survive to see tomorrow's update."

"You'd better tell your killer about these things, Lair, I'm just telling you. After all, if you mess up the task assigned by the higher-ups, you and I will be the ones to blame in the end."

For some reason, the honest voice in the cabinet sounded a little cheerful.

After hanging up the phone, the young man wanted to call Si Jiyouhe immediately to ask the crime, but after thinking about it for a while, the most important thing now is not to ask the teacher to ask the crime, but to make up for his mistakes.

As Dulang said on the phone, the top cadre of the Wuxiang Club, Wu Pian Yu Yi, had issued a death order after knowing that Tongzi could not win over. No exceptions.

The dark stalker Siji Yuhe was originally a four-winged member of the Wuxiang Club, and his level was higher than that of Kujian Dulang. It was only because he made a mistake once that he was downgraded from four wings to two. Will be thrown as a general killer.

However, although the level within the Wuxiang Club has been downgraded, its own strength has not been weakened. How could the dark stalker make mistakes against an ordinary person or a little girl?

The nest is really puzzling.

Unless, the people above already know that the Dark Stalker's performance has been damaged, so they throw him here as an ordinary killer...

Only such an explanation can barely make sense, why the girl president was not killed.

Either way, the Dark Stalker had failed, and he had to deal with it.

So he picked up his mobile phone and sent text messages to the contacts named "Hummingbird" and "Swordtail Fish" in the address book list asking them to take a plane to the Tokyo area immediately.




Remark ①: It is mentioned in the sixth volume of the original book that Si Jiyouhe's two prosthetic eyes can calculate the attack method and even the location of the attack just by the state of muscle strength.

Chapter 211 The Killer of the Wuxiang Club


"So, Tong-chan, you were attacked when you came here?"

"Yeah, ah, wait... I'm not hurt, you don't touch (sensitive word) around..."

Tongzi subconsciously made a protective gesture.


Sima Weizhi stood in front of Tongzi, posing in the most standard Tuxiazao posture.

In fact, Tongzi did not tell Miori about her attack.

It was the driver who brought Tongzi. After parking the car and checking it, he found a small hole in the window.

If it's someone else, they might just find it strange, but they won't take it very seriously.

But who is this driver who works for Sima's family?Even if he has never used a bullet, has he ever seen what a bullet looks like?

And looking back now, the sound of "poof" I heard when I was on the road sounded like the sound of glass being penetrated.

In addition, Miss Tong was sitting well at the time, but suddenly fell down...

When thinking of this, the sweat on the driver's forehead couldn't stop rolling out.

Although she didn't know why, Ms. Tong wanted to hide the fact that she was shot, but she could pretend nothing happened, but she couldn't pretend nothing happened.

This is not only about one's own job, but also the most basic principle of life.

And it was the driver who told Sima Weizhi the truth that led to the conversation at the beginning.

"Weizhi, why do you want to apologize to me?"

"That's because you got hurt because you came to me."

Sima Weizhi knelt on the ground without moving, his posture was very standard.

"Weizhi, is this the killer you sent?"

"of course not!"

"That's right."

Tongzi stepped forward and pulled Sima Weizhi up, "It is said that men have gold under their knees... bah bah bah, that's not it... cough cough, in short, as long as it's not the killer sent by you, Wei Zhi, then it's nothing to do with you relation."

"But..." He hesitated to speak.

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