Tongzi covered Sima Weizhi's mouth with her hand: "There is no but."

Then she took a few steps back and smiled: "By the way, Weizhi, tell me about your house. I heard that Sima Heavy Industry was invaded by unknown persons. Do you know who the prisoner is? Come on." , tell me, I'll cut her for you!"


Happy times always pass by in a hurry, and soon, night replaces day, and night covers the earth.

The Sima family's mansion was lit up.

The guards standing at the door have changed.

One of the guards suddenly noticed that a little girl wearing a straw hat was coming from a distance, with a flat chest covered in a thin one-piece dress, holding a pink puppet bear on her chest.

Judging from her attire, this little girl doesn't look like a cursed child, but why is a normal little girl outside alone at such a late hour?

Although the guards felt strange in their hearts, they did not act and stood at the door faithfully.

The kind of guard who goes to help when he sees something is actually very unqualified, because the responsibility of the guard is to protect the safety of the employer, and he must put the safety of the employer first.

Since my duty is to look after the home, I should stay in my post well.

Whether it's an old woman who fell down in front of her eyes or a little girl who was abducted, it's the job of the police. Of course, it's not a bad thing to have a good heart. Then this guard will definitely not be able to continue mixing in this circle in the future.

What surprised them was that the girl in the straw hat walked straight towards Sima's mansion as if she didn't understand the situation.

The two guards looked at each other, and finally one of them said, "Hey, wait."

The straw hat girl didn't intend to stop, and continued to walk forward, and she was already less than [-] meters away from them.

"Stop, this is a private mansion, don't get close!"

Both guards reached for their guns.

" me, someone is going to kill me!"

The straw hat girl took a few more steps forward. She raised her head, and she could see her lovely and pitiful face under the straw hat.


The guards looked behind the straw hat girl subconsciously, but there was no one in the dark night.

One of the guards felt hit, and it turned out that the girl in the straw hat threw herself into his arms.

The other party was just an unarmed little girl, maybe I was too nervous...

Just when he was about to speak to comfort her, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his chest, and then a burning pain swept his whole body.

"This...this is..."

He spat blood at the mouth and lowered his head. What he could barely see was that a dagger stabbed out of the teddy bear in the arms of the straw hat girl, and the front end of the dagger had sunk deeply into his chest.

"Uncle, you are such an idiot."

The girl in the straw hat raised her head and showed a harmless smile to the dying guard.

" bastard!"

Although the guard next to him couldn't see the knife hidden in the teddy bear due to the straw hat girl's body and the teddy bear, he suddenly saw his colleague vomit blood, no matter what he realized that something was wrong.

So he quickly raised his gun and pointed it at the straw hat girl, but before he could squeeze the trigger, he suddenly felt as if something was grabbing his head.

Just as the guard was about to yell, a strong force hit him, and he twisted his head violently to the side uncontrollably.


A crisp sound of bones being twisted, this was the last sound he heard.

The body of the guard fell limply to the ground.

"The reaction is not slow, swordtail fish, I thought you hadn't caught up yet."

The straw hat girl muttered to herself.

And in the air behind the guard whose neck was twisted, a piece of air was slightly distorted, but it quickly returned to normal.

"We don't have time to chat, Hummingbird. These guys are professional, and the people inside will soon be able to detect the abnormality at the door through surveillance."

From the distorted air, a thick man's voice sounded.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a shrill siren from inside the mansion.

The air twisted slightly again, as if someone was shrugging.

"That's why I oppose this plan. We should sneak in and kill the target instead of going through the front door with great fanfare."

"This is also a way to infiltrate, swordtail fish, as long as we kill everyone who sees us, doesn't it mean a perfect infiltration?"

The girl in the straw hat, who was called a hummingbird, clapped her hands, and suddenly shot out two cold lights from the night, which were two tires the size of a Frisbee.

Although the appearance looks like a tire, it is covered with sharp blades, just like Bonehammer.

The tires spun around the straw hat girl like her pet.

This is her prop, named "Necropolis Strider", implanted in her brain with a transplant chip, which has the ability to move objects just by linking with thoughts—that is, the so-called Brain-computer interface (BMI).

Prowler is a thought-driven interface for hummingbirds.

The tire, which looks like a Frisbee size, has an extremely sophisticated mechanized design inside, and it is a favorite prop for hummingbirds.

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