"Swordtail fish, leave those miscellaneous soldiers to my lovely familiars, and you can take this opportunity to kill the target."

The girl in the straw hat stretched out her hand towards the door, and the Prowler suddenly spun on the spot, the engine mounted inside began to roar, the exhaust pipe roared, and it rushed into the Sima's mansion, smashing the road all the way and rushing away.

"This is the credit I gave you on my own initiative. If you can't even do this, don't blame me for laughing at you next time."

However, after waiting for a long time, there was still no response in the air.

The girl in the straw hat curled her lips: "Have you already entered the mansion? What a bastard."

As she spoke, she hugged the pink bear puppet on her chest, stepped over the dead guards, and walked in through the destroyed gate.


Inside the Sima family's mansion, there was chaos.

The siren echoed in the sky. The siren of any resident's mansion in the first district is linked to the police department's alarm. As long as the siren is triggered, the police department will get the news immediately.

It only takes less than ten minutes, presumably the SAT (Special Assault Team) will arrive.

"Miss Weizhi, Miss Tong, please go this way."

Tongzi and Sima Weizhi went to the basement to take refuge under the escort of several guards.

Rich people usually spend a lot of money to build a basement that is easy to defend and difficult to attack in their mansion. This kind of basement usually directly communicates with their bedroom, and there is only one passage to enter the basement.

As long as the door to the basement is closed, even with plastic explosives or RPG, it will not be able to explode within a short period of time.

"What the hell happened?"

Sima Weizhi's face was very ugly.

After all, the sniping incident just happened during the day, and his mansion was attacked again at night.

"It's not very clear, Miss Weizhi, the enemy... the enemy seems to be a little girl who can manipulate the killing machine."

The guards didn't know much more than Sima Weizhi. After the alarm, they took the daughter of Sima's family to the basement as they were usually taught.

Now it should be their companions, fighting the enemy.


Tongzi could hear roars and shouts coming from outside the building from time to time, but the most noticeable thing was the piercing sound in the air, as if electric welding was shaking objects.

The source of all the turmoil outside, whether it is a person or something else, can't stop her sword with all her strength.

But she faintly had a very bad premonition.

It seems that as long as he leaves, he will never see Sima Weizhi again.

It was because of this strange premonition that she followed Wei Zhi's side and walked with her.

"Miss Miori, please don't worry, we will be there soon..."

The guard at the front was stunned.

In front of him, a sawtoothed saber seemed to appear out of nowhere, and suddenly slashed towards his neck.


As early as when the hummingbird activated its familiar, the swordtail fish had already entered the Sima family's mansion.

Like Hummingbird, he is also a member of the New World Creation Project launched by Wuxiang Club.

The so-called New World Creation Project is to replace more than half of people, except the brain, with machines.

The guy named Hummingbird, whose real name is Kurumi Lika, her transformation is to embed a transplant chip in her brain, and only need to use thoughts to drive objects (of course, this is not like the power of thoughts can drive everything, but the control also has Wafer objects), an improved version of Seinfeld.

And his swordtail fish, Luyue Shiwu, uses an improved type called Mario Jet, that is, nano-materials are embedded in his skin, which can refract light at will. This is created by Arthur Shaner Ke finally successfully developed the strongest mechanized soldier ability.

Therefore, the tactics of swordtail fish are often to use their own optical camouflage to approach and kill the enemy.

Of course, in addition to the ability of optical camouflage, the body of the swordtail fish has strong nano-muscles made of carbon nanotubes and a self-healing Alloy spine. The way blood vessels stop bleeding.

These are monitored and adjusted by organic transistors installed in the body.

Swordtail Fish walked quickly in the Sima family's mansion, he ignored those guards who were already in a mess, not because of his good intentions, but because time was tight and these guys were not worth his hands.

What would happen if the two-winged swordtail fish, which had failed the goal of the four-winged Dark Stalker?

No one thinks that their status in the organization is too high.

Judging from the information they have, Tongzi and Sima Weizhi must be in the main house, and Sima Weizhi is also on the list of the Wuxiang Club, but it is not on the must-kill list.

Because Sima Heavy Industry has an extremely important position in the Tokyo area, if Sima Weizhi is assassinated at will, it is likely to bring unpredictable developments to the situation.

But now, there is no need to think so much.

Anyway, killing one is also killing, and killing two is also killing, it is better to kill them all.

Maybe the organization will reward itself.

The roaring tires wreaked havoc in the Sima family's mansion, completely destroying the quiet and elegant Japanese-style courtyard.

Swordtail fish ignored these, and he quickly walked into the main house.

Perhaps today is his lucky day, as soon as he entered the main house, he heard Sima's guard talking to Sima Weizhi.

Jianwei hurriedly followed, and it didn't take long before he found Tongzi and Sima Weizhi under the protection of Sima's guards.

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