As usual, after activating its own optical camouflage, the swordtail fish quickly approached the guard walking in the front, then swung his saber and chopped down.



The expected muffled sound of the saber cutting into the human body did not sound, but was replaced by the sound of steel colliding.

A long sword as black as ink blocked the swung saber.

But that's not all, in the next second the long sword easily split the saber and swung it through the air.

From the perspective of others, what they saw was that Tongzi suddenly appeared in front of the guards under attack, and then cut off the saber that appeared out of thin air with a sword, and finally swung it in the air.

But where the air should have been, a lot of blood spewed out, and then there was a violent flicker just like the bad signal of the old-fashioned TV before, and the last person emerged from the air like a puppet that lost its string , fell to the ground.

And before his body fell to the ground, his head fell to the ground uncontrollably, and his face still had an unbelievable expression.

Even before the swordtail fish died, he didn't understand how he died.

Chapter 212 Tenchu ​​is a Japanese specialty, you can't help but taste it


After killing the attacking killer, the guards continued to escort Tongzi and Sima Weizhi to the basement.

The basement is just below the main house, and after there was no interference from the killer, everyone quickly arrived at the door of the basement.

Sima Weizhi passed the fingerprint and iris detection, opened the door of the basement, Tongzi went in first, and after confirming that there were no enemies inside, let Sima Weizhi and the guards go in.

But Tongzi herself did not go in.

"Tongzijiang, aren't you with me?" Sima Weizhi took Tongzi's hand, "SAT will arrive soon, why not leave the enemies outside to them?"

Tongzi shook her head: "Sorry, most of these killers are targeting me, so it is my responsibility to deal with them. Don't worry, Weizhi, I will deal with all the enemies."

Tongzi watched the guard close the basement door, and then ran outside.

The gunfire continued, but compared to before, it had decreased a lot.

Since the opponent is a sent killer, and dares to take a frontal attack in a fair manner, the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated.

The walls on both sides of the passage continued to recede quickly in her field of vision, and it didn't take long for Tongzi to arrive at the place where the swordtail fish had been killed earlier.

There are still swordtail carcasses here.

Tongzi thought for a while, and threw the body of the swordtail fish into the treasure house of the king.

Now is not the time to find out what information this killer is carrying. After all this is over, let's slowly and carefully investigate.

She rushed out of the main house in three steps at a time. In the night wind blowing in front of her, there was an unpleasant smell of blood.

The fighting outside is still going on, but the sound of the fighting has been much quieter.

Tongzi was just about to walk towards the direction of the last sound, when suddenly, like the roar of a motorcycle engine, a tire the size of a Frisbee with sharp knives all over her body swooped towards her.

She grabbed the scabbard with her left hand and pushed it forward.

The scabbard collided violently with the speeding tires, roaring, and sparks flashed at the same time.

Tongzi pushed the tire back, the high-speed spinning tire scratched the ground, and then struck again with a roar.

But this time, what greeted it was no longer a scabbard, but a pitch-black long sword.

The high-speed spinning tire is neatly cut in half from the middle, including the engine mounted inside the tire.

The tire, which became two halves, slid past Tongzi's left and right sides, hitting the ground and splashing a handful of dust.

Is this the enemy?

She put away the sword and stepped forward to check it.

What fell on the ground was a tire-shaped machine that was cut in half and covered with blades. It should roughly be similar to the principle of a drone, but even a drone can be controlled by humans.

Kiriko looked at the blade on the tire that reflected the cold light even though it was cut in half.

As long as it is scratched a little bit, it is estimated that a large piece of flesh will be scraped off, not to mention that this thing is so fast, not everyone can draw the sword in time like Tongzi.

There is not so much time to waste, Tongzi was about to run towards the direction of the battle sound, but in the corner of her vision, she saw a little girl wearing a straw hat sending it towards her.

She wore a straw hat on her head, and she wore only a thin dress, with a pink bear doll on her chest.

This little girl... is Miori's younger sister?

As for whether it is a killer...

When seeing this little girl, Tongzi really didn't think about it.

According to the two-dimensional law, a person who looks so cute cannot be a killer.

"Sister, help me."

The straw hat girl seemed to be in a panic, she ran over quickly and threw herself into Tongzi's arms.

"Are you Unzhi's younger sister? Don't worry, it's fine. Your older sister is in the basement and needs me to take you through... eh?"

Tongzi was stunned, and the second half of the sentence stopped abruptly. She lowered her head in a daze, and saw a blade stabbing out of the bear puppet, stabbing her chest.

"Since you are here, it seems that the swordtail fish has already missed. It doesn't matter. I have completed the goal of even the dark stalker. I will definitely be able to be promoted to three... no, four wings." .”

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