"You... aren't you Weizhi's younger sister?"

"Ah? Haven't you realized it yet? Of course I'm not Weizhi's younger sister. Since you're about to die, I'll tell you my name," the straw hat girl leaned closer to Tongzi's ear and whispered A triumphant voice said, "Remember, the one who killed you was Hummingbird Kurumirika."

"So that's the case, then you should be one of the prisoners who attacked the Sima's mansion."

"That's right, at first I thought that to deal with you, you only need anyone between the swordtail fish and me. Although I don't know why the swordtail fish failed, but since both the swordtail fish and the dark stalker failed , then it marks me that hummingbirds are better killers than they are."

"Although I don't know who the dark stalker is, you are indeed stronger than that man who can hide, but that's all."

"What stupid things are you talking about now? Your heart has been hit by me. Even if it is the initiator, it is impossible to survive this part. Wait, how is it possible..."

Using her cute appearance to get close to the enemy, and then hide the blade in the teddy bear to kill with one blow, this is the assassination method of her hummingbird Kurume Lika.

She has succeeded many times, plus piercing a teddy bear with a knife and then stabbing a human body is different from directly stabbing a human body with a knife, and her ranking and status may improve after this assassination... …

All these factors were added together, so that she didn't check for a moment that the knife didn't penetrate at all, but was blocked by Tongzi's chest skin.

Before Hummingbird finished speaking, he felt two hands resting on his back.

It was like a lover's touch, but the hummingbird found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from her embrace.

The hummingbird suddenly felt the arm on its back gradually begin to increase its strength.

She began to feel pain in her chest.

Not only the chest cavity, bones, flesh and organs, these began to deform under the pressure from the outside, and screamed.

"Are... are you kidding me? How can you have such great strength? Shouldn't you be dying?"

A harmless smile appeared on Tongzi's face.

"Hummingbird, or Kuru Milika, it seems that you don't have enough information about me. If I'm not wrong, the dark stalker is the bastard who should sneak up on me during the day, right? You don't Curious, why didn't the dark stalker kill me?"

Hummingbird's previously smug expression suddenly froze.

"Are you... are you the initiator?"

Then she vetoed her opinion herself.

"No, that's not right...Even the initiator, it is impossible to survive the heart being pierced."

Tongzi's smile was very gentle, but she didn't speak.

"Don't underestimate me, bastard! Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

However, no matter how the hummingbird puts both hands on Tongzi's shoulders, trying to struggle away, or trying to stab Tongzi crazily with the bear puppet with the blade hidden inside...

To no avail.

The pressure from the back is getting heavier, and the hummingbird gradually begins to feel difficult to breathe.

Moreover, the feeling of being oppressed is transmitted to the inside of the body, gradually squeezing the internal organs of the body, causing them to be slowly squeezed into a ball of mud.

The hummingbird was breathing quickly, but no matter how much she panted, even if she used her mouth, the air that could enter her lungs was still not squeezed out.

But even in desperation, the hummingbird still did not give up.

Because she also harbors a secret trump card.

"I...my lovely familiar...prowler...prowler...kill...kill...her..."

There was the ear-piercing sound of a huge blade cutting through the floor, coming from far and near with a terrifying high-speed momentum.

The NECROPOLIS STRIDER, Hummingbird brought a total of two, one of which was just knocked down by Tongzi, and the other, under the control of the brain-computer interface (BMI) in her brain, secretly Came behind Tongzi.

At such a close distance, it is impossible for the opponent to make any effective evasive actions.

Hummingbird did guess right, but it wasn't because of the short distance, but because Kiriko's hands were holding Hummingbird, so she couldn't effectively cut the Prowler in half like the other one.

But she can do that.

Tongzi maintained the posture of hugging the hummingbird, turned around and kicked in a roundabout way.

What will be the consequences of the collision between the flesh and blood and the high-speed rotating killing machine covered with steel blades?

Anyone can guess it.

However, the following results exceeded the hummingbird's expectations.

In a blast of air, the blades on the high-speed rotating tires were broken, and the tires seemed to be hit by a huge force. They were squeezed and deformed inward, and then flew out at a faster speed. When they landed, they had already changed. It became a pile of broken parts.

Hummingbird's expression suddenly became dull with disbelief.

"Next, little sister, I have a lot of things I want to ask you."


"Who is responsible for the attack on the Sima family's mansion? The public security in the Tokyo area has fallen to this point overnight. Who is responsible for it? Next, we will invite Professor Shibata to analyze it in detail for us, and invite Professor Shibata."

The large-screen TV above the building was broadcasting a program about the attack on the Sima family's mansion the day before.

Many people stopped and looked up at the TV.

After all, the Sima family can be said to be the richest of the richest in the first district. People are more or less hostile to the rich. When they see people who are better off and richer than themselves, they suddenly fall into a big stumble. It would be a lie to say that you have no idea in your heart.

But Tongzi ignored the watching crowd, she drove a car and continued to drive towards the third district.

Her destination is the home of the father and son in the closet.

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