After returning to the twenty-eighth district yesterday, she interrogated Hummingbird Kurumirika.

The reason why it is called interrogation, not torture, is because Tongzi doesn't like torture.

She doesn't like to use this kind of excessively cruel method frequently.

Moreover, if you just want to pry the hummingbird's mouth open and get the information she knows, Tongzi has a better way.

She bought some veritaserum from Sima Heavy Industry, and then used her "decomposition" skill to turn the veritaserum into materials, and then used the "alchemy" skill to synthesize the veritaserum from the materials.

It seems that there is no difference, but after mastering the two great master skills of Tongzi, the effect of this veritaserum is the same as the veritaserum in the world of Harry Potter. Just a few drops can make the The user reveals the secrets deep inside.

After pinching the hummingbird's beak and forcing a few drops into her, the hummingbird honestly revealed all the information.

Hummingbird Kurumi Rika, swordtail fish Shishi Katake, and the dark stalker Miji Yukawa who used a sniper rifle to attack him on the road during the day...

They are two wings belonging to the Wuxiang Club.

The reason they want to kill Tongzi is very simple, it is because Tongzi is unwilling to join the Wuxiang Club.

What really shocked Tongzi was that Akuma Toshiro, his father Akuma Masa, and Zigaki Senichi, who used to be a housekeeper at Tendo's house, were also members of the Wuxiang Club.

When he came to persuade Tongzi before, Dulang in the cabinet had already shown himself the tattoo on his arm, which was three wings.

And he also mentioned that there are four wings in his father's cabinet. As for the person named Ziyuan Xianyi, Tongzi doesn't know him, but she knows that Ziyuan Xianyi is the housekeeper of Tiantong's family, and he was also the former Tiantong civilian security guard. Registrar of the company.

Moreover, this Ziyuan Xianyi and the cabinet are not ordinary.

He is five wings.

Five wings, what is this concept?

From the information provided by Hummingbird, Tongzi knew that the prime minister of the Osaka area next door, Qiwu Xuanzong, was also the five wings of the Wuxiang Association.

In other words, this Ziyuan Xianyi might plan to replace Sheng Tianzi and become the new head of state in the Tokyo area.

Originally, it had nothing to do with Tongzi who would replace whom.

But Tongzi still has a good impression of Sheng Tianzi.

Although Sheng Tianzi failed to change the tragic situation of the cursed son in the Tokyo area, nor could she change the hatred of the cursed son from the plundered generations, but at least she was trying to do that.

This is much better than being unwilling to do a lot, or comforting the superior with reality.

And Sheng Tianzi couldn't change these things, it wasn't her fault, it could only be said that her rule was too weak, named Sheng Tianzi, her power was almost emptied, she wanted to do something but couldn't do anything.

It is said that the falling phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken, especially a big man like Sheng Tianzi, once he is replaced, the tragic consequences are almost predictable.

In addition to Shengtianzi, there is another important reason, that is, Wuxianghui sent Tongzi a killer.

So this is another reason why Wuxiang Club cannot be let go.

Tongzi has never believed in repaying grievances with virtue and convincing others with virtue. She only believes in this sentence——

Repay grievances directly and repay virtue by virtue.

Ark Jian Dulang's father, Ak Jian Zheng, is the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, but the salaries of Japanese civil servants are not high enough to allow them to buy a house in the first district, not even the police chief.

Therefore, the father and son in the cabinet live in the third district.

This is the house in front of me.

Tongzi parked the car on the side of the road and looked at the villa with a yard in the distance.

Originally, before the gastrulation war, the housing prices in Tokyo were already very expensive, and after the war, the housing prices in the Tokyo area were only high or low.

The closer to the central area, the more expensive the house price is. The place where the father and son live in the cabinet is the third district, and the house price is even more expensive than that in Beijing's third ring road.

Think about it, on the premise that the housing price is so high that people can jump off a building, the father and son in the cabinet can still buy a villa in the third district...

It seems that being a cadre in the Wuxiang Association really makes a lot of money.

Tongzi opened the car door and got out of the car, but at this time she was not dressed in the usual black windbreaker, but in a ronin suit.

That's right, it's not her Tongzi who is going to execute Tianzhu next, but the Linghe patriot who cares about the country and the people.

Chapter 213


He was wearing the most common ronin uniform of that era, with two knives, one long and one short, on his waist, and a bamboo hat on his head. The curtain hanging down from the bamboo hat perfectly covered his face.

With her rogue attire and the license plate with no such number, even if she was tracked down afterwards, she would not be able to be traced.

Under the weird eyes of others, she walked straight towards the father and son's house in the closet.

Although the father and son in the cabinet are high-ranking officials of the Metropolitan Police Department, for the sake of influence, there is still no guard at home, but the anti-theft facilities are probably complete.

So Tongzi didn't go through the main entrance at all, she climbed over the wall and entered the yard directly.

The gate of the villa is a very strong anti-theft door. This is not something that the folks can open, but a real anti-theft door. It is the king of thieves. It is not so easy to open this door.

But Tongzi has a better solution, which is to kick the anti-theft door open.

To Tongzi's surprise, in the lobby on the first floor of the villa, not only the cabinet father and son, but also Miji Yuhe and Ziyuan Xianyi were also there, and at this time they were playing mahjong around a table.

When they heard the movement at the door, several people turned their heads subconsciously. When they saw Tongzi walking out of the set of a period drama, they were all taken aback.

"Mr. Cabinet, have you arranged a show for the fun?" Ziyuan Xianyi joked.

The reason why Ziyuan Xianyi and Si Jiyouhe appeared at the home of the father and son in the cabinet was because the father and son in the cabinet had already learned through intelligence that Tongzi and Sima Weizhi were not dead. Not only that, even hummingbirds and swordtail fish Lost contact.

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