Although the hummingbird and the swordtail fish are only two wings, they also know some internal information of the Wuxiang Society. At least they know the identity of the father and son in the cabinet and the identity of Ziyuan Xianyi.

What the father and son in the cabinet are most worried about is that the hummingbird and the swordtail fish have been bought by the other party—although this should be unlikely, but it does not mean that it is absolutely impossible—so they invited Ziyuan Xianyi and Ji Ji Yu He came over and discussed what to do next while playing mahjong.

But before they reached a conclusion, the anti-theft door of their home was kicked open.

"Who are you, get out of here!" Zheng Zheng shouted suddenly after his complexion changed.

Those who can kick open the anti-theft door are definitely not ordinary people, at least they are transformed humans like the killers of the Wuxiang Club.

So here comes the question, what is a suspected modified human being who suddenly kicked open the door of your house?

Could it be aid (sensitive word) dating?

"At first I thought there were only three wings and four wings (referring to the father and son in the cabinet), but I didn't expect five wings (Zigaki Xianyi) and the previous four wings (Siji Yuhe) were also there. My luck seems to be That's pretty cool."

Tongzi let the grandson of the sage control himself, making the sound of a cold killer.

And as soon as she said these words, the air froze immediately.

" do you are you?"

Du Lang stood up in shock.

The other three also showed shocked expressions.

"Who am I, you don't have to worry about it, anyway, you will soon become dead."

"Hmph, what a big talk, Mr. Si Ji, please."

"Although I don't know who you are, but since you already know our identities, we can't keep you alive. Don't blame me."

Si Jiyouhe stood up slowly.

As the four wings of the former Wuxiang Club, Sijiyouhe has a total of two powers.

One is the Niichi-style Kai improved by the Niichi-style Black Brain Stone Prosthetic Eye. Compared with the old model of Satomi Rentaro, the basic performance has been greatly improved, and it is designed to be a model that can instantly kill Satomi Rentaro.

And unlike Satomi Rentaro's old model, it still retains eyesight even when it is not activated (Note ①).

The second ability of Miji Yuhe is the super-vibration device equipped with a close-up weapon. This super-vibration device can greatly increase the power of striking techniques, and even the internal organs can be easily destroyed. Equipped with this close-up weapon If so, even ordinary people can easily defeat martial arts masters.

This ability, he named the Faro Orchestra.

Although he doesn't have any weapons in his hands, as long as he touches that ronin of unknown origin, he can guarantee that the other party will look fine like all the targets he has killed before, but the internal organs in the body will be damaged. It was directly stirred into a ball of mud and turned into a corpse.

Siji Yuhe jumped up from the ground, and jumped over the cabinet father and son and Ziyuan Xianyi with a posture that ordinary people cannot reach. Mysterious and complex geometric patterns appeared in his eyes, and he was in the Eryi style black body stone. After the prosthetic eye modification is activated, what kind of posture the opposite ronin will take, whether to defend or avoid, he can calculate whether she is defending or avoiding from the state of the opponent's muscle force.

Sijiyouhe's 0.2-style black body stone prosthetic eye modification has almost predicted the future. At the same time, after the prosthetic eye is activated, Sijiyouhe's thinking and calculation speed will reach an astonishing one hundredth of a second. In such a short period of time Observe and take action, even the human muscle reaction speed will exceed the limit of [-] seconds.

With just one blow, Si Jiyouhe can guarantee that he can destroy the opponent's internal organs with only one blow.

In Miji Yuhe's eyes, the ronin put his hand on the handle of the long knife at his waist, making a gesture of intending to draw it.

Is it Iai?

Si Jiyouhe smiled slightly.

Through his own two-one style to change the black body and stone prosthetic eyes, Si Jiyouhe has perfectly judged the trajectory of the opponent's knife, the distance to step forward, and the best distance to dodge.

But Sijiyouhe didn't intend to avoid it.

What he likes most, Ji Yuhe, is to break through the enemy's most proud move from the front.

He wants to use his own Faroese orchestral music, together with the opponent's weapon, to kill the opponent.

Ronin drew his sword out of its sheath, just as Si Jiyouhe had calculated, the trajectory of the opponent's sword had already been understood by him, and then he only needed to put his hand on it, and then...

An object flew out with splashing blood, and Si Jiyouhe only felt a light touch on his hand.

He stared blankly at his severed hand that kept gushing out blood. Even with the blessing of the Eryi Form Changing Heishin Stone Prosthetic Eye, his thinking speed has reached a level that is absolutely impossible for ordinary people, but he still did not Can react.

No, it's not so much that he didn't react, but that his brain refused to accept the information sent to his brain.

"No...impossible, this must be a lie..."

Even with the blessing of Eryishi Kaiheijinshi prosthetic eye, Siji Youhe can even see the platelets gushing out from his severed hand, but his brain still refuses to accept the information.

Just now, his hand came into contact with the long knife swung by the opponent, and the Faro orchestra played. It was supposed to shatter the opponent's long knife, the arm holding the knife and the internal organs of the body, but in the end, his hand was crushed. cut off.

In the eyes of those who don't know, it's like hitting the blade on purpose when you can avoid it.

Why... why did it become like this?

Why didn't the Faroese Orchestra play a role?

Fortunately, Siji Youhe didn't need to worry about this anymore, because Tongzi's next knife cut off his head cleanly and neatly.

The blood bloomed into bright red flowers in the air, cold and gorgeous.

Originally, when Sijiyouhe came out, the father and son in the cabinet and Ziyuan Xianyi looked like they were drinking tea and watching a play, but when Sijiyouhe's hand was cut off by Tongzi, they were all stunned .

Although they are all cadres of the Wuxiang Club who are more senior than Sijiyouhe, they don't know Sijiyouhe's ability. In their eyes, it seems that Sijiyouhe stretched out his hand deliberately to be chopped Yes, and after his arm was cut off, Siji Youhe stood there stupidly and let the other party wipe his neck.

But compared to the other two, Ziyuan Xianyi quickly got up and ran towards the inside of the house with agility that didn't match his aged appearance at all.

The father and son in the cabinet only reacted after Zi Yuanxian ran out.

But the father and son had no chance to escape, Tongzi caught up with each other and stabbed each other, and two big heads fell.

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