At this time, Ziyuan Xianyi just ran to the door of the basement. It was not the first time he had come to the cabinet house, and he knew the layout of the cabinet house very well.

He is a very self-aware man, that's why he can become the five wings of the Wuxiang Club. He knows that it is absolutely impossible for him to run past that unidentified ronin, so the only possibility of survival is to hide Into the basement.

The door to the basement is made of a special material that even plastic explosives and RPGs cannot destroy. It will definitely be able to block the opponent. As long as you hide in yourself, you will be safe.

However, just as Ziyuan Xianyi arrived at the entrance of the basement, before he could even catch his breath, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and his body fell down uncontrollably and fell heavily on the ground.

It was only then that Zi Yuan Xianyi noticed that there was a huge wound on his thigh at some point. This wound was so huge that he could almost see the white bones from the torn wound.


Both snot and tears flowed down, mixed together, and it was even difficult to tell which was snot and which was tears.

He turned his head tremblingly, and then he saw it.

The ronin stood there.

At some point, the curtain covering the face was lifted, revealing the face under the bamboo hat. To Zi Yuanxian's surprise, it was a very young and lovely girl.

There was a smile on her face that was supposed to make people feel refreshed, but in the eyes of Ziyuan Xianyi, it was like a smile of an evil ghost.

She walked towards Immortal Zi Yuan unhurriedly, her steps were very graceful, giving people a pleasing feeling.

"Xianyi Ziyuan, the five wings of the Wuxiang Club, do you have anything else to say?"

Ziyuan Xianyi's lips trembled and trembled, he knew that even if he got up to open the door as fast as he could, it would definitely be too late.

"You...what do you want?" So Ziyuan Xianyi could only adjust his sitting posture to make himself more comfortable, although the continuous bleeding on his thigh made Ziyuan Xianyi feel uncomfortable at all.

"Wealth? Power? Or a woman... a man? It doesn't matter, as long as you tell me, I can give it to you."

However, Kiriko's answer was to shake her head.

"Do you want to? Or do you think my asking price is too low? If you want, I can even recommend you to become the five wings of our Wuxiang Club...Since... since you know about our Wuxiang Club, then you You should also know, in our Wuxiang Association, what do the five wings represent? When you have a chance in the future, you may even be able to directly control a country."

Immortal Ziyuan threw out the offer that ordinary people would never be able to refuse, even if he refused, he would definitely fall into the temptation of hesitation, but to his disappointment again, Tongzi still shook his head without hesitation.

"Then what do you want? Tell me, and I can give you everything."

"There is only one thing I want, and only you can satisfy me with this kind of thing."


As soon as Zi Yuanxian opened his mouth, the ronin girl disappeared from the stairs like a ghost and appeared in front of him.

But before he had time to react, he was knocked out by Tongzi, tied into a four-horse posture, and thrown into the king's treasury.

Tongzi returned to the hall, dipped in the blood from the dead father and son in the closet, and then wrote the two big characters "Tianzhu" in the most conspicuous place of the hall, and then climbed over the wall from the place where she came in out.

It's just because she climbed over the wall and entered the father and son's villa in the closet, which caused the witnesses around to call the police, so when Tongzi came out, she could already hear the siren approaching.

Without saying a word, Tongzi rushed directly to her car parked on the side of the road, then started the car and sped towards the outer area.

On the way to the outskirts, she was surrounded by (sensitive word) police (sensitive word) cars. Because of the vast surveillance network and police force, the police can predict the direction and route of Tongzi's escape, and then pre-plan in this direction. Deploy police forces to facilitate containment.

But these policemen who surrounded her did not cause her much trouble. In the autopilot mode of the grandson of the sage, Tongzi seemed to be possessed by Fujiwara Bunta, easily throwing off the policemen, and finally successfully entered the outer area.

There is no surveillance in the outer area, so after letting Tongzi enter the outer area, it means that the police have completely lost control of Tongzi.Tongzi put the car away, and then found a relatively solid building in the depths of the outer area as a temporary base.

The police who followed Tongzi also blocked the outer area and sent police force to the outer area.

It's just that because there is no surveillance, the search efficiency of the police is very low. They can only use the most stupid method, which is a carpet search, searching inch by inch.

Tongzi, who was hiding in the depths for the time being and didn't need to worry about being found soon, threw Ziyuan Xianyi out of the king's treasure house.

Then without giving him any chance to speak, Tongzi directly gave him a shot of Veritaserum.




?? Remarks ①: It is mentioned in the original book that Satomi Rentaro's prosthetic eye cannot see when it is not activated, but Mitsui Yukawa's can.

Chapter 214 The Headquarters of the Wuxiang Club and the Black Swan Project


As expected of a five-winged bird, Senichi Zigaki possesses much more information than the two-winged hummingbird Kurumi Rika.

First of all, it is about the five wings of the top cadres of the Wuxiang Association.

The five wings are the highest level existence of the Wuxiang Club, and can be said to be the head of the Wuxiang Club.

And Zigaki Xianichi, as the housekeeper of Tendo's house, has been by Tendo Kikunojo's side for so many years, and has never been discovered, and the reason why he gave them a lot of love when Satomi Rentaro and Tendoki left Tendo's house The reason why he helped and took good care of them, and at the same time, he was clearly a loyal servant of the Tendo family, but he did not hinder Tendo Kigeng's idea of ​​revenge at all——

It was he who wanted to use the hand of Tendo Kisara to eradicate Tendo Kikunojo.

Although the Tiantong family is a behemoth in the political world, this behemoth is actually supported by the big tree of Tiantong Kikunojo. As long as the Tiantong Juzhicheng is removed, the Tiantong family will inevitably fall.

In addition to the old fox Zigaki Senichi, the president of the Osaka area, Qiwu Xuanzong, the deputy prime minister of the Hokkaido area, Juzoji Tsukihiko, and the cabinets of Hakata and Sendai, all have five members of the Wusho Association. wing.

Among them, Rhodes Island is the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club.

Rhode Island was originally a state of the United States, but after the Gastrea War, the United States was broken into thirteen regions. Like Japan, these thirteen regions are also independent countries.

At present, the Wuxiang Society is slowly controlling Rhodes Island with its claws, and extending to other countries besides Rhodes Island.

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