Do not make jokes.

This thing can shatter the inside of a Gastrea, but a Gastrea with a regeneration level of four or higher can regenerate even if it loses most of its internal organs. If you want to kill it, you need to destroy it without leaving any residue...

Can the so-called ultra-vibration device do this?

Not to mention that there are even more terrifying gastroenterates with regeneration level five.

It doesn't even need such a strong gastrula to go out, just a large number of low-level gastrula that are resistant to chrysalis, and it is enough to enclose the Sijiyou River.

You can't use bullets, and you can't use grenades. It's just a super vibration device. How many times can Si Jiyouhe use it?

I'm afraid it won't be grinded to death by a group of miscellaneous fish.


After experiencing so many worlds, Tongzi has always felt that the trash king in the world of Dunyong is the most mentally retarded.

But now, Tongzi found that she was still too naive.

She found that compared with the top cadres of the Wuxiang Association, the Garbage King is simply the rare Tianshan Snow Lotus.

Tongzi really couldn't believe what kind of group of top cadres of the Wuxiang Club would come up with such a deadly plan as the Black Swan Project.

Finally, Senichi Zigaki also told Tongzi that the Wuxiang Society plans to set up a secret base in the outskirts of the Tokyo area to study gastritis that are resistant to chrysanthemums.

Scheduled to be scheduled for a week later.

Then there is nothing to say.

Tongzi directly wiped the neck of Ziyuan Xianyi who was useless, then used her mobile phone to surf the Internet and booked a ticket to Rhodes Island.

Ziyuan Xianyi's body is left here, and there is no special need to deal with it.

It doesn't matter if you get caught by the police.

And it was easy for Tongzi to hide in the outlying area, and it was easy for those policemen who carefully carried out a carpet search, and she returned to the twenty-eighth area easily.

She handed over the management of the twenty-eighth district to the president of the original Wutang civil security company that she merged with me some time ago. This old man regards himself as a warrior and values ​​the glory and loyalty of warriors more than anything else. Heavy.

Now all the work in the twenty-eighth district needs to be carried out step by step. Let my headmaster be the agent, but I don't want a situation where there is no leader.

As for Tiantongmu, when he heard that Tongzi was leaving the twenty-eighth district and handed over the acting role to my head teacher Zheng Zheng, he ran over to bother Tongzi, hoping that Tongzi would hand over the acting role to her.

And Tongzi said that it was impossible to hand it over to this woman with big breasts and no brains.

There are many strong women among women, and it turns out that these strong women do better than men.

But Tiantongmu is definitely not one of them, she will only lower their lower limit.

Let Tiantong Mugeng manage the twenty-eighth district, and Tongzi is not the lecherous Satomi Rentaro, so she is not fooled to that point.


The next day, Tongzi flew to Rhodes Island by plane.

There are basically only two options for transportation between countries in the world, air and sea, because land roads and railways generally lack repairs, and the environment in unexplored areas is complex, and there are many gastratus on land, land transportation is basically used. abandoned.

But even the air/sea route is not absolutely safe, because it is possible to encounter air/marine gastritis, so it needs to be escorted by fighter jets/warships.

From this, it can also be expected how expensive air tickets/ship tickets are in this world.

It was already afternoon when I walked out of the airport in Rhodes Island.

Feeling a little hungry, I plan to eat something first.

Tongzi also didn't understand, she was already so strong, why did she still need to eat, why did she poop?

Why can't the inhaled air be transformed into the energy necessary for the body?

As for substances that are harmful to the body, it turns into a burst of pink smoke, like farting?

Unable to understand, Tongzi flagged down a taxi outside the airport, and then asked the driver to take him to the best Italian restaurant here with the most fluent American accent.

As expected of an Italian restaurant abroad, the taste of this pasta is authentic.

There was also an Italian fast food restaurant in the small county where she lived in her previous life, but the pasta was made from southern rice noodles, mixed with tomato sauce and other messy things. For young couples who want to pretend.

The pity is that it is obvious that Tongzi is a single dog and has been deceived.

Spaghetti with iced cola, perhaps only people like Tongzi who live in a dead house in their hearts will choose such a combination that is neither nutritious nor stylish.

But Tongzi just ate it with relish.

Eat and drink enough, call the waiter, check out, and go out.

When she was standing at the door, the transparent automatic sensor door slid open to both sides, she stepped out and went over the information she had questioned from Ziyuan Xianyi again in her mind.

Her memory is not very good, but thanks to the gift of the grandson of the sage, everything she sees, hears, and touches can be recorded by the grandson of the sage, and she can let the grandson of the sage Sun called out again to understand and observe.

According to the information provided by Ziyuan Xianyi, the headquarters of the Wuxiang Club is located underground in the outer area of ​​Rhodes Island. In addition to the main entrance and exit, there are more than ten backup escape exits.

At the beginning, Tongzi's idea was to temporarily paralyze Rhodes Island's power grid, so that the backup escape exit of the Wuxiang Club headquarters would not be available.

At that time, Tongzi will enter through the main entrance and exit, and Wuxiang will not be able to escape from the cadres to the staff inside.

But then Tongzi vetoed the idea.

Because Ziyuan Xianyi said that the headquarters of the Wuxiang Association has an independent power system, and the paralysis of the power grid in Rhodes Island will not affect the headquarters of the Wuxiang Association.

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