Then we can only find a way to...


Tongzi was thinking, when suddenly something hit her from behind.




Remark ①: In the original book, Wuxiang Club was indeed studying the Black Swan Project. In the end, this project was terminated because Rentaro Satomi destroyed the branch in the Tokyo area. This should have been a happy ending.

It's a pity that before the victory came, another loli died trying to save Satomi Rentaro.

That's why the previous article repeatedly said that Satomi Rentaro had a Crowley face.

Chapter 215 I, Tongzi, Not a Lolicon


She was fine, but behind her was the sound of something falling to the ground, and a scream.

She turned around and saw a little girl lying on the ground, and beside her was a fallen bicycle. The wheels of the bicycle were still spinning, but the front of the bicycle seemed to have hit the armor of a battleship or an aircraft carrier, and it was strongly squeezed. traces of pressure.

The little girl was only about eight or nine years old. Her beautiful blond hair was disheveled and drooping listlessly. She was wearing a brown detective uniform with an obvious British style. Of course, this detective uniform was now covered with Dirty dust.

The detective hat that was supposed to be on his head fell to the ground, and because Tongzi turned around, Tongzi accidentally stepped on his feet, making a popping sound.

What was exposed under the detective uniform was the legs wrapped in black stockings. One of the brown leather shoes was still on, and the other flew out and was crushed by a speeding truck on the road.

"Woo, it hurts..."

Even though he said so, it was more like unconscious raving, because the detective loli's eyes were always closed.

Cycling with eyes closed, and maybe sleepwalking, no wonder you hit yourself standing on the sidewalk.

"Hey, wake up."

Kiriko squatted down, grabbed detective Lori's shoulders with both hands, and shook her.

Under Tongzi's shaking, detective Lori slowly opened her eyes.

"Woo, my ass hurts, what did you do to me?"

"It's not what I did to you, it's you just bumped into me."

"That's really right... zzzzz..."

Detective Loli lowered her head to apologize to Tongzi, and the words of apology were muttered behind her, keeping her head down.

"I can't stand it anymore. What the hell did this kid do last night? Did he have so much homework to finish? No, would the children in the general family wear this cos***y outfit?"

Feeling helpless, Tongzi had to shake the other party awake again.

Even after being shaken awake, Detective Loli did not fully wake up, her eyelids were still drooping, and it seemed that she might fall again at any moment, and her sitting body was shaking slightly.

She opened her sleepy eyes, looked at Tongzi, her small lips twitched: "Who are you?"

Tongzi replied blankly.

"Your long-lost mother."

"Please don't joke."

"You know it's a joke, okay, get up, it's cold sitting on the ground."

Tongzi put her hands under Detective Loli's arms, trying to hug her.

But the latter's face quickly turned pale with pain.

"what happened?"

Tongzi quickly put the opponent down again.

"The foot... hurts, it's sprained..."

Detective Loli said pointing to her feet tearfully.

"Let me be healthy."

Tongzi quickly took off the stockings wrapped around Detective Loli's legs. The whole process was very skillful, and she did not involve Detective Loli's leg injury again because of taking off the stockings.

She could see that there was a very conspicuous redness and swelling on Detective Loli's fair and delicate legs.

It should have been injured when he fell down after bumping into Tongzi while riding a bicycle.

Tongzi took out a bottle of healing potion, poured out a little, poured it on her hand, and then began to slowly apply it to the red and swollen area in a clockwise direction.

At first, Detective Lori felt pain because of Tongzi's movements, but soon, the pain disappeared.


Detective Loli blinked in disbelief, looking at the red and swollen place just now, the swelling has subsided so quickly, and it's as if it has never been hurt.

"How the hell is this done?"

Tongzi smiled, but didn't answer.

In fact, this bottle of her healing potion is nothing. Relatively speaking, the healing potion of the Bone King is miraculous.

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