Not only wounds, but even cut clothes can be restored.

"Okay, be more careful when riding in the future, don't do this again, you know? It's very dangerous."

After Tongzi told detective Lori, she planned to leave.

After all, she is not a lolicon, so how could she want to do unnecessary things.


The crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling emits soft white light, and reflects warm light on the wooden walls and floors.

The guests in this restaurant are all well-dressed people, no one is making loud noises, and everyone is whispering, for fear of disturbing others.

On the table in front of Tongzi, there was a bottle of drink.

The main courses are smoked salmon, puff pastry cream of mushroom soup, fried fish in tartar sauce, steak Wellington.

In addition to the main course, there is a vegetable salad with vinaigrette, as well as pudding and black tea with peach slices for dessert.

Looking at the sumptuous food on the table, Tongzi didn't do anything, but smiled at the detective Lori sitting next to her.

"Eat it quickly, or it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Is it really edible?"

When she was brought to this shop by Tongzi, detective Lori refused at first.

Because this store does not look like a place where ordinary people can spend money from the decoration and appearance alone.

Although Detective Lori has a part of the funds for activities, but the funds can only be used when necessary. If it is used in an unnecessary situation like this, if her master finds out, she will definitely reprimand herself severely. of.

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of coaxing children, so it's true."

Hearing what Tongzi said, detective Loli stretched out her hand, and moved the plate of Wellington steak on the table to her face, then picked up the knife and fork, forked it and cut it with the knife.

Detective Lori's way of cutting steak is not elegant, she should be the same as Kiriko, and she has not received the etiquette instruction in this area-although it can be guessed at most.

It's just that while cutting, Detective Loli's head began to hang down again, the arm cutting the steak also slowed down significantly, and her eyes were tightly closed.

Tongzi was really helpless to her.

Tongzi had no choice but to move a chair, sit next to her, and took the steak, knife and fork from her hands.

He cut off a piece, forked it with a fork, and handed it to her.

"Open your mouth."

Detective Loli's mouth was indeed open, but her eyes were closed, and there was still saliva at the corner of her mouth, accompanied by a snoring sound.

As soon as Tongzi stuffed the steak into her mouth, the latter immediately woke up with a "woooooooo" and jumped up.

After realizing that nothing happened, she sat back down a little embarrassedly.

"If you're really sleepy, how about I take you back, where is your home?"

"it does not matter."

She shook her head vigorously, then took out a small medicine bottle from the pocket of the detective suit.

There is an English label on the bottle of this medicine bottle. Tongzi’s English is only about two to three levels, but with the help of the grandson of the sage, Tongzi understands it. The medicine bottle is a refreshing medicine. The role of coffee (sensitive word) coffee (sensitive word) tablets.

Detective Lori unscrewed the lid, and poured out more than a dozen white medicine (sensitive word) tablets at once, unlike Tongzi who expected to put most of the medicine (sensitive word) tablets back. Too many white pills (sensitive words) were stuffed into his mouth in one gulp, and he just chewed without drinking water.

"Hey, is it really okay for you to take so much medicine?"

"It's okay, because I don't have energy during the day if I don't take medicine."

After taking the medicine, Detective Lori has indeed improved a lot. Although she still looks a little depressed, at least she no longer falls asleep all the time like before.

"Okay, then you are full first, and I will take you back after eating."

Tongzi pushed the plate and knife and fork back in front of Detective Lori.


Detective Lori was stunned, she stared at Tongzi in a daze.

"What kind of eyes do you have? I'm not a lolicon, and I won't be happy feeding Lolita."

Detective Loli had to cut the beef with a knife and fork a little unhappy.

Is it a child after all, I didn't know him before, but just because of my little act of kindness, did I treat myself as a kind big sister?

When Tongzi was thinking this way, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Dengdengdeng! Dengdengdeng! Dengdengdeng! (Remark ①)"

Tongzi picked up the phone and looked, it was called by the Son of Heaven.

She looked around and felt that it was not convenient to answer here.


"You eat here first, I will come back after I go out for a while."

Detective Loli, who was still happily eating the steak, turned pale all of a sudden, like a puppy who learned that she was about to be discarded.

Although she can't afford to pay for this meal, but when she goes back, if the master finds out that she spent so much money just for the meal...

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