She didn't dare to think about the consequences.

"Don't worry, I'll be back."

Kiriko, who could tell what Lori was thinking just by looking at her expression, took out some yen and put them on the table.

Because Japan in this world is the main exporter of chrysanthemum, the Japanese Yen is relatively in circulation and can be directly used as the local currency.

For some reason, the behavior of putting money on the table made Tongzi feel weird, but she couldn't tell why it was weird.

After she touched Loli's hat, she went out through the back door of the restaurant and came to the alley behind the restaurant.

At this time, the phone had automatically hung up, and Tongzi dialed back directly.

Not long after, Sheng Tianzi's voice came from the phone.

"Miss Tong, did something happen to you? Why did it take you so long to pick it up?"

Tongzi leaned against the wall of the alley. The alley was quite clean. She noticed that even if there was a trash can, the lid of the trash can was well covered, and there was no garbage scattered around.

"Oh, it's nothing, you don't need to worry about it. Miss Shengtianzi, you called here specially. Is there something urgent?"

"'s really nothing, Miss Tong, I heard that you have gone abroad?"

"Yes, I'm in Rhode Island now."

"Why did you suddenly think of going to North America?"

"I heard that a pharmaceutical research and development company here is recruiting talents to deal with the 'ore disease'. Don't look at me like this, I have also been a commander/admiral/captain/master/onmyoji/summoner , I saved Eorzea, and I was there when Sylvanas burned the tree. I did the 98K that dozens of homosexuals robbed on an isolated island. I have visited all the shops in the Citadel. Does Duwakyin know? I'm joking with her."

After Tongzi finished speaking, Sheng Tianzi spoke after a while.

"...Miss Tong is really amazing."

The pause ahead is really spiritual.

"Then when will you be back?"

I don't know if it was Tongzi's illusion, but she felt a little nervous when she heard Sheng Tianzi's tone.

"Probably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it won't be too long."

At this time, she seemed to hear Sheng Tianzi heaving a sigh of relief.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

"Don't worry? Why don't you worry?"

Sheng Tianzi's tone became flustered again.

"Ah? That... no no no no... nothing, I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first."

Listening to the beeping busy tone coming from the phone, Tongzi felt a little baffled.

Did you call here just because of some irrelevant remarks?

I feel that the Son of Heaven is really lazy.


Returning to the restaurant, Detective Lori is still in the restaurant, but she has finished her steak Wellington and is dealing with smoked salmon.

With so much food, it was impossible for Detective Lori to eat it all by herself, so the waiter helped pack the rest.

Tongzi carried the packed food and led detective Loli out of the restaurant.

"Where is your home, I'll take you back."

"No, thank you, sister, what's your name?"

"Me, just call me Tongzi."

"Then I'll give my name too, Tina Sprund."

"Tina? It's a pretty good name."

Tongzi had played an online game called "The Sealer" before, and there was a character named Tina in it.

It can be said that it was because of Tina that she played that game for a long time.

"Do you need me to call a cab for you, Tina?"

"No, my apartment is not far from here, just walk back."

"Really? That's it, goodbye."

Tongzi put the packed food into Tina's hands, touched her hat with a smile, and when she was about to leave like this, Tina stopped her suddenly.

"Wait... please wait a moment."

"What, is there anything else?"

"Is sister Tong a local?"

"I usually live in the Tokyo area, which is where the headquarters of the strongest legal department in the Eastern Hemisphere is located... Wait, no, the headquarters of the strongest legal department seems to be in Kyoto... Well, they are all in the island (sensitive word) country anyway. It’s within the border.”

"Sister Tong is 'take over and you die'?"

"No, I'm 'kick you to death'."

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